Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics

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This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies. 

A detailed Contents listing of this article with each category of disease and related graphs appears after the Introduction.


The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water.  Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research:

In addition to the extensive static graphs below, the following superb BBC FOUR broadcast by Professor Hans Rosling shows how health improved in step with wealth over the last 200 years200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers – in just four minutes:

Measles mortality graphs are enlightening [more below] and contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines have saved millions of lives.  It is an unscientific claim which the data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil damages for administering them.Measles Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

The success of the City of Leicester, England was remarkable in reducing smallpox mortality substantially compared to the rest of England and other countries by abandoning vaccination between 1882 and 1908 [see more below].

This contrasts how the drug industry has turned each child in the world into a human pin-cushion profit centre.

You might think the following graph is some support for the success of diphtheria vaccination [see blue line]:-

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

England & Wales Diphtheria Mortality 1901 to 1999

England & Wales Diphtheria Mortality 1901 to 1999

Notice how overall infant mortality was unaffected [green and purple lines].  And two official sources of data have been used to ensure there is no doubt.  Records show most children went unvaccinated until well after the major fall.  At least half the children under 10 years of age had not been vaccinated prior to 1946.  The fall could not be attributable to vaccine “herd immunity” [for diphtheria this is claimed to require 80-85% vaccine coverage: Herd immunity-concepts of control UK Health Protection Agency].

To account for the fall in diphtheria mortality [blue graph line] one must look elsewhere for the cause.

The vaccination campaign was launched at the end of 1940 but got underway in 1941.  By the end of 1941 “36 percent of school age children had been immunised but only about 19 percent of the younger children: British Journal of Nursing October 1948 p121. It was only after the large fall, that in 1946-47 there was a “catch-up” diphtheria vaccination campaign. 969,000 children under 5 years of age were vaccinated and 272,000 children aged 5-15.  The total of 1,241,000 was nearly one third greater than the total number of children born in the 7 years 1938-1945, [which was 956,724 births]: Recent trends in the incidence of multiple births and associated mortality Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1987, 62, 941-950.

So what could account for this seemingly dramatic fall? The introduction of free school milk [eg. vitamin A etc], subsidised meals and free medical inspections for all children in state education need to be considered as the most likely and most serious contenders in the light of our knowledge about the effect of improved nutrition on health.

So what this also of course means is that health officials promote vaccination against diphtheria when the vaccination appears most unlikely as a cause of the decline in diphtheria.  This also means that medical knowledge about basic diseases is seriously flawed and has not advanced in this respect since at least 1940.  This is an issue of who knows best?  This information suggests doctors and health officials do not seem to know at all.

If you are angry and feel you have been lied to, you are justified.  But there is worse.

Do vaccines cause autistic conditions?  If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News].  In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson in response to her question about how many cases had been compensated by the US government in which a vaccine-injured child developed autistic symptoms:

We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

Despite all the lies and deceit by health official worldwide, the question “do vaccines cause autism” was answered after the Hannah  Poling story broke in the USA in February 2008 [see CHS article here].  Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day.  Under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. [Blue Text added 10 April 2011]

The financial markets have known for 20 years and more the pharmaceutical industry’s blockbuster patented drugs business model would eventualy fail.  We now see the Bill Gates’ type business model emerging – almost everyone has Windows software on their PC – almost everyone will be vax’ed.  Gates quickly became a multi-billionaire.  With vastly more people to vaccinate than computers requiring software the lure of money is many times greater. All this whilst we watch as childhood prevalence of asthma, allergies, autism, diabetes and more have increased exponentially as the vaccines have been introduced.

Can “vaccinatable” diseases “return” despite vaccination?  Yes.  If you are too poorly nourished your body is likely to lack essential nutrients needed to maintain its immune system sufficiently to withstand disease.  This will happen regardless of how many vaccinations you have had.  This was experienced in Eastern Europe following the collapse of the old Soviet Bloc and the economic chaos which ensued, leaving many in great poverty.

For the same reason vaccines do not “work” and “save” lives in impoverished African and other third world economies.  The majority of third world child deaths still occur despite vaccination.  These children need proper food, clean water to drink and wash in and sanitation.  We give them vaccines instead.

These third world children die because we have vaccines.  In the 21st Century, despite all the claims made about modern science, we have no effective treatments for common basic childhood diseases.

It has been estimated vaccines prevent 25% of the deaths of these children, so 75% still die.  If there were effective treatments we could save their lives.

We have no effective treatments because there is no incentive for the drug industry and every incentive for them not to develop them.  The World Health Organisation and our health departments worldwide, in thrall to and under the influence of the drug industry, do nothing about it.

Something could be done. This needs political commitment from western developed nations and the courage to stand up against vested commercial interests to develop effective treatments to save lives – children’s lives.

And when you read the vaccine movement blogs claiming those concerned with vaccine safety are acting out irrational unfounded unscientific fears, remember the highly specific factual referenced reasoned justified information provided on just this one site, among many others.  Also ask yourself, how often do government agencies and officials lie publicly about pretty much anything.  And notice how bloggers attack, disparage, bully abuse and harass those who express concerns about vaccines, leaving government officials and drug industry spokespeople able to hide silently behind the barrages of abuse and misinformation.  Some of these anonymous individuals are commenting full time daily across numerous blogs and news sites across the internet but deny they are paid.  Some appear to be awake 24 hours a day.  Odd that.  One we counted had made 200 comments in 10 days to April 22 2014.  That was on just a selection of sample sites and did not include all that anonymous commenter’s activity.

[ED Note 15 Oct 2009: As information like that here has become available health officials are changing from scaremongering parents into vaccinating with claims their child could die.  Now they claim vaccinating reduces the numbers of cases of disease [ie. instead of deaths] and produce graphs of dramatic falls in reported cases (instead of deaths) when measles vaccine was introduced.

This is again misleading. A dramatic fall in the numbers of reported measles cases would be expected. Doctors substantially overdiagnose measles cases especially when they believe it is a possible diagnosis.Doctors were told the vaccine prevented children getting measles when introduced in the late 1960’s so after that time a substantial reduction in diagnoses would be expected.

Examples of recent overdiagnoses of measles when there are measles “scares” are proportionately up to 74 times (or  7400% overdiagnosed).  Figures and sources follow the next paragraph.

What health officials are also doing is relying on very old and unreliable data which ignores that measles has become progressively milder so the risks of long term injury have diminished – (and death is the most extreme form of long term injury – shown here by official data to have diminished rapidly and substantially over the past 100 years without the risks posed to children’s health by vaccines).

Measles Over Diagnosed – Up to 7400%

A.  Laboratory confirmed cases of measles, mumps, and rubella, England and Wales: October to December 2004

Notified: 474, Tested: 589†, Confirmed cases: 8

RATE OF OVERDIAGNOSIS:- 589/8 = proportionately 7400% or 74 times overdiagnosed

SOURCE: CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005

[Note from Source: “†Some oral fluid specimens were submitted early from suspected cases and may not have been subsequently notified, thus the proportion tested is artificially high for this quarter.”]

B.  Total confirmed cases of measles and oral fluid IgM antibody tests in cases notified to ONS*: weeks 40-52/2005

Notified: 408, Tested: 343, Confirmed cases: 22

RATE OF OVERDIAGNOSIS:- 343/22 = proportionately 1560 % or 15.6 times overdiagnosed

SOURCE: CDR Weekly, Volume 16 Number 12 Published on: 23 March 2006


Scurvy Mortality

Typhoid & Scarlet Fever – Mortality UK, USA & Australia

Measles Mortality UK & USA

Mumps Mortality – England & Wales

Rubella Mortality – England and Wales

Mortality, Life Expectancy, Healthcare Costs UK, USA and Worldwide

Mortality USA and UK

Disease Mortality UK, USA & Australia

Mortality Measles, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Influenza, Pneumonia & Tuberculosis

Diphtheria Mortality – England, USA & Australia

Whooping Cough  (Pertussis) Mortality Rates – UK, USA & Australia

Tetanus Mortality – England & Wales 1901 to 1999

Smallpox Mortality – UK, USA & Sweden

Leicester & Smallpox

Extracts From “Leicester: Sanitation Versus Vaccination” by J.T. Biggs J.P.

Table 21. – Smallpox Fatality Rates Compared with “Unprotected” Leicester – 1860 to 1908.

Table 29. Small-pox Epidemics – Cost and Fatality Rates Compared

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Scurvy Mortality Rates

To start you with something simple, Scurvy, Typhoid and Scarlet Fever are good examples to use as comparisons with “vaccinatable” diseases.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


Medicine and especially drugs and vaccines played no part in the fall in Scurvy death rates and the same can be seen for other diseases. Scurvy is a condition caused by a lack of vitamin C. Poor nutrition, particularly a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, can result in Scurvy.  Mortality rates fell dramatically as living conditions improved.

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Typhoid & Scarlet Fever – Mortality UK, USA & Australia

Typhoid and Scarlet Fever vanished without vaccines but with clean water, better nutrition, sanitation and living conditions.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


Australia Typhoid Mortality Rates 1880 to 1970

Australia Typhoid Mortality Rates 1880 to 1970

[SOURCE: Data – Official Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, as reproduced in Greg Beattie’s book Vaccination A Parent’s DilemmaDownloadable Now]

Australia Diphtheria Mortality Rates 1880 to 1970

Australia Scarlet Fever Mortality Rates 1880 to 1970

[SOURCE: Data – Official Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, as reproduced in Greg Beattie’s book Vaccination A Parent’s DilemmaDownloadable Now]

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By 2007 the chance of anyone in England and Wales dying of measles if no one were vaccinated was less than 1 in 55 million. The chance of being struck by lightning is 30 to 60 times higher: Tornado & Storm Research Organisation

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

Measles Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999

Note that what seem large fluctuations after MMR vaccination was introduced in 1988 are not so large and are a feature of plotting the graph on a logarithmic scale.  This can be seen in the following graph,  plotted on an analog scale.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

Measles Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999 - Analog Scale

The graph below is from a peer refereed medical paper: Englehandt SF, Halsey NA, Eddins DL, Hinman AR. Measles mortality in the United States 1971-1975. Am J Public Health 1980;70:1166–1169.  The red dotted trendline has been added.  This shows US measles mortality was falling regardless of whether vaccination was used.  By 2010 overall measles mortality in the USA was to fall to around 1 in 25 million without vaccines. As the severity of measles declined, long term complications would also. Whilst people still caught measles it was not the dreaded disease we are told it is today.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


The seeming fall in reported ordinary [ie. non fatal] measles cases in the above Halsey graph after 1968 is misleading. Doctors are poor in accuracy of diagnosis and follow fashions.  Official UK records for 2006 show that when doctors are looking for a disease, they overdiagnose suspected measles cases varying by 10 times to 74 times higher than is confirmed by laboratory testing: [74 times overdiagnosed SOURCE: CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005], [10 times overdiagnosed, CDR Weekly, PHLS 12:26], [ 15.6 times overdiagnosed, SOURCE: CDR Weekly, Volume 16 Number 12 Published on: 23 March 2006]

Correspondingly, when vaccination was introduced, they will tend to follow the fashion of not diagnosing measles, where they believe it controlled by vaccination. This following of fashions has been seen in other areas, including Coroner diagnoses of causes of death.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


Australia Measles Mortality Rates 1880 to 1970

[SOURCE: Data – Official Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, as reproduced in Greg Beattie’s book Vaccination A Parent’s DilemmaDownloadable Now]

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Mumps Mortality – England & Wales

It is not exaggeration but accurate to state that mumps vaccination takes the medical profession firmly into the territory of the criminal law and unethical medical treatment of children.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

Mumps Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999

Providing treatment to a patient that is not clinically needed and misleading patients as to the clinical need for a treatment so as to vitiate their consent can mean the administration of the treatment is a criminal offence:  Appleton v Garrett (1995) 34 BMLR 23.

According to The British Medical Association (‘BMA’) and The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) mumps vaccination is clinically inappropriate:-

“Since mumps and its complications are very rarely serious there is little indication for the routine use of mumps vaccine”:  British National Formulary (‘BNF’) 1985 and 1986

Freedom of Information documents show the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and Ministry of Defence agreed as early as 1974 that:-

there was no need to introduce routine vaccination against mumps” because “complications from the disease were rare” JCVI minutes 11 Dec 1974.

Doctors and nurses who fail to tell parents mumps vaccine in MMR is clinically unnecessary, of the exact risks of adverse reactions and then give the vaccine appear to be behaving unethically, potentially in contravention of the criminal law and liable to civil proceedings for damages.  They are also unable to explain the exact risks because data on adverse reactions are not being collected properly or at all, and there is evidence showing adverse reaction data are suppressed.

A consequence is that giving MMR vaccine to children cannot be justified on clinical or ethical grounds. And as there is insufficient clinical benefit to children to introduce mass mumps vaccination, it cannot be justified as a general public health measure.

And one consequence of this unnecessary measure is that we are now putting young male adults at risk of orchitis and sterility because they did not catch natural mumps harmlessly when children and because MMR vaccination is not effective in conferring full or lasting immunity across an entire population.

One effect of MMR vaccination has been to push mumps outbreaks into older age groups.  Mumps now circulates in colleges and universities: Mumps and the UK epidemic 2005, R K Gupta, J Best, E MacMahon BMJ  2005;330:1132-1135 (14 May).

1 in 4 males who has achieved puberty and has not achieved immunity to mumps runs the risk of orchitis.  Orchitis (usually unilateral) has been reported as a complication in 20-30% of clinical mumps cases in postpubertal males. Some testicular atrophy occurs in about 35% of cases of mumps orchitis: Mumps – Emedicine. This means one of the male testicles shrivels up.  Affected men can become sterile in one testicle.  This affects one in every nine males who catch mumps after puberty compared with none who catch it before puberty.  It is only because most men have two testicles and only one is affected that total sterility is rare.  Most men would find that little consolation.  Having a shrivelled testicle would carry psychological and practical consequences for any intimate physical relationship in adult life.  The message seems to be it is better for a child to catch mumps naturally before puberty.

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Rubella Mortality, England and Wales

As with mumps, rubella vaccination again takes the medical profession into the territory of the criminal law and unethical treatment of children. A graph for rubella mortality is not included because death from rubella over the last century was so rare the figures are insufficient to plot a graph of any note.

Aside from a rash the adverse effects of rubella for children are minimal.  Vaccination against rubella is of no clinical benefit to a child particularly when compared to the risks of adverse vaccine reactions. If a pregnant woman catches rubella infection during the first three months of pregnancy and the child survives, this poses a risk to the unborn child of being born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), involving multiple congenital abnormalities.

Prior to the introduction of rubella vaccine, the number of annual cases in the UK was small, around 50 per annum.  Additionally, 92% of rubella cases deliver normal healthy children: DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN MARCH 1987 – WAVES Vol. 11 No. 4 p. 21 .This small risk can also be reduced either by making sure all women have caught rubella as children or by vaccinating those who have not prior to puberty.  This minimises the exposure of children to the vaccine and hence to unnecessary risks of adverse vaccine reactions.

In comparison birth defects from any other cause are much higher:

Birth defects affect about one in every 33 babies born in the United States each year. They are the leading cause of infant deaths, accounting for more than 20% of all infant deaths. Babies born with birth defects have a greater chance of illness and long term disability than babies without birth defects.“: Birth Defects US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – accessed 11th May 2008
To see how egregious is the exaggeration of risk from rubella in order to scare parents into vaccinating their children, see the following:-

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Does paying for healthcare bring you better health and a longer life?  No.  The following graphs show that in 1996, average life expectancy in the US was 18th of all countries, being 5 years less than Canada and behind the UK.  But Americans were paying per person US$1000 or over 1/3rd more than Canadians and nearly 2/3rds more than the British.  And if you then take a look at the graphs of mortality, what were Americans getting for their money?  Mortality rates were falling anyway, regardless and kept on falling.  Life expectancy increased as time went by, but again substantially due to overall improved living conditions.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


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[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

England & Wales Total Infant Mortality 1901 to 1999

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[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


The following is the same USA graph as just above, but with Influenza and Tuberculosis Deaths included.  And you can see that Influenza deaths were not prevented by a vaccine – because for most of the period covered, there was no vaccine available at all and when it became available, it was not freely available until the present day – when guess what – ‘flu mortality had already plummeted – and guess what else – it does not work particularly well either – in fact so badly it may well be best avoided.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


The following is the same graph as above but showing the full curve for influenza and pneumonia mortality.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


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England, USA & Australia

Here we see Diphtheria mortality falling all by itself.  In the UK, the vaccine was introduced in 1940, but most children particularly under 5 did not get it  and there was a large catch-up campaign in 1945-6 as previously explained [above].  The under 5 age group are the most at risk from infectious disease.  

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

England & Wales Diphtheria Mortality 1901 to 1999

Australia Diphtheria Mortality Rates 1880 to 1970

[SOURCE: Data – Official Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, as reproduced in Greg Beattie’s book Vaccination A Parent’s DilemmaDownloadable Now]

Diphtheria vaccine was introduced to the UK in 1940.  As already noted, it appears beyond doubt that diptheria vaccine was not responsible for the sudden fall in diphtheria mortality from 1941 to 1946 [see graph].  The records show at least half of all children up to the age of 15 went unvaccinated until 1946-7 ie. after the major fall.  The graph of total infant mortality provides a benchmark showing the continuing steady decline in the rate of infant mortality before and after the introduction of the vaccine.

By the end of 1941:-

about 36 percent of school age children had been immunised but only about 19 percent of the younger children: British Journal of Nursing October 1948 p121.

It was not until 1946-7 – after the substantial fall in diphtheria mortality had taken place that a major effort was made to vaccinate the children who had been missed. 969,000 children under 5 were “immunised”: British Journal of Nursing October 1948 p121. With an annual birth rate in the region of 200,000 that represented most of the children born during 1941 to 1946. So diphtheria vaccination could not have been responsible for the fall.

But we can identify what was most likely responsible. We can see the impact of the social health and welfare reforms of 1944, 1947 and 1948.  Free school milk provided, among other nourishment, vitamin A to help children’s immune systems fight disease.  It is vitamin A which the World Health Organisation is keen to provide to third world children now for the same reason.

It can be seen that the benchmark decline in general infant mortality (ie. all causes of infant death) closely follows the decline in diphtheria mortality in the general population.  This again demonstrates that the decline in diphtheria mortality was part of a general trend and had little or nothing to do with the introduction of vaccination.

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Whooping Cough or Pertussis – again, the mortality rates fell substantially well before any vaccines were introduced.  The contribution, if any, to overall health has been negligible. The decline in general infant mortality closely follows the decline in Whooping Cough mortality in the general population.  This again demonstrates that the decline in Whooping Cough mortality was part of a general trend and had little or nothing to do with the introduction of vaccination:-

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

England & Wales Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Mortality 1901 to 1999

Australian Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Mortality 1880-1970

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Tetanus Mortality – England & Wales 1901 to 1999

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]

Tetanus Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999

Tetanus Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999

This graph demonstrates that the administration of tetanus vaccine is likely to be pointless and puts children especially at risk of adverse reactions to the vaccines.

There is only one respect in which modern medicine could have had an indirect effect.  This came with the social reforms of 1947-48 which saw the introduction of the National Health Service.  Coupled with this was the start of the reduction in numbers of farm workers with the start of increased mechanisation and industrial scale farming in Britain after the 1939-1945 World War.  The numbers of farm labourers fell by half post war and the increase in mechanisation also reduced the chances of the injuries which were likely to result in tetanus

Fewer agricultural workers coupled with better access to healthcare would result in better treatment of wounds.  Tetanus thrives in deep wounds which are not properly cleansed.  So by having fewer agricultural workers and better wound care could reduce the incidence of tetanus cases.  So if the reduction in tetanus mortality in the 1950s is anything other than part of the continuing decline with better standards of living, those two reasons are the most likely explanations.

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In the graphs notice the large numbers of deaths caused by the smallpox vaccine itself.  By 1901 in the UK, more people died from the smallpox vaccination than from smallpox itself.   When during 1880-1908 the City of Leicester in England stopped vaccination compared to the rest of the UK and elsewhere, its survival rates soared and smallpox death rates plummetted [see table below].  Leicester’s approach also cost far less.

On any scientific analysis of the history and data, crediting smallpox vaccine for the decline in smallpox appears misplaced. Any vaccine which takes 100 years to “work” did not.  You can read more about how ridiculous and unscientific the claim vaccination vanquished smallpox looks against documented historical fact, here: Small Pox – Big Lie – Bioterrorism Implications of Flawed Theories of Eradication and how vaccination became a political tool to placate the emerging pre Victorian and Victorian middle classes that the literally “great unwashed” disease-ridden working class slum dwellers would not bring the disease to them:  Smallpox Eradication – One of History’s Biggest Lies & How Vaccination Did Not Eradicate Smallpox

The severity of the disease dimished with improved living standards and was not vanquished by vaccination, as the medical “consensus” view tells us.

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


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Extracts from “LEICESTER: Sanitation versus Vaccination” By J.T. Biggs J.P.

[Download Entire Book as .pdf 43 Mb  – Or Read Online]

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SMALLPOX FATALITY RATES, cases in vaccinated and re-vaccinated populations compared with “unprotected” Leicester – 1860 to 1908.



Small-Pox.  Cases

Small-Pox. Deaths.

Fatality-rate per cent. of Cases






British Army (United Kingdom)





British Army (India)





British Army (Colonies)





Royal Navy





Grand Totals and case fatality rate per cent, over all




Leicester (since giving up vaccination)





Biggs saidIn this comparison, I have given the numbers of revaccinated cases, and deaths, and each fatality-rate separately and together, so that they may be compared either way with Leicester. In pro-vaccinist language, may I ask, if the excessive small-pox fatality of Japan, of the British Army, and of the Royal Navy, are not due to vaccination and revaccination, to what are they due? It would afford an interesting psychical study were we able to know to what heights of eloquent glorification Sir George Buchanan would have soared with a corresponding result—but on the opposite side.

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Small-Pox Epidemics, Cost, and Fatality Rates Compared

Vaccinal Condition

Small-Pox Cases

Small-Pox Deaths

Fatality-rate Per Cent

Cost of Epidemic

London 1900-02

Well Vaccinated





Glasgow 1900-02

Well Vaccinated




£ 150,000

Sheffield 1887-88

Well Vaccinated





Leicester 1892-94

Practically Unvaccinated





Leicester 1902-04 Practically Unvaccinated 731 30 4.10 £1,602

City of Leicester Smallpox Deaths 1880-1908

[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]






[Click Graph to Enlarge – Opens In New Window]


It is certain beyond doubt that diptheria vaccine played no part in the sudden fall in diphtheria mortality from 1941 to 1946 [see graph] .  The records show most children went unvaccinated until after the major fall.

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537 Responses

  1. Truly impressive work in pulling this together– thank you.

  2. Thank you so much for this research. My daughter will have a baby in June and we’ve been talking vaccines…actually … non-vaccine for her baby. But she’s a medical student on her way to be a nurse so she’s in the middle of it and is almost brainwashed about the allopathic model of healing/disease.

    Hope she gets it.

    Thank you.

    Yves Vincent

  3. Thank you for finding and publishing this data!

  4. Wonderful research. Most useful and convincing data [ED: Minor edit] I shall spread the message to everyone in my circle.

  5. This is great having all this in one place. You put a lot of time and work into this. I know because I did something similar but on a smaller scale. Great job. I would like permission to put a link to your site on my website.

  6. […] water, keep your head cool. When your better regained your strength, you might want to read this: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics ________________Child Health Safety___… Love, Courage and Water, Kars __________________ -~- Discover yourself in […]

  7. […] Deaths from childhood afflictions were already plummeting before the introduction of vaccines, see […]

  8. Thank you so much for pulling all this valuable information together. It’s time people learn the truth.

  9. […] diseases have been eradicated (from Europe, or the world) by vaccination is a myth. See the graphs here. I know many people who have never been vaccinated. They are the healthiest people I know. The […]

  10. Excellent articles and graphs! Sadly, many still believe the same lies that their doctors tell them (gasp, how could my doctor be WRONG? Oh, they’re Godlike, they can’t be incorrect). Remember, the Catholic church persecuted Galieo for believing the earth revolved around the sun. Yet, he was right. The same with vaccines is true here. Pasteur was favored by Napoleon, and Antoine Bechamp was not. Bechamp theories about germs seem to be finally getting some notice, yet medical ‘science’ is always last to believe what is known by parents and other people alike. Vaccines are toxic. Injecting formaldehyde into a child is not good medical practice. You see how they are trying to sell fear, by saying how ‘terrible’ chickenpox is, children can die from it, etc etc etc. Yet, since they are getting rid of chickenpox, shingles seems to be rising among the population. There is so much that medicine does not know about viruses and bacteria, and yet they continually tamper with them and try to ‘get rid’ of them. Maybe they are here for a reason? Maybe the reason that polio became a problem was because of all the DDT spraying? After all, it was a ‘summer disease’, the height of DDT spraying on cows and crops.

  11. I find most of this terribly misleading. Mortality rates don’t tell you about the many who survive the disease, but are permanently crippled by it (for example, smallpox survivors are often left blind). If you look at the # of cases, it seems clear, in the case of measles for example, that the vaccine had a huge impact. The fact that the mortality rates dropped before the vaccine was introduced is not surprising – as health care and sanitation get better people might be more likely to survive the disease. But personally I’d rather not get the disease in the first place – some of these, like polio or smallpox, have horrible lifelong consequences even if you do survive.

    Most of the graphs are also very misleading – you never show us the data from before the vaccine was introduced! I think that it something that you would rather that *we* did not see, because it would be much harder for you to argue against vaccines. To give you an idea (for smallpox at least), there were in the neighborhood of 400,000+ smallpox deaths per year in Europe from 1400 – 1800. Compare that to the graphs here, which only begin long after the vaccine was introduced, and show deaths number in the tens.

    [ED: You are wrong. You make several other errors. You say “You never show us the data from before the vaccine was introduced“. Go back and look again. Other than for smallpox, the data goes back decades before the vaccines and shows the far more dramatic falls in mortality rates without vaccines. Do you think the natural falls in mortality simply stopped just because a vaccine was introduced? Of course not.

    And if we can prevent such serious effects of disease by studying why that has happened all by itself – particularly with improved nutrition, don’t you think we could study this effect scientifically to identify exactly what it is that is responsible and develop effective disease treatments? Why are vitamins and minerals so widely ignored by the drug industry in disease treatment? Could that be because there is no money in it – no patents.

    The main issue is child health safety and the balance of the risk of disease against risk of the vaccines.

    It has always been the drug companies, health authorities and medical professions argument that “children will die” to scare parents into vaccinating. When that is shown to be fallacious with hard fact they change their position as you have to argue something else.

    And if you want to compare total health outcomes – adverse effects of disease against adverse effects of vaccines, health authorities refuse to carry out long term studies by independent, unbiased objective researchers of total health outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. These would provide hard data to compare differences on the extent of mortality and adverse effects of vaccines compared to diseases. This would reveal the extent of asthma, allergy, diabetes, SIDS, arthritis and many more conditions which kill and/or debilitate for life and permit a risk/risk comparison of vaccines vs no vaccines.

    Can you cite a single such study? Do you expect the world to take your word for it? But these kinds of studies would end all argument and demonstrate the risks of the vaccines more clearly. Don’t you think this is important? Why are these studies not done?

    Not one paediatric vaccine has been tested in double blinded controlled randomised trials. The controlled trials which are carried out use another vaccine as “placebo” of similarly untested safety [and this invalidates the trials]. The vaccines are also tested only on healthy individuals but then given to all regardless of risk.

    Vaccines do not prevent people getting the disease “in the first place”. People can and do contract the diseases after vaccination. This is another example of changing the argument. It has moved to “herd immunity” and “eliminating” the disease. Measles will never be eliminated by vaccination. Official data under FOI confirms there are cases of infectious clinical measles where the disease strain is the vaccine strain.

    Incidence rates are also misleading. Medical professionals are notoriously poor at diagnosis. At the moment in the UK cases of measles are over-diagnosed a minimum of 10 times to 16 times. Official UK data comparing reported cases to laboratory confirmed cases shows this. Diagnosis goes through fads in the medical professions and where there is a great deal of publicity over-diagnosis shoots up.

    We are also seeing the same effect now with “swine ‘flu” where testing has stopped and the numbers of reported cases has leapt astronomically.

    Isn’t mortality the most severe form of adverse effect from disease? If that has been dropping dramatically, don’t you think that other adverse effects of the disease will do so similarly – whether this is because the disease naturally attenuates [becomes milder] or people with better nutrition and living conditions have healthier immune systems to withstand the diseases.

    Show us the studies of total health outcomes. Can you cite a single one? No because they are not being done and they would answer this once and for all.

    And with all this effort being put into vaccinating the world against more and more milder and milder diseases, don’t you think it might be wiser spend more effort developing effective treatments for the diseases which means entire populations are not put at risk from vaccines?]

  12. If you want to make a solid argument, you have to show us incidence rates (i.e. number of cases per year, or number of cases per 100,000). Showing us mortality rates is misleading. Vaccines don’t help you get over the disease – they prevent you from getting it in the first place! So if you want to see if a vaccine was effective you have to look at number of cases.

    [ED: You make several errors. The main issue is child health safety and the balance of the risk of disease against risk of the vaccines.

    It has always been the drug companies, health authorities and medical professions argument that “children will die” to scare parents into vaccinating. When that is shown to be fallacious with hard fact they change their position as you have to argue something else.

    Health authorities refuse to carry out long term studies by independent, unbiased objective researchers of total health outcomes between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. These would provide hard data to compare differences on the extent of mortality and adverse effects of vaccines compared to diseases. This would reveal the extent of asthma, allergy, diabetes, SIDS, arthritis and many more conditions which kill and/or debilitate for life and permit a risk/risk comparison of vaccines vs no vaccines.

    Can you cite a single such study? Do you expect the world to take your word for it? But these kinds of studies would end all argument and demonstrate the risks of the vaccines more clearly. Don’t you think this is important? Why are these studies not done?

    Not one paediatric vaccine has been tested in double blinded controlled randomised trials. The controlled trials which are carried out use another vaccine as “placebo” of similarly untested safety [and this invalidates the trials]. The vaccines are also tested only on healthy individuals but then given to all regardless of risk.

    Vaccines do not prevent people getting the disease “in the first place”. People can and do contract the diseases after vaccination. This is another example of changing the argument. It has moved to “herd immunity” and “eliminating” the disease. Measles will never be eliminated by vaccination. Official data under FOI confirms there are cases of infectious clinical measles where the disease strain is the vaccine strain.

    Incidence rates are also misleading. Medical professionals are notoriously poor at diagnosis. At the moment in the UK cases of measles are over-diagnosed a minimum of 10 times to 16 times. Official UK data comparing reported cases to laboratory confirmed cases shows this. Diagnosis goes through fads in the medical professions and where there is a great deal of publicity over-diagnosis shoots up.

    We are also seeing the same effect now with “swine ‘flu” where testing has stopped and the numbers of reported cases has leapt astronomically.

    Isn’t mortality the most severe form of adverse effect from disease? If that has been dropping dramatically, don’t you think that other adverse effects of the disease will do so similarly – whether this is because the disease naturally attenuates [becomes milder] or people with better nutrition and living conditions have healthier immune systems to withstand the diseases.

    Show us the studies of total health outcomes. Can you cite a single one? No because they are not being done and they would answer this once and for all.

    And with all this effort being put into vaccinating the world against more and more milder and milder diseases, don’t you think it might be wiser spend more effort developing effective treatments for the diseases which means entire populations are not put at risk from vaccines?]

  13. […] Hence the virtual elimination of childhood mortality (from those diseases), as shown by these carefully compiled statistics and graphs. So, why is so much public money being wasted on vaccination? [Ditto fluoridation…] What […]

  14. I find Thelma’s abusive personal attacks are attempts at flaming this thread & offer nothing to this analysis. There is no doubt people are employed to flame, trash, spoil, dumb down, distract, influence, ridicule, blogs & forums who are aware that people are turning off corporate media & instead getting information from places like this.
    They are employed by government & powerful corporate interests through media management agencies.
    At the same time, the corporations are desperate to come after a free & open internet by only offering fixed package access which limits the sites we can visit unless we pay.
    We must protect the internet even if it means keeping people like ‘thelma’ in a job!
    Thanks to everyone who has posted here.
    thelma, go away unless you can behave in a civil manner. You have absolutely no right to talk to anyone in that way. Please ignore any future posts from this cyber thug until they offer information rather than insults. I will.

  15. Great information!

  16. […] people want it; some people don't. Why should the taxpayer foot the bill? After all, vaccination doesn't really work. __________________ "If I'm in government fluoridation will go in the first month in […]

  17. Dear Ed,
    You replies (above) did not really address either of my two questions:

    (1) Vaccines are claimed to reduce the *incidence* (not mortality) of a disease. The major vaccines that I know of (polio, measles, etc…) seem to have done this. Can you argue that this is not true?

    (2) Citing mortality rates does not say anything about those who survived but were left terribly crippled by the disease. Again, if you get at the incidence in the first place, you reduce the total number of people killed or crippled by the disease. Can you address this point with any hard facts?

    Mortality is [# of people dead] / [# of people sick]. This is mostly a function of better treatment and health care, which probably gets better over decades (that is no surprise). Vaccines are only claimed to reduce [# of people sick]. I don’t see that you have shown us any evidence to contradict this claim.

    If you think that vaccines do more harm than good overall – well that is a different matter. Given how bad these diseases are, vaccines would have to be enormously harmful in order for this to be true. There isn’t much evidence for this – possibly because vaccines don’t do more harm than good.

    [ED: Wow, you commented last 23rd July and come back 17th September!

    You are wrong on many levels. Vaccines have been promoted for decades as “saving millions of lives”. When that is shown to be false you come here to make a different claim. And that is wrong also.

    How many cases of measles in unvaccinated individuals are now so mild that they go undiagnosed [because the symptoms are so mild or the cases are subclinical [no symptoms] or close to it]? That affects incidence of a disease.

    You argue that whilst mortality has fallen, morbidity [ie. adverse effects of a disease] will remain at the same level. That is a non sequitur and the evidence does not appear to support it. What is your evidence?

    You are making the propositions and you conflate 3 things – 1) incidence 2) morbidity and 3) mortality. And you produce no evidence to support your propositions.

    How “bad” do you say childhood diseases like mumps are? Mumps is so mild the consensus in the UK was not to vaccinate prior to the introduction of MMR.]

  18. Dear Ed
    What a load of deceitful nonsense the measles mortality graph is.
    It force fits a line of best fit through data that is confounded by major changes. Anyone with any knowledge of medical statistics would realise you have to do “before & after” Lines when major changes have occured that could impact the data.
    The UK measles mortality had essentially bottomed out at c 100 deaths in the UK/year for 15-20 years before the introduction of the single measles vaccine in the late 60s, its introduction led to a sharp change of gradient in your graph, reducing the death rate and then in the late 80’s the introduction of MMR led to a precipitous drop in the death rate which essentially eliminated measles deaths from the UK.
    How can you ignore what is a clear association between reductions in the mortality rate & the introduction of mass vaccination?
    The incidence graph shows the impact of vaccination even more clearly.
    Are you really serious in saying you can extrapolate the line of best fit to say that measles mortality would have disappeared in 2005 or whenever without the introduction of vaccination.

    The graph & its superimposed line of best fit is one of the best cases of the abuse of statistics I’ve seen in a long time!

    [ED: Let us see who is guilty of “deceitful nonsense” shall we? And as usual with such comments, they start and end with abuse. Thanks – it makes the other person seem so much more reasonable.

    You assert without a shred of evidence that measles mortality “bottomed out” in the 1960s and in direct contradiction of the data.

    Anyone can see the downward trend continued in exactly the same way despite the introduction of single measles vaccine in 1968 and its use for over 20 years.

    This fall was also exactly as measles mortality had been doing during the previous 80 years.]

  19. Dear Ed
    Try looking at the data, start with the period 52/53 to 66/67, the mortality is clearly flat with downward trend. Please show me the contradictory data in your/Clifford Miller’s graph. The evidence stares out at you, and on in introduction of the single vaccine it starts falling again. What happens in 1986/87…MMR’s introduced & look at the change in the slope, a greater than10 fold drop in 2 years, that has been sustained, hadn’t seen that in the previous 100 odd years.
    I’m sorry Ed but fitting a single line of best fit over major confounding changes that could influence the data fully deserves the last comment! It is such a basic error, any undergraduate will tell you to fit lines before & after major events to statistically test for significance in changing the parameter you are measuring, mortality rates in this case.
    The effect is also shown with the larger numbers of measles notifications I guess you have seen that graph before.

    [ED: The flaws in your hypothesis regarding notifications include 1) substituting notifications for mortality and simultaneously 2) assuming that notifications are reliable.

    The flaw in your hypothesis regarding the 1987/8 period is that you are looking at a logarithmic graph where each graduation represents a 10 fold reduction. So when the numbers get very small as they were then, annual fluctuations in data are substantially exaggerated. We are looking at fluctuating and very low numbers of 11 and far fewer cases per annum during that period.

    In recent years HPA data regarding notifications of diagnoses of measles by doctors are in one year 10 times higher than actual cases confirmed by laboratory testing and in another 16 times higher. This coincides with all the scare-mongering about the supposed “return of measles” to frighten parents.

    There was also no laboratory testing to confirm diagnoses in the periods to which you refer regarding notifications so we have no idea how much reports/diagnoses fell or increased with the fashions of the time.

    Diagnoses follow trends, as we have seen with the so-called “swine-flu” where reported cases leapt after any form of testing was abandoned.

    Similarly, reports/diagnoses fall with trends such as where doctors believe cases are unlikely to occur such as where a vaccination programme has been introduced.

    As an aside, measles will never be eradicated by vaccination because clinical cases of measles do occur from the vaccine virus strain which can also revert to wild type upon passage through the human body].

  20. Dear Ed
    I’m not substituting notifications for mortality, look at the tabulated numbers of deaths if you don’t believe the graphs:
    Individual small numbers may be woobly Dear Ed but that arguement isn’t valid when you see how consistent those small numbers are.
    “The flaw in your hypothesis regarding the 1987/8 period is that you are looking at a logarithmic graph where each graduation represents a 10 fold reduction.”

    The axis may be marked in 10 fold intervals but of course the data are still discrete linear values, the table of DEATHS , if you care to look at it, is remarkably consistent post MMR. For the last 18 years post MMR the annual number of measles deaths ranged from 0 to 4 (one year only)

    [ED: You seem to be all over the place.

    You argued “The UK measles mortality had essentially bottomed out at c 100 deaths …” before single measles vaccine was introduced in 1968.

    You then claimed “its introduction led to a sharp change of gradient in your graph”.

    Neither of these claims are correct.

    Looking at both the normally plotted measles graph and the logarithmic one [and particularly the analog graph]. The introduction of the single measles vaccine made no discernible difference to measles mortality rates. These continued their steady fall before and after the introduction in 1968 of the single measles vaccine.

    You seem to choose to argue measles mortality would not have continued falling after introduction of measles vaccine in 1968. There is no logic to that. It contradicts the clear trend shown by the data.

    Diseases do die out naturally. It is a phenomenon known to medicine. Whether measles dies out of its own accord completely we will have to see. [And if ever there are serious falls in the population’s overall standards of living one, particularly nutrition and/or in water supplies one can expect an increase in diseases.]

    You say “For the last 18 years post MMR the annual number of measles deaths ranged from 0 to 4”.

    But in the last 6 years it has ranged from 0 to 1. Does not this suggest it has fallen further?

    However, MMR has been around for 21 years not six. MMR vaccination rates are claimed consistently to be at least 80% annually nationally overall during that period. So measles mortality should have “bottomed” shortly after 1988? Yet these figures suggest it is slowing further.

    You cannot have your cake and eat it.

    In any event with such low levels of measles mortality currently compared to 1901 [roughly 10,000 annually and fallen without vaccines to 100 by 1968] how low do you expect measles mortality to fall? To zero forever?

    And to what will you attribute that if you claim mortality “bottomed out” in the 1960s and you will not accept that measles mortality was falling all by itself before vaccination?]

  21. […] work. Some people have taken the trouble to compile those statistics and format them into graphs here. What a tale they tell! […]

  22. What a great site. Thank you for your tireless researching. You guys are definetly saving children’s lives. God bless.

  23. […] advocate vaccination until they can come up with a full scientific refutation of the arguments in this paper, which shows that vaccination is not the answer to disease. That's a blog. Anyone could have […]

  24. Wonderful compilation of valuable information, especially welcome during the times of this Swine flu hyped up BS. Thank you!….

  25. thanks for making shit up. I’m sure you’ll help kill thosands of kids with this junk.

    [ED: That’s not what the official stats show us. And “making it up” – official statistics? And who is killing whom? 99% of adverse vaccine reactions are not reported. And how about the exponential rises in childhood asthma [which kills], allergies [which kill], diabetes [which kills] and others since the expansion of the vaccination programmes?

    How many kids and adults are killed every year as a result of vaccination? No one knows. The cases are not officially reported. But we do hear of cases of death like the toddler baby George who died right after the MMR vaccine. No one knows why he died except it was not the MMR vaccine – the expert advising the coroner was a member of the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation who recommend the vaccines and who were responsible for the introduction of the MMR vaccine: Conflicted Government Expert Airbrushes Embarrassing Autism Science

    A few other examples. Immune system disorders are a side-effect of vaccination.

  26. 21 UK children every year die from food allergies
  27. Asthma stats from Asthma UK:

  28. 1 death every seven hours
  29. 1400 deaths pa
  30. 500 are adults under 65
  31. 5.2 million UK people affected
  32. 4.1 million adults
  33. 1.1 million children]
  34. […] vaccines really save the populations who received them? Doesn’t look like it. This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and […]

  35. Many thanks for all your work. I had mumps on my first day of school….no ill effects. Then in rapid succession I got rubella (hardly noticed but I got lifelong immunity confirmed by a blood test when I was 19), then measles and scarlet fever….I’m still here. Don’t know why I didn’t get chicken pox til I was 17 (the worst of the so-called childhood diseases at that age…..wish I’d got it earlier as I missed mock A levels….my husband got chicken pox at age 24…he was so ill) My eldest daughter had mumps and rubella and I did let her have the single measles vaccination at 18 months.. Why did my GP push for her to have the MMR at ages 15? (I refused) I asked him. No answer. I asked how many children had blood tests to see if they had in fact got antibodies from the vaccination (not necessarily protection from catching the disease as you know) He looked at me in surprise. I asked him ‘What if a girl has the rubella vaccine but happens to be under the weather and the vaccine doesn’t take….and then she thinks she’s protected and doesn’t avoid rubella when she’s pregnant?’…again he looked at me in surprise. I asked him why he trusted that the vaccines always worked and that there were no side effects. I don’t go to him any more. It’s very, very difficult for conventionally trained medical folks to step outside the box. My husband taught classical guitar to a charming, gentle psychologist who teaches medical students. She sees many of them them turn from eager, keen, bright youngsters into ‘clones’ who daren’t rock the boat in case they get disciplined by the old boys. She herself encountered arrogance from some medics when her rmother was ill. She returned to her students and begged them not to become arrogant when they qualify. Several sneered and said they were entitled to! Sigh! I’m a nurse and I’ve worked with wonderful, wonderful medics whom I would trust with my life so I’m not a ‘doctor basher’ but things have to come out in the open. If they didn’t we’d still be bleeding and purging! Look up how George Washington died….thanks in part to the ‘best medics of the day’. They weren’t malevolent, they just believed they were doing their best. What’s that quote about truth going through three stages? First it’s ridiculed, then it’s vehemently fought against and then it’s accepted as self-evident. Something like that. I just can’t believe that injecting noxious stuff directly into the body, bypassing the normal protective measurs of the mucous membranes etc is beneficial, especially into tiny babies (even newborns!) when their immune system is not fully functional. How can it be right to give them a cocktail of umpteen vaccines (where would they get Hep B anyway? And where’s the vaccine for Hep C….far more contagious) Surely good nutrition, clean water, decent housing etc is far more beneficial to produce a sound immune system. How on earth did the human race survive for eons without vaccination? How come we didn’t all die out? Animals too….they’re being affected by their multiple vaccinations….how did animals survive? Somehow all this vaccination hype just doesn’t add up. And how can one type of flu vaccination ‘protect’ against a rapidly mutating virus? And have there been double’blind trials to test it? Sorry to go on…you get the picture. I’m sorry that some commenters have to get so cross. I am a Quaker and in our advices and queries (not a creed or dogma) one stands out ‘Consider it possible that you may be wrong’ Once upon a time they said that the USA would fold without the slave trade….a few wise good souls didn’t go along with that. The slave trade was abolished….what happened? Well the USA went on to become the world’s biggest economy. I know it’s not healthy now but you see what I mean.
    Best wishes.

  36. […] εμφανιστούν τα αντίστοιχα εμβόλια! Δείτε τα γραφήματα εδώ και εδώ. Στον Τρίτο κόσμο που όλα τα παραπάνω θετικά […]

  37. Hi Dr Ed,
    Thanks for the awesome work!!

  38. Reading through the many responses, some wild, some insulting and some thoughtful and reasoned, I have to conclude that the case is unproven either way. It appears that the statistics, as is ALWAYS the case with such data, can be interpreted to support whatever case the proponant wishes to make. ‘There are lies, damn lies and statistics’.
    Whatever anyone says, no matter how reasonable, passionate or even regardless of whether they are right or wrong, people will believe what they want, as they always have.
    Until we develop ways to enshrine honesty and a lack of bias into science (by divorcing ALL research from commercial sponsorship) we will never find the truth in any argument of this type.
    By all means continue to ague the toss with each other, but please don’t infect the world with views that can at best be described as incomplete and at worst as positively damaging.
    In short, if you don’t actually know (which, on the basis of the arguments put her, you don’t) please don’t pretend you do.

    [ED: Noted that your comments are directed to some of the comments posted by others and not to the main information published on this page.]

  39. […] Categories: Allergier, Svininfluensan, Vaccination Etiketter:Diagram, Difteri, Influensa, […]

  40. I have found a report in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, in April 2005, which looked at the health outcomes of children who are fully vaccinated, who are partially vaccinated, and who are not vaccinated at all. This was a blind study where parents were asked to report atopic illnesses, ie asthma and eczema. The outcome was that the largest number of atopic illnesses occurred in the children who were fully vaccinated, the second highest were in those partially vaccinated and the lowest number was in the children who were unvaccinated.

    This was a small study involving just under 3,000 children but we desperately need Governments to open their minds and conduct larger scale studies of the overall health differences between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated.

    For instance, it should not be difficult to discover from statistics whether autism is less prevalent in unvaccinated children – or whether it exists at all in the unvaccinated.

    Out of interest, does anyone know of a case of autism in an unvaccinated child?

    [ED: Have you got a reference for the report?]

  41. I can’t remember where I originally found the reference so I used Google to check it was correct. I looked up the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and the article is there on their website, in the 2005 April issue.

    After the outcome of the Dr Wakefield hearing today, which I think is one of the greatest travesties of justice I have ever seen in this country in my lifetime (I am 64), I would like to bring to everyone’s attention the video accessible from the homepage of the cryshame website, called Selective Hearing, Brian Deer and the GMC.


  42. If anyone wishes to have themselves or their children vaccinated ( and bear in mind that it is a parent’s obligation to do the very best for their children ) , they should endeavour to ascertain the precise contents of each and every injection / pill AND the SOURCE of those ingredients ( some may have extracts from aborted human babies, all sorts of tissue from dogs/cats/pigs/monkeys….. ) and most will have metals like aluminium ( people are now shunning toiletries with aluminium in, and you only put them on your skin), and then find out how the vaccination was tested for safety, if it was tested on animals it is, logically, only suitable for use on that type of animal — ( check out thalidomide for morning sickness , & the wrong breed of rabbit) and if you still think you want this turgid cocktail injected into your blood, ask to see data about recommended daily intake levels of the various ingredients – you may be disturbed to find that some vaccinations have five or more times safe acceptable quantities – and that figure applies to adults ! ! ! there is NO DATA AVAILABLE on safe levels for children – probably because the medical profession and the pharmco’s won’t permit research, fearing litigation.

    I did not see a graph above showing that modern medicinal practices and drugs are the biggest killer on the planet, probably for a similar reason (litigation) but hazard a guess that m.m. wins by a long mile!

  43. Judy said: “This was a blind study where parents were asked to report atopic illnesses, ie asthma and eczema. The outcome was that the largest number of atopic illnesses occurred in the children who were fully vaccinated, the second highest were in those partially vaccinated and the lowest number was in the children who were unvaccinated.”

    From the Study:

    Surveys were mailed to 2964 member households of the National Vaccine Information Center, which represents people concerned about vaccine safety, to ascertain vaccination and atopic disease status.”

    A blind or blinded experiment is a scientific experiment where some of the persons involved are prevented from knowing certain information that might lead to conscious of unconscious bias on their part, invalidating the results. – Wikipedia

    This wasn’t blind. The parents themselves are as subject to bias as the researchers. This was a survey, and proves nothing except the parents reports.

    [ED: “Proves nothing“? The authors of this formally published paper state “A sensitivity analysis indicated that substantial biases would be required to overturn the observed associations.

    The relationship between vaccine refusal and self-report of atopic disease in children

    The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Volume 115, Issue 4, Pages 737-744 (April 2005)

    And Wikipedia is a notoriously unreliable source, edited by nine-year-olds and some people who sadly spend their lives on it. But according to the definition you have cited from it this was a blinded trial.

    The paper states “….. the investigators never knew participant identities nor had access to information that could be used to identify households. The Institutional Review Board of the University of Illinois at Chicago reviewed and approved the study protocol.“]

  44. […] Lastly  – want to see some graphs of how childhood illness have declined over the last century – before introduction of vaccines and after introduction of vaccines?  This is a site worth visiting: […]

  45. […] Lastly  – want to see some graphs of how childhood illness have declined over the last century – before introduction of vaccines and after introduction of vaccines?  This is a site worth visiting: […]

  46. […] Lastly  – want to see some graphs of how childhood illness have declined over the last century – before introduction of vaccines and after introduction of vaccines?  This is a site worth visiting: […]

  47. I thank you for this information, you are another soldier in the battle for truth! May god bless you!

  48. […] with a bunch of stats and graphs showing how the diseases were already declining before vaccines. Just some food for […]

  49. Keep up the good work.



  50. This is mind-blowing.
    Where can I pick up a PDF version to print and put up in our Notice Board as well as to circulate it among parents coming to our Neuro-Rehab cenmter for children with Autism at delhi, India?


  51. James Cole’s activities on the web, including Wikipedia [under the pseudonyms jdc 325 and 325 jdc] attacking people over the vaccines-to-autism issue are prolific. Here he cites 4 deaths in 2006, 2007 and 2008 as evidence to claim the graph found here
    Measles Mortality England and Wales 1901-1999
    is misleading when regrettably James Cole is trolling. His comments are more than misleading. He omitted crucial information which demonstrates that.

    The data James Cole cites is worse than trivial. It is irrelevant to the overall trend in rapidly falling measles mortality for over 100 years and his omissions make it grossly misleading. It makes no difference to the overall trend shown by the data on the graph derived from millions of individuals.

    Regrettably, it is people like James Cole who put propaganda on the internet which is misleading and cherry picking, supporting a culture in medicine resulting in children being exposed to vaccine adverse reactions from vaccines which are were long recognised officially to be inappropriate – examples of mumps and rubella are cases in point.

    The HPA data he cites relate to deaths not from measles infections acquired since 1999 but from measles infections acquired during the 1980s or earlier and one from a “13 years old male who had an underlying lung condition and was taking immunosuppressive drugs”. This is confirmed by the HPA in the official statistics which James Cole [aka jdc 325 and 325 jdc] himself cites.

    In 2006 there was one measles death in a 13 years old male who had an underlying lung condition and was taking immunosuppressive drugs. Another death in 2008 was also due to acute measles in unvaccinated child with congenital immunodeficiency whose condition did not require treatment with immunoglobulin. Prior to 2006, the last death from acute measles was in 1992.

    All other measles deaths, since 1992, shown above are in older individuals and were caused by the late effects of measles. These infections were acquired during the 1980s or earlier, when epidemics of measles occurred.

    This shows that there have been no relevant deaths from measles infections acquired since 1992 – exactly what the trend line of the graph Cole complains about shows should be expected.

    The graph line Cole complains about is also a trend line. It shows the strong trend of measles mortality data for 100 years which remains unaffected by the 4 deaths he cites. Annual measles mortality rapidly fell without vaccines from highs of 25,634 in years like 1915 to lows of 37 in years like 1960 and that fall continued regardless to the present day.

    According to The British Medical Association (‘BMA’) and The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPSGB) mumps vaccination is clinically inappropriate:-

    Since mumps and its complications are very rarely serious there is little indication for the routine use of mumps vaccine“: British National Formulary (‘BNF’) 1985 and 1986

    Freedom of Information documents show the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and Ministry of Defence agreed as early as 1974 that:-

    there was no need to introduce routine vaccination against mumps” because “complications from the disease were rare” JCVI minutes 11 Dec 1974.

    We are grateful to James Cole for raising this point because analysis demonstrates the validity of the points we make on this page. It also demonstrates that Cole trolls the internet defaming others when it is Cole who is responsible for disseminating gross misinformation.


  52. What tosh CHS, look at the actual data Single measles vaccine introduced 1967/8 then MMR in 1988. Deaths had been declining, I totally agree, until the early 50’s but then the death rate stabilised at c 100/yr until the single measles vaccine was introduced: pre vaccibne rates from 1954 varied from 31 to174/yr (when you cherry pick data to give the low point CHS at least get the value right .. 37 in 1960 actually it was 31) try 152 deaths the next year in 1961, or 127 2 years later or 99 the year before the single vaccine was introduced, there was no deceasing trend CHS for 15 years before vaccination, just about 100 kids a year, give or take, dying in the UK of a perfectly preventable disease, do you really want to go back there???


  53. Yet the “graph” (it is a frequency polygon rather than a graph, as values cannot be interpolated) to which you repeatedly refer seems to be misleading in itself.

    Whence did the “deaths per 55,000,000” data originate?


  54. People are still dying from measles infections acquired prior to the introduction of MMR. Whoever is behind CHS wants us to go back to the days before MMR, when measles epidemics occurred that led to deaths from both acute measles infection and late effects of measles.

    That take-up of measles-containing vaccine (specifically MMR) was high enough from 1992 onwards to prevent outbreaks and any deaths from acute measles infection shows that the vaccine was doing precisely what was expected of it – reducing incidence of measles and lowering the risk of death from acute measles infection.

    That deaths due to acute measles have occurred since vaccination levels dropped shows just how dangerously wrong Child Health Safety, Clifford Miller, John Stone, and Jabs really are

  55. Your problem is that

  56. the official statistics show that measles deaths were diminishing rapidly regardless;
  57. the drug industry recognised that if they did not get their vaccines into the market by the late 1960s it could be their last chance;
  58. they then claimed the credit for their vaccines for what was already happening – a rapid fall in measles deaths;
  59. we now have epidemic levels of all manner of chronic conditions in children: autism, asthma, diabetes and many more;
  60. serious adverse reactions to vaccines go unreported and uninvestigated in an atmosphere of hysteria if anyone criticises anything to do with vaccines, the world having been sold a dummy on the issue;
  61. So from your perspective is it better to have millions of children with chronic illnesses all their lives which cost in social and economic terms.

    And two deaths from measles infections in seriously ill and immunocompromised individuals from infection acquired in 2006 and 2008 is no reason for every child in the country to be put at risk of serious adverse vaccine reactions.


  • An open letter to Clifford Miller:

    Clifford, your graph is misleading, out-of-date, and inaccurate. Acute measles infection has claimed lives in years when your graph predicted no deaths would occur (and this prediction was said to hold even if no-one were vaccinated according to CHS). No amount of goalpost-shifting (or exclusion of deaths that are proving to be so inconvenient to you and your daft graph) can possibly save your out-of-date and misleading graph.

    The text on Child Health Safety is even worse. I can only hope (for the sake of your reputation) that you are not the author of the following:

    By 2007 the chance of anyone in England and Wales dying of measles if no one were vaccinated was less than 1 in 55 million.

    This is a truly moronic statement. The graph is not only inaccurate, misleading and out-of-date, but also contains figures for deaths from measles in a country with measles-containing vaccine coverage that has been at or above 80% since the introduction of MMR in 1988. How on earth can you (or anyone else) possibly justify using the figures for measles mortality in a country with 80%+ levels of vaccination to suggest that the chances of death if no one were vaccinated would be less than 1 in 55 million? Quite simply, you can’t.

    Do you genuinely believe that, in the event of a zero rate of vaccination, measles mortality will decrease as incidence of measles increases? If so, then you’re even dafter than your graph.

    In the first half of the 1980s, when measles coverage was around 52-62% [WHO figures], there were roughly 450,000 cases of measles (about 90,000 per year), there were 80 deaths (16 per year) and the mortality rate was 5-6,000 (cases of measles per death from measles infection). [Figures from the HPA.] In 1988, the year single measles vaccine was phased out in favour of MMR, there were 86,000 cases of measles and 16 deaths from measles. In 2006, there were nearly four thousand cases of measles and one death from acute measles infection. In 2008, there was at least one death from acute measles infection and there were 5,000 cases. [HPA, provisional data for 2008.] Mortality from measles was around 1 in 5000 in the 1980s – the same as it is now. A return to the levels of vaccine coverage seen in the early 1980s would see a return to the level of deaths from acute measles infection that we had during the 1980s. [And it isn’t ‘just’ people with immunodeficiency who are at risk of dying from acute measles infection. Take, for example, the case of the Duisburg outbreak in Germany. [Note: link goes to a PDF.] The two children who developed encephalitis and died were aged 2 months, and 2 years. The infant was too young for vaccination and would have relied upon herd immunity for protection. It’s also perhaps worth noting the following: “Measles-related complications were more common in younger children.” … “Overall, 77 (15%) interviewed patients were hospitalized for a median duration of 6 hospitalization days (range 2–97) and a total of 693 days.” That 15% of cases required hospitalisation for an average of six days does not suggest that measles in 2006 is ‘nothing to worry about’ as so many anti-vaccine campaigners are keen to imply. For all of us, but especially for those with younger children, measles is certainly something to fear.]

    All it would take to kill hundreds in the next decade would be for vaccination coverage to drop sufficiently. It wouldn’t even have to drop to zero – somewhere between 55-75% ought to do it. And this is, apparently, what the anti-vaccine lobbyists (which includes those such as you, John Stone, and Child Health Safety) are striving for, using your daft graph with its odd trend line as ‘evidence’ to support its wacky ideas.

    To end on a happier note… since vaccine coverage dropped to a decade low of 80% in 2003, rates are beginning to rise again and from 2007-2009 were back up to 86%. Hopefully, we will soon see vaccine coverage reach the level that provides herd immunity and deaths and serious complications from measles infection will be considerably less likely to occur. This rise in vaccine coverage might suggest that some of those initially concerned by the false claims of Wakefield, Jabs, Child Health Safety and others that MMR was associated with regressive autism have realised that they were misled. Increased awareness of the risks of measles may also be a factor in this rise.

    You are losing the battle, Clifford…

    [ED: Jimmy, did you ever get a reply to your open letter? Did you ever send it to the person concerned? How come you just ignored the evidence on CHS and went off making false and wild claims?

    The following goes to show James D Cole [aka jdc325 and 325jdc] is mathematically challenged, ignorant or a untruthful or possibly all three. He can say which he wants to be known as.

    Here is the measles graph he claims is “misleading, out-of-date, and inaccurate”

    Measles Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999

    Here is the Health Protection Agency data he relies on for his claim showing exactly the same thing plotted identically:


    Measles Deaths 1948-2008 Source Health Protection Agency UK

    Both graphs have an exponential trendline using the trendline function in professional commercially available software.

    For years which the HPA data had zero deaths it was necessary to substitute a value to plot logarithmically – set at 0.1 – which is of course very generously above zero.

    So James, your data must also be “misleading, out-of-date, and inaccurate”.

    The reason he gave to justify this claim was “Acute measles infection has claimed lives in years when” the graph “predicted no deaths would occur”.

    So James is so ignorant that he does not understand what a trendline is or he is wilfully dishonest and so lying. The trendline shows the trend. And the HPA data shows the same trend of the chance of measles mortality falling below 1 in 55 million per annum.

    And with only 2 deaths from acute measles [according to the HPA] since 1992, that works out at a chance of 0.1 deaths per annum over the entire population of England and Wales – which is roughly 55 million – give or take for annual fluctuations etc.

    So not only is the trendline on both graphs presenting a reliable picture showing mortality falling below 1 in 55 million per annum, but actual mortality is in line with the trend shown by both graphs.

    Nothing misleading about that – contrary to claims of [ignorant/untruthful/mathematically challenged*] James D Cole [aka jdc325 325jdc].

    [* delete as appropriate]

    And as this is a logarithmic graph, it does not predict no deaths as Cole claims – so again either he is untruthful or ignorant or mathematically challenged or all of these. Do let us know James.

    So not a “daft graph” at all but one showing much the same trend as the HPA data shows. So also not “misleading”.

    That is the trouble with Ben Goldacre. He encourages people like James D Cole [aka jdc325 and 325jdc] to congregate over at his forum and meddle with subjects which are way beyond their intellectual competence – with Cole a former unemployed barman and administrator and all.

    Cole also claims it is a “truly moronic statement” to claim:-

    By 2007 the chance of anyone in England and Wales dying of measles if no one were vaccinated was less than 1 in 55 million.

    Whereas it is moronic to contradict that statement – with a chance of 0.1 deaths per annum over the entire population of England and Wales, we and most normal people would be inclined to think that 0.1 per annum per 55 million population is sufficiently below 1 in 55 million to be reliably within the trend.

    But of course for mathematically challenged people over at Ben Goldacre’s forum 0.1 is a way larger number than 1.

    So Cole then moves on from abuse arising from his own ignorance, mathematical incompetence or dishonesty to complain that as “measles-containing vaccine coverage” … “has been at or above 80% since the introduction of MMR in 1988″ …. “How on earth can you (or anyone else) possibly justify using the figures for measles mortality in a country with 80%+ levels of vaccination to suggest that the chances of death if no one were vaccinated would be less than 1 in 55 million?”

    Cole claims it cannot be done – or as he puts it “Quite simply, you can’t.”

    Well James – you can.

    What a straight line exponential trendline on a logarithmic graph demonstrates is that the fall in measles mortality over the past 110 years has been exponential. In baby terms for you James that means the rate of fall in mortality has been like throwing something off a cliff and watching it go faster and faster and get smaller and smaller as time passes until you can hardly see it at all.

    And particularly, the fact that a exponential trendline results in a straightline is an immensely strong indication that measles mortality would continue to fall exponentially. If the introduction of the vaccines had any effect that effect would be to accelerate the fall.

    And the trouble for you James is that the HPA data – which runs up to 2008 [and not 1999 like the graph you claim is misleading] enables a comparison.

    The trendline for the HPA data drops below a chance of 1 in 55 million by 2000 and not 2007 like the 1999 data in the other graph.

    So on a very simple approach [which is appropriate for your apparent level of intellectual ability] that might be some small comfort to you.

    You might want to interpret that as indicating the vaccine might have had some effect in accelerating a reduction in the already very low rate of mortality by 7 years. There are reasons why that might not be the case but for present purposes we will allow you the privilege of claiming it is.

    So James, you see, it can be done.

    And to make the point more firmly, here is the ONS data plotted up to 1967 – before the introduction of the measles vaccine – and with the trendline plotted forward to where the chance of mortality falls below 1 in 55 million:

    Measles Mortality ONS Data 1901-1967

    So this trendline eliminates any possible effect of the introduction of any measles vaccine.

    And guess what – it cuts the graph in 2007 – just as the graph for the data from 1901-1999 does – which seems to suggest quite strongly that measles mortality fell exponentially before the introduction of the single measles vaccine and continued to fall exponentially and at the same rate after.

    But you just will not ever accept you are wrong. We saw that with your attack on Sue Reid’s journalism where you were forced to admit you attacked her professionalism solely because you disagreed with her reporting in a national newspaper the Italian Health Ministry not contesting the evidence before the Italian Court showing that the MMR vaccine did cause Valentino Bocca’s autism.

    Your argument was with the experts at the Italian Health Ministry but instead as the bully you are you chose to bully the journalist who did a professional job of reporting the facts.

    And here we see the same thing. Despite 110 years of data and clear mathematically presented graphical evidence, James D Cole [aka jdc325 and 325jdc] just cannot accept it because it goes against the position he has taken and he can never admit he is wrong. He cannot admit that “in the event of a zero rate of vaccination” the annual rate of measles mortality will still continue to decrease.

    He also cannot come to terms with the fact – clearly stated with evidence in the article above – that reported cases are totally unreliable as an indication of true levels of incidence of a disease.

    He takes that position despite official UK data of laboratory testing showing that doctors over diagnose and have over diagnosed measles by 74 times – for every real case there were 73 non measles cases reported.

    James D Cole also cannot accept the clear conclusion of the peer reviewed medical paper cited in the article above: Englehandt SF, Halsey NA, Eddins DL, Hinman AR. Measles mortality in the United States 1971-1975. Am J Public Health 1980;70:1166–1169 which also confirms that “Measles mortality rates were inversely related to median family income” which means in baby language that as people become better off year on year, measles mortality will keep on falling.

    In the teeth of the evidence from 110 years James D Cole firmly believes or is being dishonest in stating that “All it would take to kill hundreds in the next decade would be for vaccination coverage to drop sufficiently. It wouldn’t even have to drop to zero – somewhere between 55-75% ought to do it.”

    But UK measles vaccine coverage was well below 55% in the 1970’s and early 1980s. The average UK mortality between 1968 when the single measles vaccine was introduced and 1987 was 20 and not hundreds and was falling over that entire period at the same rate exponentially as it had been before 1968.

    And James you clearly are being dishonest in claiming a graph is “misleading, out-of-date, and inaccurate” when 1) it states clearly on its face the periods it covered – 1900-1999 2) the two deaths you talk about were in 2006 and 2008 3) there had been no deaths from acute measles since 1992 3) the HPA data shows the much the same trend as that graph and 4) the trendline was used to illustrate the position by 2007 of mortality falling below 1 in 55 million by then – which it most certainly had done – based on the trend of 100 years data to 1999.

    As further evidence of your mathematically challenged ability you must know either yourself or if you are so ignorant then from your Badscience forum chronies that it is impossible to prepare a logarithmic graph with zero values.

    So how did you expect anyone to plot a graph with the HPA data on it with zero values.

    Notably you did not attempt to plot the graph of the HPA data. People might infer that was because you and/or your Ben Goldacre/Badscience buddies already knew what it would show and that it would back up the graph covering 1901 to 1999.

    So which will you admit to – being untruthful or ignorant or mathematically challenged or all three?

    Shame on you. ]

  • Thanks for your comments.

    There is a graph and there is a trend line. A trend line is not a “prediction” but shows a trend. The trend shows measles mortality falling away to a probability less than 1 in 55 million by 2007 in England and Wales. These are official statistics. It is difficult to escape what the evidence shows.

    The claimed vaccination rate to prevent measles epidemics [and they used to be 600,000 cases a year] is 95% coverage. In south-east London, England the official statistics show that only 50% of under 5’s have had both doses of MMR. 20% have had one dose and 30% have had neither. No epidemics. No deaths.

    As we noted in our previous post this is fully backed up by the data from the Health Protection Agency.

    There were only two deaths from acquired measles infection since 1992. So that is well below an average of 1 in 55 million. Both individuals were very sick children whose immune systems were compromised, one by serious illness and the other was on immuno-suppressant drugs – he could have died from anything – a common cold. These were not healthy ordinary kids. Why risk the adverse reactions on millions of ordinary kids and the chronic conditions which result in millions of people?

    Even you can see that. Maybe you are genuinely concerned to come here to post. What you have to appreciate is that other people are genuinely concerned. This is not about “anti-vaccine” but about risk vs risk – benefit has dropped away. It is about risk of the vaccines vs risk of the natural disease.

    Is that what these disagreements are truly about?

    The fact is the risk equation is very different in 2010 to that in 1910.


  • jdc 325 says about himself on his blog [jdc] that he is James Cole and he is formerly unemployed and now employed as a barman and as an admin worker.

    “Res ipsa loquitur” as we say in Barnsley.


  • Res ipsa loquitur? I’m not quite sure how that particular phrase relates to the information in your comment. The legal term doesn’t seem relevant, so I guess you’re arguing that my employment status “speaks for itself”. Not sure how that’s relevant to my or your comments on measles though…

    I’m also somewhat amused by the fact that someone who remains anonymous seems to think that the job I do is somehow relevant to the points I make here. If your arguments rest on appeals to authority or, rather, my lack of authority – then how about you show me yours (I have, after all, shown you mine).

    I’m touched by your interest in my employment status, but I fail to see its relevance.


  • You mentioned:

    Incidence rates are also misleading. Medical professionals are notoriously poor at diagnosis. At the moment in the UK cases of measles are over-diagnosed a minimum of 10 times to 16 times. Official UK data comparing reported cases to laboratory confirmed cases shows this. Diagnosis goes through fads in the medical professions and where there is a great deal of publicity over-diagnosis shoots up.

    Can you tell me where the source of this information is so I may read more about this?


    [ED: It is well-known. For an example take a look here:-
    Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

    “Doctors substantially overdiagnose measles cases especially when they believe it is a possible diagnosis. Doctors were told the vaccine prevented children getting measles when introduced in the late 1960′s so after that time a substantial reduction in diagnoses would be expected.

    Examples of recent overdiagnoses of measles when there are measles “scares” are proportionately up to 74 times (or 7400% overdiagnosed). Figures and sources follow the next paragraph.”]


  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics […]


  • This is a FABULOUS compilation of data! Thank you so much!!


  • I dunno…..
    The pro vaccinators are convincing in their concern over deaths. I just wish they’d turn their efforts to other things that cause deaths. Like cars and guns. But somehow I doubt they would support banning cars or guns. So their logical concern about non vaccination and resulting deaths is lost on me.


  • Great articles and links keep it up!


  • This is awesome work. Thank you for pouring yourself into this. I will passing this information on to everyone I know.


  • Somebody asked if anybody had seen an unvaccinated autistic child. One of my granddaughters is severely autistic, with zero speech development and no attachment to anybody (she doesn’t distinguish between her parents, siblings and total strangers at all). She has had a severe seizure disorder from the age of three months, and this has caused brain damage.

    She is an exception, as I believe that most cases of autism are caused by vaccines. Which is evidenced by the fact that the Amish don’t have autistic children (they also generally don’t vaccinate). The only two autistic Amish children I’ve heard of were adopted, and were vaccinated before adoption.

    [ED: are you sure about the vaccines? On the US schedule the Hep B vaccine is given at birth and another shot in the second and third months. It does happen that the shot is given at birth and parents may not even be aware it was done.]


  • I see bias and defensiveness in both parties here…those for the vaccines, and those againse. It would seem to me that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. While, granted, some of the diseases are not as serious as others, (mumps or rubella for children) and maybe not require vaccinations, and some maybe should not be given so early (hep B) the unaltered facts (from both parties) should be laid out before the parents and let the parents make a clearly unclouded choice as to what is best for their child. It seems that the writer(s) of the article are crediting vaccinations for the rise in such things as diabetes, asthma, etc., in children. There is a plethora of other causes for an increase in these diseases…and, the greatest among them may be childhood obesity. Be cautious about throwing around ideas which are unsubstantiated. A reason that more research has not been done is not a simple matter of the medical profession and drug companies not wanting to do it; rather, consider the possibility that it may be unethical to have clinical trials where some children are refused a vaccine, or vice versa. You may decide what is ethical in your own minds. Good luck in all of your research—both sides!


  • Dear Ed, thank you, again and again. I knew it in my heart not to vaccinate my child, since then i have found much back up for my thoughts. Sustainability, environment friendly, health and good food, to the government, is not a profitable organisation. War, death, NHS, is what the government spends money on, it is a profit which will increase, until the money runs out. Fear, sickness and depression is what the officials thrive off.

    I love to talk to doctors to inform them what else happens, and help with their contradicting conformism.

    Ed what you are saying, is gold dust and more and more we are finding cures to these from nature. Just today i read info on hemp, and psilocybin, curing the health and wellbeings of the human kind, and of the earth wellbeing. There are ways of improving our lives and what you displayed here is at the point where we understand and more forward. People on this comment box who have negatively answered against you, have their right full say, but are also a massive victim of the fear tactics. They have so been believed against what you are saying that the anger comes into play resulting from the fear. Its not their fault, they just got conditioned when they were younger.

    Blessings to you, lets move forward….one love


  • Great compilation of statistics. Good job.


  • I’m very grateful to all the professionals who do the right thing and provide these stats and education. My kids are 20 and 17 now, never vaccinated and extremely healthy. I’m so glad I took the time to properly research all of this when they were born.


  • Harmful vaccines given to kids, yet another violation of our rights. Add it to the list of gov’t violations of our right:
    They violate the 1st Amendment by placing protesters in cages, banning books like “America Deceived II” and censoring the internet.
    They violate the 2nd Amendment by confiscating guns.
    They violate the 4th and 5th Amendment by molesting airline passengers.
    They violate the entire Constitution by starting undeclared wars for foreign countries.
    Impeach Obama and sweep out the Congress, except Ron Paul.
    (Last link of Banned Book):

    America Deceived II (book)


  • First, test the vaccines to see if they work. A humoral response to an immunogenic challenge does not equate to immunity. Most current testing is inadequate.

    Determine safety of the vaccines.

    Avoid all fraudulent research, which is rampant.

    If safe and effective, provide people to opt in or opt out of the vaccines. No mandates, no nazis.

    Allow people to sue for vaccine damage.

    Solves the current crisis.


  • An excellent post – thanks


  • Thank you for this. I’ve read a lot about vaccinations and have heard about these statistics, and have studied a few. But so glad someone really took the time to put all this together. My children and I are vaccinated. I used to be content with what our doctors would tell us. But, the Swineflu made me wonder, and I started to do some studies on my own. I would not have vaccineted my children when I know what I know today. Glad to say we are healthy though.
    Could not find info about the sender of this site. Who is? Background?


  • […] (ChildHealthSafety) – This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies. Read More Here […]


  • Thank you for all the work you put into compiling this information. I hope it will dissuade many from having their children injected with industrial toxins.

    I don’t need graphs to tell me how bad immunizations are. My firstborn was given the DPT combination and his reaction was extreme: raw, excoriated flesh in the diaper area and non-stop blood-curdling screaming. A friend gave me an herbal tea to calm him and it helped the poor exhausted infant sleep. (That was my introduction to alternative medicine, which I used while raising four children.)

    My son & his wife decided in favor of vaccinations, but waited until their firstborn was a toddler to have him injected. He exhibited many symptoms of autism (withdrawal, moodiness, rejecting affection) immediately following the shot. Fortunately the symptoms gradually subsided over several weeks and he returned to being a cheerful, loving child. We’ll never know if the temporary effect was due to being older and how severe the reaction might have been had he been injected as a newborn. God save the children!


  • Well done, I am deeply thankful you have compiled such a comprehensive and in my opinion conclusive article on the dangers of vaccinations. One day I’m sure you will be properly thanked for your contribution to the well being of mankind.


  • Thanks for the time you’ve put into this.

    My son was vaccine damaged. It’s taken us years to heal him, and will take years to pay the debt. We tracked it back to the MMR.

    If anyone is interested, look up how many girls have died from the Gardasil vaccine. Don’t believe the casual references saying that there’s no link between the deaths and receiving the vaccine. Check it out for yourself.

    I have worked in healthcare for the past 9 years. One organization that I previously worked for has a world renowned research center. Three years ago they released the results from a long term study showing that it could not be proven that the annual flu shot proved affective for seniors. Later that same year the clinical side of the organization still encouraged seniors to “Get their flu shot”. This year’s shot for seniors has a triple concentrated dose. It has not been tested.

    Do your own research before getting any vaccine. Your health may depend on it.


  • please generate a pdf version of this article to download.


  • I see a lot of people saying “these graphs show mortality rates, not incidence rates so therefore it means nothing”. Mortality rates are the most reliable indicators of disease. One of the most commonly used lies in medical science is to quote incidence rates as those are not reported correctly and easily manipulated. This is covered in a classic statistics book called How To Lie With Statistics.

    Mortality rates are the most reliable disease statistic to use. If you see someone using incidence rates then you must question the source and the motive behind it. You must also check so many variables that you will not have access to.

    There are also graphs for incidence rates of diseases that show the same as these for mortality, however they are not honest.

    I recommend anyone confused by this to read How To Lie With Statistics. It is a very useful book if you’re going to be reviewing any medical studies or statistics of any kind, especially those performed and skewed by the pharmaceutical industry. They constantly rely on lying with statistics and understanding how they lie can help you understand the truth.

    I’m glad this site presented the truth honestly and transparently. I hope more people will learn to understand statistics and the important of using mortality rates.


  • well done !


  • I myself am a vaccine victim. Anthrax vaccine in 2000 caused my immune system to turn on itself. Of course, the military doctors were plugged in and programmed to play stupid and deny it, even though I had symptoms THE SAME DAY. Following years of alternative therapy to regain my health (somewhat) I vowed to make sure that I never put my children through the hell I went through with vaccines. We just had a beautiful baby boy four days ago, and we refused the Hep B shot. That, in combination with good nutrition while his mother was pregnant has resulted in a very healthy (jaundice level 2) baby.
    I can’t believe how incompetent our doctors are. They lie and tell everyone that they will never get their children in to day care or school if they don’t submit to foolish vaccinations such as hep B. I will NEVER let anyone vaccinate my child EVER!!!!! It’s so sad the people in this country are like sheep.


  • Interesting. A note to start with: I don’t care what authorities in your country say. They might be in some conspiracy, they might be acting, because they care and are convinced. “Saved millions of lifes” is probably an exaggerated claim. Whatever.

    Couple of questions though:

    1) Why is you first graph “deaths per 55 mln”? This is a rather unusual way of repporting mortality, although I don’t know if it matters. A lot happened to the population of England and Wales since 1900….

    2) “Correlation does not imply causation”
    Your graphs do not PROVE anything, although they provide us with interesting correlations. The fact that you CAN provide alternative explanations doesn’t mean they do explain the whole situation. How much do you think nutrition and health care actually improved since 1968? I don’t know that, but you haven’t even tried to convinced me that they did.

    3) There is scientific evidence that vaccination prevents infections and/or disease (ever heard of secondary immune response?). Are you suggesting we should stop vaccinating because MOST people would not die of eg. measles in developed countries? What about those that would die, because they didn’t get the vaccine (and were unfortunate enough to be susceptible, malnourished, immunocompromised etc)?

    4) Now, incidence (and there are some limits to how overreported it WAS) is also important for health care, at least in financial terms. Maybe it’s simply cheaper to provide nation-wide vaccination than rescue those infants in ICU?

    5) Leicester is a (probably) good example that you can prevent an epidemic of a deadly, immediately and always symptomatic disease by sanitation. Now, measles for example, as you mentioned, is not always symptomatic, moreover it spreads like wildfire. It it ANYTHING but smallpox. Another explanation could be that Sheffield was for example less densly populated during the outbreak in other cities.

    5a) Smallpox is actually a very good example of an eradication that succeded thanks to vaccination (unless you want to claim there’s been a considerable improvement in living conditions in the 3rd World).

    6) Mumps is the least necessary of routine vaccines. Funny that the article (BMJ, Gupta et al) you claim proves people should be exposed to mumps naturally, actually claims the opposite. The outbreak in question is correlated with drop in vaccination rates. So it’s probably not the low efficacy of the vaccine. Moreover, have you heard that viruses tend to mutate in the wild? Like flu does it each year. So what’s better, vaccinate or give the virus thousands of hosts so that it gets better at what it does? Not to mention hospitalization costs again.

    7) No link between autism and MMR has been proven.

    For the future – less graphs, more analysis (with all due respect, it’s all a little difficult to follow). Take a statistics, virology and immunology courses or read some coursebooks. Talk to some open-minded doctors/scientists, who aren’t just claiming things. Know your enemy, before you start fighting them.

    [ED: Ha, ha, ha. Obviously a comedian.]


  • I am sort of flattered that while you’re taking on much less serious comments, you decided to dismiss mine.

    Maybe I just lost the ability to see my own irony, but I don’t see much of a joke in my comments (maybe besides the first and last paragraph).

    I challenge you to respond to my arguments. Otherwise you’re no better than the people you’re rightfully criticizing for claiming “mlns saved by measles vaccine in UK”.

    [ED: It is pretty funny for you to lecture on statistics.

    Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:
    Jeremiah Chapter 5 – Verse 21

    The only sensible and the simplest way to normalize a graph covering 100 years of statistics across an entire population where mortality steadily fell before vaccines were introduced from 15,210 per 55 million in 1901 to 112 per 55 million in 1967 [a fall of 99.26%] is to present the data in the way it has been done.

    So are you saying the vaccine miraculously jumped in a time machine and was responsible for the 99.26% fall in mortality all by itself and no one noticed? Perhaps you think it was aliens vaccinating people in their sleep and erasing their memories.

    And despite the evidence showing the steady year on year fall in mortality you want to suggest the steady fall in mortality over the prior 67 years just halted when the vaccine was introduced?

    That is ridiculous or comedic or both. Either way it would be a bit of a miracle.

    Lets have sense and science please – not this mumbo jumbo rhetoric.


  • Glad we’re talking. Glad we agree on sense and science. Sad you didn’t read my post, answer most of the questions and used reductio ad absurdum on claims I didn’t make.
    I actually agreed with you on measles vaccine not being the primary cause of mortality drop and you haven’t even noticed. Let’s make it clearer:

    1) Do you, or do you not agree that there is scientific evidence that vaccines can prevent contracting the disease (NOT necessarily mortality)?

    2) Do you, or do you not agree that contracting the disease is necessary condition for dying from it (if you exclude disease-related homicide)?

    3) Do you, or do you not agree that if measles vaccine prevents contracting the disease, using it might be commendable, taking into account the fact that measles might require hospitalization and/or may cause pneumonia, encephalitis and corneal ulceration leading to corneal scarring?

    4) Do you claim constant improvement in sanitation and health care in England and Wales since 1901 till 1999 is the ONLY conceivable explanation for measles mortality reduction? What is the scientific basis for your claim?

    6) Do you claim that the same kind of improvement lead to eradication of smallpox WORLDWIDE?

    7) Do you, or do you not agree that smallpox and measles are two different viruses in terms of genome, genome size, symptoms and transmission (among others)?

    8) If I show you a graph in which a straight line marks the relation between amount of sold ice cream and violent crime, would you think eating ice cream causes violence or vice versa?

    9) There’s no scientific evidence that MMR causes autism. In fact there’s good evidence that it doesn’t (eg. a review by Wilson et al. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003).

    [ED: Still hilarious.

    You make a list of statements without setting out any case or evidence to back them up and then expect someone else to say if they agree or disagree.

    We can do that too. Do you agree that serious adverse reactions to vaccines are substantially under reported? Do you agree that vaccines have been causing asthma and allergy on a wide scale? Do you agree that the risks of vaccines outweigh the alleged benefits?

    You also confuse evidence with proof and substitute “scientific” evidence for any form of evidence regardless of how good or even superior to scientific evidence it might be.

    If evidence is collected in a “scientific” manner or according to a “scientific” method that might be called scientific. So if your graph correlating ice cream sales to violent crime was collected in a scientific manner it might be classed as “scientific” evidence – but as proof it might be junk or it might not – one would have examine the “evidence” to form any view.

    I love the smallpox example. It is scientifically impossible for smallpox to have been eradicated by vaccination. Take a look here:-

    Small Pox – Big Lie – Bioterrorism Implications of Flawed Theories of Eradication

    Of course medical professionals could not admit to any of that because they would have to admit to allowing themselves to being duped their entire careers. But an impartial and objective scientific analysis will have some difficulty accepting the medical profession’s “consensus” opinion on the matter.

    Let us hope the western military wake up to this before there is a military and security catastrophe [albeit Gulf War Syndrome already has been something of a catastrophe – particularly for the many victims and their families in our armed forces].

    And of course there is scientific evidence that MMR causes autism.

    Why else do you think we can quote statements made by very senior health officials and government agencies on the matter:

    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines

    That is aside from the fact that the original Wakefield Lancet study is “scientific evidence”. Dr Ben Goldacre has admitted to its validity in a recent interview:-

    “Also, this was a 12 subject case series report – it was a description of only 12 children’s clinical anecdotes, and while this is not good evidence to say MMR causes autism, it is a perfectly legitimate thing to publish.”
    Health info – sorting the wheat from the chaff [Posted: Mon 22/11/2010 by Niall Hunter, Editor –]


  • Dear George,

    Still no answer (I kind of start liking our little, internal jokes).

    I didn’t make any statements there, barring one about no evidence for linkage. Otherwise than that – you are the one who challenges the consensus, burden of the proof lies with you.

    Ice cream. A graph with accompanying statistical tests can never be a proof of anything else than a correlation. Then you may interpret it.

    Your interpretation of measles graph, based on two rather nice articles, is that sanitation/health care is the ONLY explaining factor. I agree this is something worth considering. I have a reasonable doubt, however, that sanitation and healthcare have improved so substantially since about 1950s as to be the WHOLE explanation henceforth.

    Moreover, something I haven’t noticed before – if you make a regression on years 1955-65 your curve will have a slope that is not significantly different from zero. 10 years of no improvement and suddenly off we go. Here you have it – evidence (as in “not proof”) that it would not at all be hilarious that sanitation improvement stopped being the decisive factor and vaccination took over.

    Now let me answer my own questions since you’re not bold enough to confront them:

    1 – vaccines work) There are years of scientific studies into the nature of human immune system. Our understanding of it is not perfect, but proofs of immune memory and secondary immune response are copious. Even you’d agree that contracting many diseases provides you with immunity to them. Ever since Lady Montagu started using variolation we know that using attenuated (non-virulent) or killed pathogens may provide us with similar kind of immunity without the same danger as exposing ourselves to the virulent agens. It is true, unless you purport that millions of intelligent and diligent people that SOME scientists are made it all up and live in denial ever since.
    Admittedly, there are cases of vaccines going astray (Urabe, oral polio that we still give to 3rd World Countries, Thimerosal), but this doesn’t mean vaccines don’t work.

    2 – infection precedes death) No doubt about that (unless your rabbid neighbor kills you in a fit of rage).

    3 – being healthy better than sick) Excellent questions. Here btw comes an answer to one of your questions (about allergy and benefit ratio).
    Yes, I believe using measles vaccine is commendable even if it just prevents the disease. Two reasons: personal suffering/complications and hospitalization/epidemics control costs.
    Complications – pneumonia, encephalitis and corneal scarring – are associated with wildtype infection. Maybe it’s somewhat more attenuated now than used to be, but why take chances of it mutating? Why take the chances of children getting encephalitis, which in some cases leads to — why, autism.
    Now there is some substantial piece of untruth on you website – there IS a difference between a wildtype virus that you think we should be contracting and a live-attenuated virus that is in MMR. MMR viruses are not virulent (there’s been Urabe strain, but they don’t give it to Brits anymore).
    Give evidence/proof that this is not the case. Give me links to alleged allergy connection, I will consider it.

    4 – other theories) I made my case at the beginning.

    6 – “sanitation eradicated smallpox”) Obviously not. We still have favelas, slums and dilapidated Indian villages. We don’t have smallpox though. Nobody denies isolation works best (Leicestre), but how feasible is it in a crowded city with no real health facilities? Ever read “La Peste” by A. Camus? Leicestre doesn’t prove or isn’t even evidence that the same tactic was used all over the world.
    Your website is fighting some claims that “ring vaccination” didn’t save the day and I’m inclined to agree (who cares now if it was “ring” or not?) as long as you agree with the article you’re quoting [Kaplan et al.] which provides a very nice correlation between vaccination and incidence of smallpox.
    As for attenuation – you provide some very weak circumstantial evidence in form of “there was an attenuated strain”. It takes more to prove it contributed. Can you provide any evidence/proof?
    And I don’t know where you’re going with monkey pox. It’s a different virus. It’s like saying “polio is on the brink of extinction, but maybe not because we have hepatitis A” (FYI they’re in the same family).

    7 – smallpox v measles) Smallpox is an extremely complex DNA virus that changes so little we could vaccinate ourselves with its distant cow pox cousin. Small pox is symptomatic before it’s infective – and hell, you don’t want to be near a person that’s symptomatic. Measles on the other hand is relatively small RNA virus that starts being infective before it’s symptomatic. It spreads by aerosol, which is somewhat easier to catch (ever tried dodging common cold or flu?) than in case of smallpox (blood and mucosal transmission). Bottom line – smallpox and measles are different, isolation is even more unlikely to work for measles than smallpox.

    8 – ice cream) Oh, it was of course about “confounding variable” – heat. Warm days make children buy ice cream and adults entertain themselves in violent ways. But you know all about it (somewhere on the website you mentioned it).

    9) Who is Dr Ben Goldacre? Also I love your out-of-context quotation (paragraph preceding the one you quoted): “But you have to remember this paper didn’t actually say MMR causes autism, it didn’t even speculate on that. It was accompanied by an editorial that said by the way people should be very clear that it doesn’t mean that MMR causes autism.” The study has been RETRACTED (because of ethical considerations) by Lancet, a thing they didn’t do “in the heat of the moment” (it was at the beginning of 2010) and they don’t do very often. More importantly, the study could not be replicated by other researchers and a lot of cohort studies showed no correlation between MMR and measles.
    Take the most recent one:
    So what’s that scientific evidence, again? Hannah Pollings case, who received 5 shots agains 9 different diseases and probably had an underlying condition? Baylie Banks possibly suffering from “non-autistic developmental delay”. Even if – one boy against millions.
    10) “Do you agree that serious adverse reactions to vaccines are substantially under reported?” (your question) No, is it a consensus I’ve missed? But bring it on, I want to see evidence. And funny that measles incidence is overreported, but serious consequences of the vaccine are underreported. Funny that CDR is constantly reporting that most (if not all) confirmed cases of measles are in unvaccinated people (but you’re not against efficacy of vaccines, are you?)
    Sample: (also the one you’re quoting to prove 74 times overdiagnosis).
    FINAL STATEMENT: I wish you were a reasonable guy willing to be a watchdog over something that should be watched. I have no doubt that wrong decisions were and are going to be taken for bad and good reasons alike, that journals publish unreliable science sometimes, that some scientists have ulterior motifs etc. But you have to be better than them. Are you willing to meet me on middle ground or are you just going to ignore everything as some internet troll would? (I hope this sound pompous enough).

    [ED: zzzz zzzz zzzz. Oh hi, sorry dropped off reading all that. And without references to back it up too.]


  • That’s the spirit! To lose by default…

    I congratulate you on identifying yourself as a troll. May grace be with you.


  • Hey, great page! I’ll be posting a link to it in my next video interview with a mom who was able to completely reverse Autism in her son with biomedical treatment. I’m putting this web address link on her commentary about vaccines and why she won’t ever vaccinate again, and what happened to her son after she had vaccinated. You can look for the video on in a few days; I hope to have it on youtube within the next 24 hours (my channel is larrycook333) – feel free to post the video into this page because it’s a great interview.


  • In the British Medical Journal (1928) Dr. L Parry made the following observations:

    Smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated

    In highly vaccinated areas e.g. Bombay & Calcutta – smallpox is rife, while in minimally vaccinated areas, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown.
    80 percent of the smallpox cases admitted into the hospitals have been vaccinated, with 20 percent unvaccinated

    Germany – the best-vaccinated country in the world – has more smallpox deaths proportional to the population than England. HOwever – in 1919, there were 28 smallpox deaths in England, compared to 707 In Germany 

    L. A. Parry; Fatality Rates of Small-Pox in the Vaccinated & Unvaccinated; British Medical Journal; Jan. 21, 1928; p. 116 (

    [ED: Thanks for that most interesting reference.]


  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics « ________________Child Health Safe…. LikeBe the first to like this post. […]

  • Hi, I thought you’d like to know that I came to your page absolutely against vaccination in most cases, but your arguments in the comments section have really made me change my mind. I’m really concerned that you seem to ignore or obfuscate anything which goes against your point of view.

    For example, ‘Grace’ makes gracious and logical arguments, in fact very convincing points, which you seem unable to answer, and instead resort to insults and demand references, when most of Grace’s arguments are not based on research but straightforward logic. This helps no-one.

    Please, if you genuinely believe in what you are saying, answer questions put to you with the respect they deserve. Despite what Grace suggests, I hope that you are not a troll, and I’m writing this in the trust that you are not.

    I genuinely suspect that there is something wrong with vaccination programmes, but there doesn’t seem to be a wise, clear and reasonable voice saying this. The most gracious arguments always come from those in favour of vaccination. This is so frustrating, and leads me to think that maybe I’m mistaken about this whole thing.

    I really don’t think you’re helping your case.

    Best Regards


  • when I say ‘really made me change my mind’, I mean *nearly


  • Some fascinating and well-documented research offered here. God bless.


  • I like this weblog so much, saved to fav.


  • Thank you so much Ed for your due diligence in doing the research and organizing this vital information.

    Vaccines are absolutely useless and are entirely based on profit. Prevention of disease is all about a healthy lifestyle. Humans were not born with dysfunctional immune systems. Logic would dictate that if people needed vaccines to stay healthy and alive, that we would of been extinct thousands of years ago.

    I think its crazy how the data is so obvious and people still argue against it! Why do people defend vaccinations so much? I’m scared for the future of the human race. Now with over 69 vaccines given to new born babies, this can be the biggest travesty of modern medicine. The irony of it all is that most medical doctors claim to be evidenced based, but there are zero unbiased double blinded studies which prove vaccines work. Yet the MD’s still peddle the vaccines!

    If anyone would like further insight into the lunacy of vaccines you should read this book which comes with references:

    “The Sanctity of Human Blood : Vaccination is Not Immunization” by Tim O’Shea

    Thank again Ed! Your work is greatly appreciated. You are SAVING LIVES for every parent that opens there eyes and refuses vaccinations for their babies!


  • […] […]


  • […] Safety is one of the most virulently anti-vaccine websites out there. Don’t believe me? One whole section of the site is devoted to the argument that the drop in infectious diseases like measles and smallpox is not […]

  • Hi, I’m a medical doctor working as senior medical officer in a department of paediatrics in the tertiary hospital in Male, Maldives. I’m studying epidemiology and came across your site while searching on vaccines, which I’m studying in detail these days.

    It is interesting to note from the graphs you have put up (Figure 1: Reported measles cases and death per 100,000 population, United States, 1912-1975) that while measles mortality dropped before vaccination, due to improved sanitation and better nutrition, the incidence remained the same at 200-400 cases per 100,000 population until the 1960’s, since when, incidence has dropped markedly to a minimum, with a later peak which still didn’t go above 40 per 100,000 population! The beginning of the decline coincides with the introduction of Measles vaccination in the early 1960’s.

    You seem to be having problems interpreting graphs and available information. See, it is a known bias in scientific research that when we look for information with a particular objective in mind, we are generally biased to find more on what we seek, and neglect available information on what we don’t want to see.

    Same with Diphtheria. You seem to be misinterpreting graphs by showing overlapping graphs in the same picture on 2 different scales. The all age deaths show an obvious decline from the 1940 nationwide campaign for diphtheria immunization. This is obvious in the deaths in all ages graphs from above 50-70 per 1 million to almost baseline. The deaths in infants graphs are drawn in deaths per 1500 infants. A drop from 100 to 50 per 1500 after 10 years of vaccination campaign corresponds to a 50% decrease in disease over 10 years. If shown in the same scale as all deaths, it would correspond to 0.075 per 1 million, in this graph with the correct scale, it both values would be touching the baseline! Not very useful to show a visual difference, but shows that the difference of scale make huge differences in interpretation. Such graphs drawn in different scales should be interpreted with caution.

    I’m sorry you are misleading many people with such misinterpretation of some actually good data that you have by highlighting the aspects you personally believe in and ignoring the rest of it that may give different information.

    As you rightly say, the decision to vaccinate is based on risk vs. benefit. I’m neither a promoter of vaccines nor anti-vaccines, but simply would like to promote good health. No single intervention against disease works on its own. Hygiene, sanitation, clean water supplies and good nutrition at the turn of the 19th century have been the most effective measure in reducing illness from communicable diseases. Vaccines are shown to be the 2nd most effective measure, next to clean water in reducing disease burden. (WHO). This is why governments spend large amounts in providing vaccines at affordable costs or free to their populations. You could see the effects of both these from most of the graphs through the early 20th century, where disease or deaths start dropping early, before introducing vaccination, timed with improved sanitation and nutrition, then continue to drop even more after introduction of vaccination. What we need to understand, though, is that several measures carried out together make a health intervention more effective. Vaccination goes hand-in-hand with good nutrition and sanitation and other preventive measures. No single measure can prevent disease by 100%, as interaction of various factors lead to disease. Any medicine or any herbal product, for that matter can have side-effects. The choice to vaccinate should be an informed decision based on risks vs. benefits. Risks are possible adverse effects plus how common they are, and for those with religious concerns, what goes into vaccines and how it is prepared. Benefits include what diseases do the vaccines prevent, what are the problems and long-term complications of the disease, and how common are these complications (vs. those of the vaccine to prevent the disease? Often unanswered questions also include the prevalence of the disease where one lives, if it is not common, why vaccinate? (Answer: because if a disease is introduced into a non-immune population, it could spread very fast and cause huge losses in lives and disability) Doctors and health workers unfortunately often don’t know the answers and details of risks and benefits, or don’t have this information at hand when their patients ask them, and this is a common reason for vaccine failure (not vaccinating children).(Deters et al, 1997). Most people then resort to the internet for info, which may often be biased, or focus on risks only (adverse effects of vaccines) overlooking the effects of the disease that is targeted to prevent. I found the New Zealand Immunization Advisor Centre website: very useful for health professionals and anyone who could understand the medical information to check out the actual complications of vaccine preventable diseases along with frequency of occurrence and the reasoning behind vaccination. It’s a good resource for anyone who wishes to compare benefits of vaccination (under individual disease giving details of the disease) vs. risks (adverse effects given under ‘vaccinology’.

    Vaccines are not the best means of prevention for all diseases. Scarlet fever and typhoid are diseases that are treatable by antibiotics and preventable by good hygiene. Although vaccine is available for typhoid, the efficacy is lower, and public health officials do not promote universally vaccinating all children against typhoid! Influenza another disease that may not benefit everyone from vaccination. Note that in most countries, it is available commercially (for sale) and not subsidized by governments. The disease is not severe, except in extremes of age, and the virus continuously mutates, so the vaccine strain may only be effective for a short epidemic of the particular vaccine strain (generally for about 1 year or a season). It may benefit elderly, who carry higher risk of death from influenza.

    Vaccines that have been used extensively in humans over long periods of time with proven reduction of death and disease burden include vaccines included in childhood vaccination programmes (EPI programmes) in most countries. These vaccines are given to reduce diseases with high burdens of death and/or disability (eg. polio, measles), where effective curative treatment (eg. antivirals) is not available or limited in efficacy (eg. Hepatitis B). These are fully funded (available free) or subsidized by governments after considering (with technical advice form agencies like the WHO) whether these diseases are prevalent in their countries, or may cause huge losses if introduced into a non-immune community, and the benefits of the vaccines, vs. risks.
    Do you suppose any government would want to spend more money compensating or treating children disabled by vaccines than what they spend on vaccination or treating the vaccine preventable diseases?
    The adverse effects of most EPI vaccines and their frequency of occurrence are monitored, reported and well known as these have been used extensively. They are available on medical websites, including the one I’ve mentioned above, so that people may compare these with effects of the disease. They are continuously under surveillance, and changes continue to be updated. Eg. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Sydrome) which actually has a peak occurrence at the same age that infants are vaccinated, was thought to be associated with vaccination, some early studies seemed to support it, but more extensive controlled studies showed that the incidence is purely coincidental. Some parents later thought that measles vaccine caused autism in their children. Autism is another disorder that is generally noticed and diagnosed at approximately the same age as that when measles vaccination is administered. This is the age when children begin to communicate with meaning and interact socially. However, many controlled studies have not shown a link, and the measles vaccine does not even contain the incriminated agent (thiomersal) many blame for autism.

    Hope this enlightens you and the readers of this site to look at information in a more balanced way, so you could make better informed decisions.


  • Thanks for the lecture. There are a number of significant errors in your thinking. You choose to take particular inferences from data as if true without challenge. As you say:-

    “it is a known bias in scientific research that when we look for information with a particular objective in mind, we are generally biased to find more on what we seek, and neglect available information on what we don’t want to see.”

    But that is not limited to scientific research.

    You choose diphtheria vaccine as an example when it is abundantly clear that the vaccine could not have been responsible for the dramatic fall in diphtheria mortality between 1940 and 1946. The majority of children went unvaccinated during that perid, until a catch-up campaign in 1946.

    You choose to believe that the fall in reported measles cases in the US was due to vaccination. The simplest explanation – Occam’s razor – is that measles cases ceased to be over-reported and began being under-reported. The US CDC told US doctors that measles would be eradicated in 12 months by vaccination. Doctors diagnose what they believe and not what they see. That is well-known.

    There is much more but until you can take off the blinkers, you will not see. There are none so blind as those who will not see.


  • Yes, I too must add thanks for a clearly deep trawl into the existing data. As I keep writing three billion years of evolution have honed our immune response to be a very sensitive system that we should not have the audacity to attempt to improve upon. Far better to respect its deep subtleties and seek to assist them gently through nutritional, lifestyle and clean healthy living. The medico-industrial complex live in a bizarre world where the simple is complex but conversely they see complexity as simple. So “a jab gives lifelong protection” looks at profound interference as a neat done deed without considering all the knock on ramifications and distortions that ensue.
    Clear examination of all the facts time and again demonstrates this. Do we have a momentum for change building or must we just let a few realise in each generation and hope that’s enough? I want the former!


  • Sorry, I must just add a bit more as I spent the last five minutes reading the good doctor’s letter, above. Really I try so hard to see their World, to try to understand how the can remain so terribly blinkered. I go with your reply, site, but must just add how the last two paragraphs epitomised how far the medics have to go. Given that vaccine damaged kids and adults must be helped and supported as much as is possible perhaps there should be a form of amnesty offered. You know so we can all agree how terrible it has been and that we’ll all work together to develop a new and non damaging approach to maintaining health. But we’ll not resort to the courts and let them retrain and re-educate themselves. We know that they thought it was the right thing to do.


  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics « ________________Child Health Safe…. […]


  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics « ________________Child Health Safe…. […]


  • hey have you guys ever had smallpox? yeah me neither, weird…


  • […] Read story… Share and Enjoy: […]


  • […] essential for fighting off diseases, and that vaccines were not responsible for the decrease in infectious diseases but can actually increase […]


  • […] is essential for fighting off diseases, and that vaccines were not responsible for the decrease in infectious diseases but can actually increase […]


  • […] satanists, supposedly. So quite fitting that one of the primary weapons of biowarfare/depopulation, the beloved vaccine, is now grown on an aborted corpse. But hey, you don’t want your child to get sick, do you, […]


  • […] The many anti-vaccination websites out there, often pull this one out. They often also use a graph to try to prove their point. An example of this can be found on this site: […]


  • Nice article. But I must say lot of BIG PHARMA shills commenting here. These fu*** should be put in jail together with other people involved who know these things are bad but still don’t admit to it because of self interests. Hopefully one day we start caring about actual health instead of big profits.


  • […] (5) Stats showing disease mortalities dropping even before the vaccines were introducedhttp://childhealthsafety.wordpress…. […]


  • Ed,
    So sad that you could not reply to Cristen’s comment.

    [ED: It is. It is sad we cannot publish comments which have never been posted. Who the hell is Cristen? The only recent comment on this article we did not post is the one blaming everything on people of the Jewish faith – so if that is Cristen you have nice friends.]


  • I love reading your material. I love reading the “replies” from the “plants” – they are obviously “medical people” that are desperate for the truth to be kept hidden from us “low forms of intellegience”.

    I am a silicofluoride fighter – you know the stuff that they put in your “pure” drinking water? We have the same people writing their insane comments in our forums – the good thing is that we can do exactly the same as you do – tell them the truth and point them to the evidence – this educates our own people at the same time – this is how we share!

    And what is remarkable is that no one has a clue what happens, or what interactions occur, when we put all of this shit inside of a person – especially children!

    Clearly we are dealing with “terrorists”


  • […] Data for Parents Measles – Official UK Statistics US Statistics Measles – Rapid Decline Regardless of […]


  • […] Data for Parents Measles – Official UK Statistics US Statistics Measles – Rapid Decline Regardless of […]


  • […] Data for Parents Measles – Official UK Statistics US Statistics Measles – Rapid Decline Regardless of […]


  • […] Data for Parents Measles – Official UK Statistics US Statistics Measles – Rapid Decline Regardless of […]


  • […] Proof That Vaccines Did Not Save Us Tell The World:EmailStumbleUponPrintFacebook Donate today, prevent a vaccine injury tomorrow!   […]


  • […] article was written and published by Child Heath Safety, used by […]


  • I am a parent of an autistic diagnosed child. My son is now five years old, he was diagnosed at the age of three. I know this is a controversial issue, and as with most controversial issues there or truths on both sides of this dispute. One thing I do know is that I know my child. As with most parents I know what every facial expression means. I know by the look on his face if he is sad, I know if he is happy, I know if he is mad, I know if he does not feel good. I also know that I watched my child change they day he had his vaccination, never to be the same again. This once happy, giggling carefree child within hours of his vaccinations changed. He became distant, irritated, irrational and inconsolable. He would not longer look us in the eyes as he done just days earlier. The hardest part of this journey has been the blatant disregard as we told people what we witnessed our child change in the blink of an eye. They claim that the vaccinations are safe and that it is just coincidence, and that we have made this up so that we have someone or something to blame for our child’s diagnosis. I have had people tell me that I hate my child for his issues and that is why I am looking to blame someone. I had no idea that people could be so cold and heartless when a parent is crying out for help, by talking about what we saw in our child just hours after his vaccinations. We are not the only parents who have seen this happen. I speak with more and more of them every day. For my full story and many other parent stories pertaining to vaccination damage please visit
    I applaud the media for reporting in an unbiased manner when I see articles such as this one. Thank you!


  • Vaccines do not protect. Do not get any vaccines made by xxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxx’s Chicken Pox vaccine is worthless. My son got 2 doses (3 years apart) and he got the Pox. I am never going to trust another vaccine. Spread the word and don’t make the Drug companies richer.

    [ED: Minor edits].


  • You can construct essentially the same graph showing a decline in USA mortality from all cancers, down from 54.5% in 1977 to 35.2% in 2001. Obviously better sanitation and nutrition are making cancer go away too! Yay! As a matter of fact, according to your logic cancer will completely disappear due to our vast improvements in hygeine (all occurring after 1977) by 2040. Well within my lifetime! I think I’ll celebrate with a cigarette.

    Your logic has now been falsified. You really should have paid more attention to Aaron Schurger, he was trying to save you from your own stupidity. Incidence data is required and cannot be substituted with mortality data. Please get a clue.

    [ED: Yawn. Don’t just have the one cigarette. LOL.

    Read and weep:-

    New Cases of Cancer Decline in the U.S. By RONI CARYN RABIN, New York Times November 25, 2008

    ….. according to an annual report by the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society and other scientific organizations.

    The incidence of new cancer cases has been falling in recent years in the United States, the first time such an extended decline has been documented, researchers reported Tuesday.

    The report attributes the reductions to adoption of healthier lifestyles ……”

    Healthier lifestyles? Hmmmm. Maybe people are eating healthier foods like fresh fruit and vegetables – helps the body manufacture glutathione – essential to cellular health]


  • You are criminally irresponsible evil people.

    [ED: Unlike the drug industry.]


  • Dear Ed,
    Read the second line in the link you posted, and weep at your own stupidity. Diagnosis rates began to drop in 1999. Mortality clearly began to drop in 1977. Your logic remains falsified.

    As long as you persist in using mortality as the measure for disease incidence you are provably false, and the moment you switch to using incidence as the disease measurement you are clearly wrong.

    And… You either can’t read the articles you link to or you can’t do the basic math to realize that 1977 is 22 years before 1999.


    [ED: LOL. Jay, the reason you first posted here was to claim “You can construct essentially the same graph showing a decline in USA mortality from all cancers” and alleging healthier living conditions had nothing to do with that. And that is just wrong.

    We sent you off with your little tail between your legs having showed you that improvements in cancer mortality was being attributed by experts at the US National Cancer Institute to healthier lifestyles but still you would not accept the position. You also failed to take any notice of the graph in the NY Times article clearly showing that lung cancer mortality was rising sharply through the 1970s to the 1990s and not declining as you were claiming that “You can construct essentially the same graph showing a decline in USA mortality from all cancers”.

    You now come back here after 3 1/2 weeks to peddle more pseudo science and be just plain rude and insulting – with abuse “stupidity”, claiming others cannot read or do basic math. Jay, you are clearly someone incapable of rational dialogue and presumably spend your free time editing Wikipedia.

    So Jay, go back to your immunology workbench at UW, pick up a first grade book on science and start reading. Work your way through all the books in all the grades and guess what, you will still come back here to peddle more woo and junk science.

    Graphs depicting overall cancer incidence and mortality are uncommon, and there appear to be reasons for this.

    Here are a few suggestions. This quote indicates reasons:-

    Of special note, childhood cancer incidence rates (rates of new diagnoses) continued to increase while death rates in this age group decreased. Childhood cancer is classified as cancers occurring in those 19 years of age or younger.

    Overall cancer incidence rates in men were essentially unchanged. There was a very small uptick in prostate cancer rates, and if these rates were excluded from the analysis, there would be a continued decline in overall male incidence rates.

    US National Cancer Institute Annual Report 2011

    Here is the graph from the National Cancer Institute which accompanies the New York Times story.
    Lung Cancer Rates US NCI
    That shows the incidence of lung cancer was rising, not falling from the 1970’s to the 1990’s so your initial premise in your previous post that “You can construct essentially the same graph showing a decline in USA mortality from all cancers” is confounded. Clearly different factors were in play causing cancer mortality rates to increase and not decrease from the 1970s to the 1990s.


  • […] This site shows statistics from US and UK from before vaccines came out until recently to show how it had not been the reason diseases were ‘eradicated’- like polio.  Check out the number of deaths from polio vaccine and polio itself. Maybe vaccines don’t even do what they claim…forget the safety issue. Notice the same trend for those diseases that have no vaccines available. Browse that link- it’s pretty informative. […]


  • […] This article does not mention the issue of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP), which is the new psuedo-scientific definition for polio symptoms with a negative polio virus lab test. Guess what? The paralysis symptoms of polio are the same thing as those of vaccine adverse reactions. The multiple doses of vaccines they are cramming down third world bodies are creating an epidemic of neurological damage that they are shunting into a new medical definition, polio without polio virus (AFP). The sooner Emperor Bill Gates with his beautiful suit of clothes declares victory and goes home, the better for impoverished third world human beings. If he really wanted to do something for public health, he would devote his billions to improving sanitation. The elimination of contaminated drinking water had more to do with disease eradication in the develo… […]


  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics […]

  • I have a bachelors in microbiology, and while i know it isnt much i am working on my doctorate now, however i do know enough to know this is complete and total crap.

    I did my undergraduate thesis on vaccinations and herd immunity, which is something you obviously haven’t heard of. you think that the implementation of vaccines to maybe 10 % of the population of Africa is going to have a substantial effect on the reduction vaccine preventable diseases? no that’s ridiculous, the virus/bacteria still has 90% of the population to infect and propagate through.

    Also you might want to look up the danish study that debunks the relation between autism and vaccination. Of the over 500000 participants in the study the rates of autism were the same for those who both received and did not receive their vaccinations, furthermore there was no relation between age of vaccination and incidence of autism.

    And if you think for one minute it would be better to not vaccinate your child and expose them to measles(which is still the leading cause of child deaths in countries that cant vaccinate due to finances) or polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and the countless other diseases out there, maybe you should listen to the sound of a child dieing from coughing to death from pertussis, or see them writhing in pain form their lesions caused by measles, or locked joints caused by tetanus. Ive seen it. and it is something that will stay with me till the day i die. I only pray that your children never become exposed to these horrendous diseases.

    [ED: “Hannah”, you are so typical. Despite your claims to a higher education you have not been equipped to analyse critically studies like the “Danish” study to which you refer. You mean the Madsen study. That study is deeply flawed and typical of the “tobacco science” people like you cite to defend an indefensible position. Madsen has never emerged to answer any of the criticisms of the paper including the criticism that when properly analysed the paper shows the opposite of what Madsen and people like you claim.

    The Editor of the journal which published the Madsen paper refused to publish a letter from Suissa, an epidemiologist from Magill, who also pointed out basic flaws.

    If a medical journal cannot publish valid and damning scientific criticism then medicine should jump off the “science” stage and stop pretending it has any credentials to use the “science” word. That of course applies to you just in case you did not realise it.

    People like you are responsible for the carnage amongst children and teenagers killed and injured by vaccines all because you people will neither recognise nor report the most obvious of adverse reactions, serious and less so.

    And if you really really believe vaccines do not cause autistic conditions and that people like you are not in denial then have a read of this:

    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines]

  • Hannah , I believe the study you mention in your argument was sponsored by SSL , a vaccine manufacturer . And the lead author Dr Poul Thorsen of that study went on the run with $2m of stolen research funds , and the last I heard he is wanted by Interpol .
    Look all of this up if you dont believe me . So your bachelors degree didnt teach you any of these dirty little secrets . But it wouldnt would it ? Why dont you try and find out what happened at SimpsonWood 2002 (another secret little event shrouded in mystery)?
    Come and have a look at my vaccine damaged daughter … its a crime against humanity I live with everyday . And the pertusis vaccine has such major doubts about its effectiveness its been withdrawn in several major countries .
    Your facts are straight out of a Merck sponsored text book (aka Muck to their friends)….. plain for all to see.


  • […] Nie opublikowano także nigdy zasad na jakich wprowadza się daną szczepionkę do przymusowego stosowania. […]


  • You’ve made a basic mistake in assuming there would have been a continued downward trend in deaths. Since the Victorian era there has been a consistent improvement in the standard of living thats led to an increase in height, IQ scores and overall health, which has led to the lower mortality from infectious diseases like rubella and flu. However, this improvement seems to have peaked in the seventies and eighties. There’s been no improved resistance to disease, or increase in height/IQ etc since. I also object to your ridiculous claim that ‘By 2010 overall measles mortality in the USA was to fall to around 1 in 25 million without vaccines’. Which I’d like to state now is utter BS. Particularly since the measles mortality with vaccination based herd immunity (low chance of exposure) now is higher than that. Non-vaccination in the US and UK has killed several children.

    Here is a chart showing the deaths from measles in the UK per year:

    You’ll notice in 1988, when the MMR was intrduced there was a drop from 16 to 3 deaths. Since then we’ve had about 1 or 2 a year, mainly older adults.

    You also seem to miss the point that it’s the live virus part of vaccines (like the socially accquired diseases herpes, chickenpox, measles) that cause the encepahalitis that causes the vaccination injuries. Not the thimerasol. I’m not making some statement that thimerasol is safe, just stating that you don’t seem to grasp what actually caused the damage in the vaccine. You should google ‘herpes encephalitits’ for information. Encephalitis can occur with expose to some fairly mild diseases, and the incidence with vaccines is about one per two million doses. Herpes encepahalitis can cause late onset autism, so there’s no good reason for any other virus (in a vaccine or ‘wild’) not to. The point is that it’s really, really rare. Vaccines are not risk free, but you get fewer deaths and disabilites with them than without them. Way more rare than the brain damage,encepahlitis, blindness and deaths from rubella etc in an unvaccinated population. In Ierland, a healthy, well cared for population, rubella infected 1,220 with three deaths. Japan had about 17 deaths a year. Also, an outbreak in an unvaccinated European community had three deaths from rubella; many of the infected had serious complications. Quote:

    “The three measles-related deaths and 68 hospitalizations that occurred among 2961 cases in the Netherlands indicate that measles can be severe and may result in death even in industrialized countries.”

    So, rubella; not nice and still a danger even today. Even with one of the world best healthcare systems. You’ve made a the provably wrong claim that if we were all unvaccinated we’d have nearly no deaths. Well going by a combination of Ireland and the Netherlands mortality rates (1/700 ish) , and assuming a low 30% rate of infection, an unprotected population of sixty million people would have over 85,000 deaths. Compared to about a dozen vaccination deaths and injuries. Which is why we vaccinate.


    [ED: Attentuation is a well-known phenomenon. Good luck with your opinions. Immunity can be afforded by asymptomatic infection – you know, where the “disease” circulates amongst those who suffer no symptoms but thereby have their immunity constantly topped up – a well-known phenomenon with chickenpox.]

  • [ED: Readers are invited to visit the website of this commenter to see examples of the kinds of misleading information people like this commenter publish on the web. Death is around every corner if you subscribe to these people’s opinions and only vaccines can save us and our kids. Utter BS, but there you are, there is no accounting for taste.]

    Well lets see..

    :”Attentuation is a well-known phenomenon. Good luck with your opinions. Immunity can be afforded by asymptomatic infection – you know, where the “disease” circulates amongst those who suffer no symptoms”

    Utter BS.

    The death rates for these diseases for the unvaccinated but otherwise healthy in developed world in the last couple of decades world are well known. Your focus on smallpox, an extinct disease is baffling.The death rates make a nonsense of your claims:

    Mortality rates from measles in America and the developed world in the unvaccinated are 1/5000, not 1 in 25 million.

    Mortality rates from rubella are about 1/300 in the US, and about 1/900 with one of the worlds best healthcare system (Netherlands outbreak in unvaccinated children in religious groups).

    Whooping cough mortality is about 1/250 in infected unvaccinated babies(New Zealand outbreak and US outbreaks). Not including other lung and brain damage.

    Diptheria mortality is 1/5 for young children, about 1/10 for adults.

    The vaccinated don’t get these diseases. If you flipped the UK magically to being unvacinated for all things, a couple of million people at least would die. Compared to perhaps a hundred or so dead or brain damaged from vaccines. And no, they aren’t 100% safe, no medicine is.

    I’ve noticed you’ve avoided posting modern mortality rates here. Also, no direct comparisones of before vaccination to after vaccinated death rates. You don’t show the change in different death rates, you just show the improvement in survival rates due to the improvement of living standards and health care over the 20th century.

    “their immunity constantly topped up – a well-known phenomenon with chickenpox.”

    Well, chickenpox has a mortality rate too. About 90 people die in the US, mainly adults with complications, but also healthy children The death rate is about 1/100,000,000 for healthy children, but 1/300,000 for adults. I’m in the UK, where we don’t vaccinate. Introduction of the chickenpox vaccine in the US saves about 70-80 lives a year.

    I’d also to like point out Encephalopathy is caused by viral infections. These are a known but rare kind of vaccination injury. Not caused by thimerasol by by the virus vaccine. A non vaccinated person is at higher risk of encepahalitis when they catch ‘wild’ variants of rubella /measles etc. Herpes (cold sore) encephalitis is a known cause of ASD type brain injury. This kind of brain damage from encephalopaty is really rare.

    And the overwhelming results from scientific studies into autism find that there has been no real increase in the rates of autism over the past few decades, just increased diagnosis. I’ve dug through the studies, only one Californian study supports in increase, about a dozen others support no change/better diagnosis.

    Studies against a meaningful increase in autism incidence.

    Autism and diagnostic substitution: evidence from a study of adults with a history of developmental language disorder.

    “Some children who would nowadays be diagnosed unambiguously with autistic disorder had been diagnosed with developmental language disorder in the past. This finding has implications for our understanding of the epidemiology of autism.”

    Pervasive developmental disorders in preschool children: confirmation of high prevalence.

    “The rate of pervasive developmental disorders is higher than reported 15 years ago. The rate in this study is comparable to that in previous birth cohorts from the same area and surveyed with the same methods, suggesting a stable incidence”

    Epidemiology of autistic disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders.

    Epidemiology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders pdf

    There is evidence that the broadening of the concept, the expansion of diagnostic criteria, the development of services, and improved awareness of the condition have played a major role in explaining this increase, although it cannot be ruled out that other factors might have also contributed to that trend. …. Although it is clear that prevalence estimates have gone up over time, this increase most likely represents changes in the concepts, definitions, service availability, and awareness of autistic-spectrum disorders in both the lay and professional public.

    Epidemiology and possible causes of autism

    “A major cause of the recent large increase in the number of boys diagnosed with autism probably is due to changing diagnostic practices.”

    Incidence of autism spectrum disorders: changes over time and their meaning.

    “The true incidence of autism spectrum disorders is likely to be within the range of 30-60 cases per 10 000, a huge increase over the original estimate 40 years ago of 4 per 10000. The increase is largely a consequence of improved ascertainment and a considerable broadening of the diagnostic concept. However, a true risk due to some, as yet to be identified, environmental risk factor cannot be ruled out. There is no support for the hypothesis for a role of either MMR or thimerosal in causation, but the evidence on the latter is more limited”

    The Contribution of Diagnostic Substitution to the Growing Administrative Prevalence of Autism in US Special Education

    Prevalence findings from special education data do not support the claim of an autism epidemic because the administrative prevalence figures for most states are well below epidemiological estimates. The growing administrative prevalence of autism from 1994 to 2003 was associated with corresponding declines in the usage of other diagnostic categories.

    Vaccines and the changing epidemiology of autism.

    “The recorded prevalence of autism has increased considerably in recent years. This reflects greater recognition, with changes in diagnostic practice associated with more trained diagnosticians; broadening of diagnostic criteria to include a spectrum of disorder; a greater willingness by parents and educationalists to accept the label (in part because of entitlement to services); and better recording systems, among other factors. The cause(s) of autism remains unclear. There is a strong genetic component which, along with prenatally determined neuro-anatomical/biochemical changes, makes any post-natal ’cause’ unlikely.”

    The validity of the autism spectrum disorders-diagnosis for intellectually disabled adults

    Prevalence of autism and related conditions in adults in a mental handicap hospital.

    Epidemiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults in the Community in England

    “To our knowledge, there is no published information on the epidemiology of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) in adults. If the prevalence of autism is increasing, rates in older
    Conclusions Conducting epidemiologic research on ASD in adults is feasible. The prevalence of ASD in this population is similar to that found in children. The lack of an association with age is consistent with there having been no increase in prevalence and with its causes being temporally constant.”

    Three Reasons Not to believe in an Autism Epidemic

    ABSTRACT—According to some lay groups, the nation is experiencing an autism epidemic—a rapid escalation in the prevalence of autism for unknown reasons. However, no sound scientific evidence indicates that the increasing number of diagnosed cases of autism arises from anything other than purposely broadened diagnostic criteria, coupled with deliberately greater public awareness and intentionally improved case finding. Why is the public perception so disconnected from the scientific evidence? In this article we review three primary sources of misunderstanding: lack of awareness about the changing diagnostic criteria, uncritical acceptance of a conclusion illogically drawn in a California-based study, and inattention to a crucial feature of the ‘‘child count’’ data reported annually by the U.S. Department of Education.

    Increase in autism due to change in definition, not MMR vaccine

    Social Influence Plays Role in Surging Autism Diagnoses, Study Finds (can’t locate paper)

    the study, by researchers from the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy at Columbia University, found that children living near a child who has been previously diagnosed with autism have a much higher chance of being diagnosed themselves in the following year. The increased likelihood of being diagnosed is not due to environmental factors or contagious agents, the study found. Rather, it is due mainly to parents learning about autism from other parents who have a child diagnosed with the disorder.

    The Changing Prevalence of Autism in California

    These data suggest that improvements in detection and changes in diagnosis account for the observed increase in autism; whether there has also been a true increase in incidence is not known.

    Analysis of prevalence trends of autism spectrum disorder in Minnesota

    We could not assess changes in actual disease incidence with these data, but federal and state administrative changes in policy and law favoring better identification and reporting of autism are likely contributing factors to the prevalence increases and may imply that autism spectrum disorder has been underdiagnosed in the past.

    Is autism more common now than ten years ago?

    Even though the prevalence rates refer to slightly different age cohorts, it was concluded that the apparent increase is in part due to better detection, but also to new cases born to immigrant parents. Typical cases of autistic disorder accounted for 75% of cases, and 20% had normal or near-normal IQs.

    Reevaluating the incidence of pervasive developmental disorders: impact of elevated rates of detection through implementation of an integrated system of screening in Toyota, Japan.

    An approximately 11-fold increase was noted in prevalence of PDD compared to a previous survey two decades ago, and two main factors were believed to account for this apparent sharp increase. First, inclusion of high-functioning subjects detected during infancy, and second, higher rates of diagnosis resulting from an integrated process of screening.

    I’m in my forties, I’ve known five autistic boys, one is a relative. Back in the eighties and seventies, only one would have been diagnosed with autism, the others all have fairly mild Aspergers. Even the obviously autistic one would probably be have been labelled as retarded not autistic.I’ve asked older teachers and doctors if there’s a higher incidence now. The answer has been a mix of ‘better diagnosis and awareness’ from the GP and ‘we just used to call them naughty’ from older teachers.

    I wonder how many deaths you’ve caused with this site.

  • I am not a scientist and I try not to take a side, I want to look at all the facts and make a logical decision as best I can. But please realise this. This site is biased, the information provided is obviously one sided. You are doing everything that science is not meant to do. Research emotional attachments to ideas, learn how to control your mind a little better and start researching again.

    Critical thinking for the win.

    [ED: Hmm. Biased?

    Must be just like Merck’s Director of Vaccine Division, Julie Gerberding, or the US Health Resources Services Administration, or the US Federal Court all of whom have confirmed vaccines can cause autistic conditions:-

    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines

    Or maybe it is like the US Department of Justice and the US Department of Health and Human Services on whose behalf the DoJ acted and the medical and scientific experts who agreed that Hepatitis B vaccine causes lupus and the death of a little girl:-

    US Government Concedes Hep B Vaccine Causes Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    Or maybe it is not biased like Professor Sir Michael Rutter and the Japanese Hideo Honda and his colleague who published a paper claiming the MMR vaccine could not be the cause of autistic conditions when they clearly overlooked evidence to the contrary published only a couple of years earlier in Japan and were unscientific to a high degree:-

    Japanese & British Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

    Or maybe this site is biased like the 200 years of official statistics from the USA, Australia and United Kingdom which show that:-

    Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

    Yawn. Or maybe it is you are so biased you will not accept any evidence which does not accord with your beliefs. Or maybe it is something else about you like other people who come on this site to make comments that white is black and vice versa.]


  • A lot of commenters kept saying death rate isn’t an accurate show of the damage done by disease, but the book How to Lie With Statistics says just the opposite, that death rates are the most accurate way to monitor a disease. This is because the media, the government, and different medical organizations, all influenced by pharma change diagnostic codes at a whim. Death rates and causes of death are reported because a death certificate is always filled out. The best way to manipulate people [xxxxxxx ED edited] is to quote incidence rate because it is under the control of pharmaceutical controlled organizations. If you want to show a drug or vaccine is effective, just release the drug and simultaneously persuade government, the media, and health authorities to change diagnostic criteria. Like this site points out, 90% of claimed cases of swine flu, measles and other such diseases are actually not what they were reported to be. The testing is never done. So I appreciate this site for being accurate and NOT being biased. Those that think this site is biased, yet choose to believe pharma propoganda i ask you to read How to Lie With Statistics and you’ll see this site is the honest one.


  • Thank you for all the hard work and research you have shared here. It is much appreciated. I am trying to educate my mind-controlled doctor who trusts (and I can’t fully blame him since who wants to believe we’re being lied to by an “authority”?) the seminars he’s been to. The charts don’t lie. People who don’t want to believe them or who call them “lies” just don’t get it. I’d like to see them prove historical statistics to be “lies.” You have presented facts, the naysayers have nothing to back their naysayings. Yu have done the WORK, indeed, and the fact that most of these communicable diseases were already in decline before vaccines were introduced (due to a better understanding of germs and increased sanitation, etc.) is the truth, and it speaks volumes. The charts are invaluable and I am printing them along with your article and will share them with my doctor. There is hope yet.


  • Cristen, if you genuinely had your mind changed by the facts presented here, then *nothing*–not even the host’s attitude–would have changed your mind. The charts and data more than speak for themselves. Don’t cheat yourself out of wonderful knowledge because of how you feel someone else behaves. The facts are the facts regardless of the presenter. 🙂


  • Oh give me a break, they can’t truly link autism and vaccines. Just because you pick studies that appear to have made a link does not make it true. As much as you may like to believe in ‘conspiracies’ and that the whole world is out to get you and wear your tin foil hats doesn’t make it a reality. Humans aren’t very good at keeping secrets, especially when these actions are extremely unethical. Things come out eventually and research clearly begins to show the truth. You act as if there aren’t scientists, and intelligent people in the medical industry out there who have searched for the truth and come to the opposite conclusion as you. There are, plenty of them. But no, they must be corrupt and blinded by the truth. I am still researching this topic and learning more my mind isn’t made up but there is no real reason to believe what you do yet. Eh, I’ll send someone with more experience who deals with people who work in the medical / vaccine industry as well to talk to you. Hopefully you can learn a thing or two, grow up a wee bit and shut down this site. Might save a few lives.

    [ED: Ha. Read the following. It might help save not just a few but lots of children getting autistic conditions as a result of vaccines. And gimme a break – stop pretending plain old greed and corruption is a “conspiracy theory”. It is not. It is just plain old greed and corruption:

    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines]


  • How hard is it to understand you are presenting HALF the argument! Even on the sites you posted, in the comments below, some people present VERY valid fantastic arguments. Yet we just seem to ignore them. How are you making rational decisions if you do this?! How are you being fair if you don’t present these other sides…

    Why do I need to go into this…

    [ED: Kristen, like many others of the genre, trolls around the internet posting comments like this designed to sow doubt where there need be none. No half arguments are presented here only 200 years of official statistics showing a clear picture that the people Kristen adores have been telling us far less than half the story.]


  • Kristen, the pro-vaccine paradigm presents only half of the argument. This site presents the other (ignored) half. 🙂


  • And, Kristen, the pro-vaccine paradigm doesn’t present “the other sides”, so why don’t you take up a beef with them? Or does your scale of “fairness” tip only to the side you choose to be on? This site presents facts, data, numbers, historic records, etc. The pro-vaccine paradigm has fear and emotionalism as its strongest weapon. Facts are objective, yet emotions and fear are untrustworthy.


  • Good point, however the anti-vaccine campaign definitely uses fear as one of it’s major weapons. This definitely is a complicated issue, however I truly feel there isn’t enough strong evidence to say that vaccines are bad / dangerous. To be sure of it anyway, which this site is.

    By the way, in regards to the above. Someone said, “don’t act like plain old greed and corruption is a conspiracy theory.” Greed and corruption are not, however the fact they keep these dark secrets about vaccines which they are making money off and actually HURTING people with is. The fact no moral or ethical person has the balls to stand up and say the truth, or spill the beans does make it a conspiracy theory. Let me guess, they don’t because they are being ‘mind controlled,’ or they will be killed? That has never been enough to stop people in the past.

    [ED: Good grief.

    The “anti-vaccine campaign” what tosh. What campaign? Who funds it? Where is it? What a conspiracy theorist you are, dear.

    There are concerned people who are pro-safety for children. Its you anti-vaccine-safety zealots who are the problem.

    History is littered with examples of government officials and experts coming forward to claim this or that is perfectly safe and “there is no scientific evidence” to the contrary. Is that conspiracy or just was government always does? Yep it is just what government always does. And they do it about vaccines just as much as anything else.

    Then we find later it was total bunk. Example of experts and officials telling the public total bunk: Gulf War Syndrome being non-existent. Meat and meat products being perfectly safe despite BSE/”mad cow disease”. Camelford, England – aluminium sulphate tipped into the local water supply. The serious health effects on the population were dismissed as either non-existent or nothing to do with the incident. Don’t ask for more or better examples which can likely be found because it is such an obvious point we have other things to do than to look them up right now.]

  • Also in regards to emotionalism…Lots of people who are anti-vaccine have had things happen to them or their children…I don’t really need to explain the obvious struggles parents have with this. Having someone to blame focus’s there anger and becomes a strength (in a sense) and helps them feel a lot less out of control. A lot of the stories I have ready are ‘instant transformations’ of their children within 10mins of getting a vaccine, emotionally rife memories to be sure (again I am sure we all know that emotions DO tamper with out memories).

    [ED: Good grief again. “Lots of people who are anti-vaccine”.

    Really. Where are they? How many are “lots”? Where is your reference for the research to back this up?

    “have had things happen to them or their children” – Yep. Its called vaccine damage and it is acknowledged vaccine adverse reactions are substantially under-reported.

    What bunk – so you say they just want something to blame. What a bizarre claim. You anti-vaccine safety people cannot be taken seriously.

    What you claim is just not applicable such as to parents who witness their child have a serious reaction just after getting the vaccine when there is nor can be any other explanation.

    Vaccines are not safe for everyone – just read the product inserts. So how many serious adverse reactions are unreported and unacknowledged? We just don’t know because they are not reported.

    People should know the risks and they just don’t and neither do the “experts” of the family doctors.]

  • It’s not fear, Kristen, it is solid information given to people about side effects from the gook (that shouldn’t be there) placed into vaccines that most kids, as over 100 years of statistics clearly details, DO NOT NEED. Vaccine injuries are numerous and serous. Research VAERS. Most children who end up with serious vaccine injuries and/or death were healthy children who would have been able to recover normally from most “childhood disease” if they had ever been infected with them in the first place. I know plenty of non-vaccinating families and none of their children developed any of these diseases, and they know many other people who are non-vaccine with the same outcome. However, you can’t go anywhere any more without meeting someone who has a child with autism or someone who knows someone with a child with autism, or some other strange neurological issue. Thimerosal was not the only problem; people forget about the formaldehyde, fluoride, aluminum (neuro-toxic), aborted fetal cell lines, Simian Virus 40, Polysorbate 80 (known as a cause of infertility), etc. that is in vaccines.

    I’m tired of the argument that we are exposed to a lot of these toxins in our environment (mostly in our food). When you eat food it goes through your gut where your body purges and cleanses out what it doesn’t need and what is not good, and it spares your blood stream from receiving the largest amount of it, which also protects your brain from a full onslaught of poison. However, when it is injected into your muscle it goes straight into your blood and to your brain and the rest of your body without a shield of defense. Now, apply this to a small infant or child whose immune system is not fully mature and a blood-brain barrier that hasn’t yet closed, and these toxins are courting potential disaster–especially in those who are more sensitive to having a reaction from the toxins. Toxins in the environment should never be an excuse for intentionally injecting it into the bodies of children.


  • “A lot of the stories I have ready are ‘instant transformations’ of their children within 10mins of getting a vaccine…”

    And, Kristen, a LOT of vaccine injuries also do not happen within 10 minutes of receiving the vaccine. Some children, after spiking high fevers, with or without convulsions, several hours after vaccine(s) actually have died up to several days following. These children were perfectly normal before vaccine administration. They had no illness, no fevers, were alert, bright, no history of seizures. Their bodies, following vaccine, experienced systemic injury and neurological damage. Many who don’t die end up with autistic symptoms that did not exist before certain vaccines were administered. Parents KNOW their children better than anyone else. If you have children I don’t doubt you know this.

    There is also research showing the DTaP being linked with an increase in SIDS deaths, and there are even doctors who know this and warn their patients about it, so they can make a more informed choice.

  • Kristen, read these testimonials:

    There are MANY more.

    When it’s your child, it makes all the difference in the world.


  • Hmm… well my website is currently posting mainly on how the media ignores Muslim hate crimes in the UK, and has zero relevance to the subject of vaccinations. I don’t think I mention vaccinations once on it, in the eight or so posts I made.

    Apparently this makes the information which I gathered from widely available publications wrong? No.

    The ‘attenutation’ you claim is bullshit. The death rates from rubella I quote are from unvaccinated religious groups with ‘undamaged’ immune systems and are very real and easily verifiable.

    Unlike you I have bothered to access ALL the data for the autism/vaccines, I only posted the antidote to your POV as you seem desperate to have people think this argument is one sided. The issue is that there are about half a dozen papers that suggest vaccines/thimerasol as a source of autism and about fifty plus that don’t, not counting the masses of research that has led to the observation that autism has a major genetic component and seems to be present from birth on, something you neglect completely on this site. I’ve looked at ALL the evidence with an open mind, and the evidence for any vaccine/autism link other than the the occassional case of post-vaccine encepahlitis (caused by exposure to live virus, not thimerasol) is very weak, but the evidence for it being congenital is very strong. This is why most legitimate scientists researching autism have ditched the ‘vaccine as suspect’ line. It’s a dead end.

    They stopped using thimerasol in childhood vaccines in California and the rate of autism diagnoses there continued to climb. Does this not at least give you reason for thought? Apparently not.

    You completely ignore all the work done that shows there has just been an increase in diagnosis of autism, not in the actual incidence. You show only the evidence that suits you here. I posted the stuff you decided people didn’t ‘need’ to see.

    Obviously the fact that someone who independently (and I’m not the only one judging by the other comments here) went through all the research and came to a very different conclusion to you offends you greatly. I know damn well the bulk of current researchers share my opinion, not yours.

    [ED: You don’t even know how to spell “thiomersal” so you obviously do not know what you are talking about and get your information from blogs. You wrote “thimerasol”. There are two spellings of this brand name – the other is “thimerosal”.

    And a mystery as to why you have popped up here to post. No idea who you are. And you write as if replying to something posted on your website.

    As for hate crimes you seem full of hate. Eg. “The ‘attenutation’ you claim is bullshit.” Thanks for the abuse and disparagement in your post. It makes those who take a contrary view to yours seem very much more reasonable in contrast. [And attenuation is a medically known fact].

    You seem to know little about vaccine injuries to children and protecting them from them. But you suddenly think you are an expert on the basis of “information which I gathered from widely available publications“.

    Stick to hate. It is what you know. As you say “my” [ie. your] “website is currently posting mainly on how the media ignores Muslim hate crimes in the UK, and has zero relevance to the subject of vaccinations. I don’t think I mention vaccinations once on it, in the eight or so posts I made.

    As for your “I’ve looked at ALL the evidence with an open mind” anyone reading your comment above can see your mind is closed. So thanks for making that clear to anyone reading this.

    So shall we pick some things which you clearly do not understand?

    You say “You completely ignore all the work done that shows there has just been an increase in diagnosis of autism, not in the actual incidence.

    Well, as the Israeli evidence shows, from highly reliable data sources and contemporary diagnostic criteria and methods [which you have ignored completely despite claiming looking at “ALL” the evidence] there has been a real and substantial increase and it is not just diagnosis. And we try to give references to original sources for our claims, unlike you: “Time trends in autism” IMAJ • VOL 12 • p711 November 2010.

    You say “They stopped using thimerasol in childhood vaccines in California and the rate of autism diagnoses there continued to climb. Does this not at least give you reason for thought? Apparently not.

    But you fail to understand that it is not just mercury in vaccines which can cause autistic conditions – Merck’s Director of Vaccine Division Julie Gerberding conceded vaccines in general can cause autistic conditions when head of the US CDC and she did it on US national broadcast TV news. The US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] also conceded vaccines in general can cause autistic conditions. You can read about it here [with links to sources of course unlike you]: “Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines“.

    You also seem to wholly fail to understand that the numbers of children diagnosed with autistic conditions will continue to increase even if we stopped all vaccines today worldwide. The average age of diagnosis for Asperger’s Syndrome is 9, so children will continue to be diagnosed to age 18 and some albeit fewer even to ages like 25 and in very rare cases, older.

    So go away and read up another topic on the internet and then write about it on your blog as if you are an expert – Oh, sorry, hate – you already appear to be an expert in that.]


  • Speaking of Israeli data, Please take note of the fact that as far as autism being “congenital”, There’s a much stronger piece of evidence then the one you cited, and you’ll find it here:

    [ED: We agree the paper you cite is significant.

    The importance of the IMAJ information to which we linked [“Time trends in autism” IMAJ • VOL 12 • p711 November 2010.] is that it destroys the claim the increase in autistic conditions is not real but is better diagnosis and greater awareness.

    17 year olds born in the 1980s in Israel were diagnosed according to modern diagnostic standards and procedures. The outcome was that for those born in the 1980s in Israel 8.4 in 10,000 had autism. There were very few cases of any with Asperger syndrome. “autism” in this figure is that defined under DSM IV/ICD10 or what is sometimes referred to as “classic,” “typical,” “infantile,” “Kanner,” “childhood” autism).

    The figure is more reliable than others.

    Other papers published show there has been an increase in diagnoses but this seems to be the first time a reliable comparison between children born now and children born in the 1980s.

    We hope that assists.]


  • Gee you do get some ratbags making comments on things they know nothing about ….
    They do not take the overall view of health.
    Most diseases were dying out as the hygiene improved BUT the food additives were increasing and the Fluoridation began after milk began to be pasteurised which killed the good bacteria and began to bring about allergies.One needs to put everything together to see what is occurring.Take for instance milk ..the cow gives one milk But how many can you buy in a supermart??? A study showed that the additive 202 caused
    hyperactivity in children in 2002 but it is still in the bread.Bread is made with Fluoridated water but the Fluotride remains after baking.
    Drinks on the shelf have been shown that different colour additives cause hyperactivity in children BUT it is still being used so over the last 70 years with GMOs and the different chemicals in use and additives ARE THE MAIN CAUSE OF A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF HEAILTH PROBLEMS TODAY .

  • […] via Print Friendly […]

  • The government lies. Big government tells big lies. Small government tells small lies.

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics  […]

  • […] as far as I can tell, this cannot be backed up with any evidence. The site, Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics, seems to debunk this notion as well as any other. If vaccines saved lives, it is hard to find […]

  • What a bunch of baloney, gimme some bread and butter, please!
    How people fall for this is beyond me… to bad Americans are like sheep…

  • Well I am pleased to see intelligent people having a reasonable discussion, a little sad about the name calling and anger demonstrated by both sides of the debate. I am a research scientist working in the field of sepsis, after having my first child I became very interested in vaccines for obvious reasons.
    To the author of this blog, first of all great job in putting this information together, the pro vaccine agenda clearly has more money, influence, and the advantage in promoting the pro vaccine view when compared to the anti-vaccine group. That being said as a scientist who knows a little bit about basic immunology, would you deny the basic immunological principles of T-cell and B-cell memory cells? Sorry if I bore people but very basic simplified immunology describes that upon an initial infection cells such as neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells migrate to the site of infection this process is termed the innate immune response, as the infection persists macrophages, B-cells and dendritic cells phagocytose antigen/bacteria and present them to T-cells this later process is termed the adaptive immune response, in addition B-cells begin to undergo isotype switching and will produce antibodies. After the infection has been cleared there will be antibodies left to that foreign pathogen and memory T-cells to that pathogen. These memory cells remain and if that same pathogen is encountered again these memory cells are capable of removing the pathogen much faster than the initial infection, this process is called immunological memory. Taken together vaccines are nothing more than a replication of these basic immunology principles. A live virus, partial virus (cell wall, specific proteins) or a whole inactive virus at low doses are used to generate an immune response to create immunological memory. If this process occurs naturally in nature, why is their so much fear about the practical application of vaccines that replicate this natural process? Vaccines are based on sound scientific principles. I was born in 1980 so I took the entire cascade of vaccines and more when I started working due to patient contact.
    However to the pro vaccine people, even though I do believe in the basic principles of vaccines I have some major concerns! When I was a kid I had 6 vaccines before entering school, my son was offered 12, I took 6 of them, basically the ones that I took as a kid and nothing more.
    How can 46 does of 14 vaccines by the age of 6 be normal? What are the long term effects of priming a child’s immune system that many times. In addition to autism look at the all the auto immune disorders that have been popping up, psoriasis for example, look at the increased amount of allergic response that occur in the West due to hyper-active immune systems. I am also concerned about thimerosal, they tell pregnant women to watch their fish consumption for mercury but it is ok for infants to get this many doses. I am also concerned about squalene and others agents found in vaccines that cause infertility. Most importantly I am concerned about the marriage of big pharma with our health and doctors, allopathic medicine more often than not tends to want to cure everything with pharmaceuticals and than cure the side effects with more pharmaceuticals and none the while never looking at natural alternative remedies.
    In summary I believe in the practical application of vaccines and the science of vaccines. I am against immunizing against every disease big pharma can think to increase their profit motive and I am certainly against mandatory vaccinations. Moreover, viral vaccinations against the flu and swine flu which are viruses that constantly mutate are semi-protective at best and may cause more harm than good. In fact the only time I was sick from the flu was the one year I took the vaccine never again will I take another Flu shot. My goal in this discussion is mixed I believe in vaccines but I believe big pharma lobbying crocked politician are to blame for the diminishing effect of vaccines. I believe we should to get rid of all these questionable preservatives and adjuvants and come up with the safest form of vaccines possible that can stimulate immunological memory. More research needs to be done on the cumulative effect of taking this many vaccines at once before it can be deemed safe for the public especially for vaccines against mutating viruses.

  • I believe the above comment is very well stated, however, I have read that the immune response from vaccines is different than the natural immunity acquired through “normal” exposure. I can’t quote off the top of my head where I read this, but Dr Russell Blaylock has a lot of great info on this topic. The constant and persistent activation of the immune system (sp. the brain’s microglia) by multiple vaccines (including adjuvants and contaminants) over a short period of time in a developing brain and nervous system seems a major culprit. In vulnerable bodies (malnourished, poor kidney function, or other environmenal stressors) this sets the stage for complications and adverse effects– most of which seem to be permanent or long term.

  • […] Istotną sprawą całkowicie pominiętą w ww. artykule jest fakt, że ten kalendarz szczepień jest całkowicie arbitralny. Nie ma żadnych dowodów, że został on opracowany w oparciu o rzetelne badania, które by wykazały, że podawanie niemowlętom szczepień według takiego schematu i w takich kombinacjach jest bezpieczne i skutecznie chroni przed chorobami zakaźnymi. Natomiast coraz więcej danych wskazuje, że nie są one ani bezpieczne, ani skuteczne. Dalekie od prawdy jest też twierdzenie, że szczepienia wyeliminowały większość zakaźnych chorób. Dane demograficzne z kilku krajów ujawniły, że to nie szczepienia, ale poprawa higieny i warunków życia ludności oraz wprowadzenie antybiotyków w radykalny sposób zmniejszyły zachorowalność i umieralność na choroby zakaźne już na wiele lat przed wprowadzeniem szczepień. (;…). […]

  • Fear of death IS often used as a motivator to encourage the use of vaccinations and the evidence of the reality pointed out in this post makes the death argument mute.

    As I come across a lot of pro vaccers arguments, the cry about preventing death is popularly consistent. It was also my experience with my sons doctor, when I turned down the swine flu vac for my son. The doctor said, “there will be more deaths”… my main concern at the time, was the safety of this new, barely tested vaccine & the reports by parents about how their children are affected by other vaccines began to concern me and those who were supposed to know, were & are literally denying it occurs… I would turn into an angry mother bear if my child suffered from an adverse reaction & the health organizations & the doctors ignored the obvious cause… I determined it was much better to err on the side of caution and see how it all played out while maintaining good old fashioned nutrition & cleanliness practices.

    I’ve done much research since the Swine Flu days which has lead me to many conclusions & more questions.

    The first thing I think it’s important for people to know is that you don’t have to vaccinate your children in order for them to attend public grammar school. In MOST states you just go in and sign a waiver. They make it seem like you have to vaccinate, but you don’t. There are a few states that you may have to do a little more work to get out of it, but I’m not sure which states those are. In AZ all you have to do is sign a paper, it’s very simple. If there is an outbreak in the school of one of the diseases your child is not vaccinated for, then you may be requested to keep your child home for a while.

    Some of my findings & observations:
    I now believe that my sons hearing loss now stems from the over use of vaccines… The denial by the “system” in general on transparency about vaccine safety & side effects is disconcerting, however, as someone pointed out above, first comes ridicule, then denial, followed by acceptance… It seems like there is more transparency over drug side effects advertized on TV than there is about vaccinations… The FDA does not readily provide the statistics about adverse reaction reports, you have to send a request, then they charge you money & you don’t even know if you’ll get the answers you seek… Once you begin to understand more about the system & learn that the vaccine manufacturers are immune from responsibility, you are likely to become even more concerned…

    If you want to make an informed decision about whether or not to vaccinate, the following are a LOT of key questions that one might want to consider seeking the answers to:

    How can you weigh the options correctly without knowing what the chances of an adverse reaction are vs knowing what the chance of getting the disease is? This post does a good job of letting you know what the chances of dying from any of the vacc diseases are, so that question is answered. Although, one probably should consider that the numbers fluctuate, but that’s why God invented averages LOL and of course, as pointed out above… If one contracts a disease, how might that negatively affect ones health or ability to function for life?

    What are the possible adverse reactions? What are the immediate steps I need to take before emergency services are made available for whatever the adverse reaction is? Can an adverse reaction occur months or years after a vaccine is given? What resources can I turn to if I am faced with having to care for my child who suffers from a debilitating adverse reaction?

    What about the testing for safety? What did that entail?
    How do I know the vaccine works? What is the efficacy rate?
    What are the ingredients? Who is the manufacturer?

    What kinds of negative side effects do vaccines lead to? Some say vaccines contribute to the incidence of asthma, allergies, ear infections, skin conditions & possibly other side effects … If these begin to show up in my child, is this something I should report to VAERS? Will the system cover the costs for treatments for these, or am I responsible? If I begin seeing these conditions in my child, can the vaccination schedule be slowed down? Are single shots available? If I want to vaccinate less than the recommended schedule, which vaccines might be the best to consider to forego? If I were to choose 5 vaccinations, which would be the most prudent to protect my child from a likely threat of existing, debilitating, deadly disease?

    I hope more people begin to insist that accurate answers to these & other questions be readily available so that people can make informed decisions.

    In the meantime, it is evident that our children in the Western Civilization are highly UNLIKELY to die of any of the diseases they are vaccinated for. What a relief!

  • I have two boys, 18, 14. Never had one vaccine. Though they were exposed countless times in their life, never had an illness vaccines were made for. I’m very happy and I don’t regret, that I never had them vaccinated.

  • […] i umieralność na choroby zakaźne już na wiele lat przed wprowadzeniem szczepień. (; […]

  • […] mnohých ochorení začal dramaticky klesať už pred zavedením očkovania vďaka výraznému zlepšeniu životných podmienok najmä v civilizovaných krajinách. Prakticky od druhej svetovej […]

  • […] via Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics « ________________Child Health Safe…. […]

  • Can someone please explain how those graphs constitute proof, or even evidence, that vaccines don’t work. Start with answering the question: “How can 20 cases of smallpox constitute a statistically relevant sample?”

  • […] ChildHealthSafety | See also: Deadly Inoculations | Water Fluoridation: Eugenics on Tap Vaccines Did Not Save Us–2 Centuries Of Official Statistics | | Eugenics […]

  • […] Vaccines Didn’t Save Us – 200 Years Of Official Stats […]

  • […] Vaccines Didn’t Save Us – 200 Years Of Official Stats […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics (Child Health […]

  • please go to google for Every Second Child
    a book by Dr Archie Kalokerinos and follow the leads – it details information re use of vitamin C and vaccination.
    Also the use of vitamin A before and during a measles infection greatly diminishes the effects of measles as per WHO studies. Yet virtually no mother I have spoken to about this has been aware of this.

  • […] known to be the key factors in improving child health and preventing deaths from infectious disease:Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics. UNICEF however airbrushes out the effect of economic growth. UNICEF instead claims the credit: […]

  • […] Esto también se puede observar en los siguientes gráfico: Las vacunas no nos salvaron – 2 siglos de estadísticas oficiales. […]

  • […] Esto también se puede observar en los siguientes gráficos: Las vacunas no nos salvaron – 2 siglos de estadísticas oficiales. […]

  • […] Mass media jako odkrywcę szczepień wylansowały angielskiego medyka Edwarda Jennera. Nie jest to prawda. Jenner zastosował tylko “przemysłowy” sposób zarabiania. Wprowadził ropę z krowianki pod skórę pacjentów. Jego syn przypłacił to życiem. Jenner podpatrzył “swój” sposób szczepień u francuskich lekarzy , którzy z kolei nauczyli się tego 100 lat wcześniej od Turków. Ale ani Francuzi ani Turcy nie wstrzykiwali ropy pod skórę ale dmuchali wysuszony proszek do nosa. Reklama jaką robił Jenner spowodowała, że zaszczepił sporo osób bez żadnego dowodu skuteczności takich szczepień. Ta fałszywa reklama Jennera zaskarbiła uznanie króla Jerzego II, co przełożyło się na nagrodę porównywalną z dzisiejszymi 500 000 dolarów. O tym, że szczepionka była nieskuteczna przekonano się już w roku 1872 roku, kiedy wybuchła olbrzymia epidemia. Pomimo tego, dzięki zręcznej reklamie nadal szczepiono obowiązkowo ludzi i w 1895 zaszczepiono już 95% społeczeństwa. DZIĘKI SZCZEPIENIOM ŚMIERTELNOŚĆ Z POWODU OSPY WZROSłA PIĘCIOKROTNIE. W okręgu Laincast… […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies. The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics ________________Child Health Saf… […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] kann man auch aus den Grafiken hier ersehen: Vaccines Did Not Save Us… 2 Centuries of Official Statistics (Impfungen retteten uns nicht – 2 Jahrhunderte offizieller […]

  • […] two centuries of statistical data proves that vaccinations did not save us, each to their own, but it is our human and civil right to […]

  • […] Istotną sprawą całkowicie pominiętą w ww. artykule jest fakt, że ten kalendarz szczepień jest całkowicie arbitralny. Nie ma żadnych dowodów, że został on opracowany w oparciu o rzetelne badania, które by wykazały, że podawanie niemowlętom szczepień według takiego schematu i w takich kombinacjach jest bezpieczne i skutecznie chroni przed chorobami zakaźnymi. Natomiast coraz więcej danych wskazuje, że nie są one ani bezpieczne, ani skuteczne. Dalekie od prawdy jest też twierdzenie, że szczepienia wyeliminowały większość zakaźnych chorób. Dane demograficzne z kilku krajów ujawniły, że to nie szczepienia, ale poprawa higieny i warunków życia ludności oraz wprowadzenie antybiotyków w radykalny sposób zmniejszyły zachorowalność i umieralność na choroby zakaźne już na wiele lat przed wprowadzeniem szczepień. (;…_2/mckinlay.pdf ). […]

  • How did you quantify and then further qualify the data to support your hypohesis? I do not see how your data reflects your findings as there is not a control group to verify any findings. I see a bunch of random reports put together to support an overall idea. I do see a point in history where vacinations were discovered and the infant mortality rate went down as the life expectancy rate inreased. There is no data presented that shows a definitive detriment to a populous, however big pharma making money off people living is fact driven. That problem however is separate from the all the vacinations are bad argument. Please realize that what you are dealing with is public health and that overall results are what are desired, a company will have to produce a vaccinations for a given govenrment/ populous to achieve those results. Arguing biological fact while the true problem is the companies profitting off those affected communities is a misnomer.

  • To say whether vaccinations work or not, I think we must look at incidence rather than mortality. So I have done that. I just got some data from the health authorities here in Denmark to see how it looks in my own country.

    It’s a mixed picture! I will just sum it up. You can check the graphs I will be referring to here:
    It’s of course in Danish but since graphs speak all languages, I hope you’ll check it out. The order of the graphs is the same as the one I follow below.

    So here’s the trend in the incidences of various diseases in Denmark:

    Diphteria (1st graph) clearly declined way before the vaccination was introduced and simply continued the same downward trend after vaccination was introduced. In this case, vaccination does not seem to have mattered.

    Tetanus (2nd graph) is a similar case. The decline began way before the vaccine was introduced.

    Whooping cough (3rd graph), on the other hand, is a case that supports the vaccine proponents. The incidence increased – with seasonal fluctuations – until vaccination was introduced. Then it dropped to a very low level. Curiously, there were two smaller outbreaks, but otherwise it stayed low.

    Polio (4th graph) again seems to support the vaccine proponents. Polio all but vanished after the vaccine was introduced. However, since the definition of Polio changed, the effect is tricky to assess based on the graph alone.

    Measles and mumps (5th and 6t graph) clearly dropped in incidence after vaccination was introduced – in Denmark in 1987. There had already been a decline prior to that. But nothing compared to what followed. Both diseases were all but wiped out, ostensibly by the vaccine. Or what else could explain it?

    Hib-meningitis (7th graph) is again a case that supports the vaccine proponents. The incidence of this disease dropped sharply to a stable low after vaccination was introduced. Again, what else could account for it?

    I myself am confused. Some diseases were already going down. Scarlet fever and typhoid vanished also from Denmark without any vaccinations against these diseases. Moreover, there are now and then cases of measles here in which half or more of the cases are vaccinated children!

    To me, vaccine sceptics, however, have to consider this question: how could the introduction of the measles and mumps vaccinations be followed by such an immediate drop to a steady, low level if they did not work? I am here referring again to graphs 5 and 6 in the file: what else could explain it?

    I have a three-months old son, by the way, and I am trying to figure out what to do. The potential side-effects of vaccinations is a serious issue alone. But I would really like to know from vaccine sceptics how they’ll explain the cases summed up above that suggest vaccines can reduce the incidence: could there be other explanations than the vaccines and if so, which ones?


  • Thanks Hans but the problem with using incidence as a measure is that it is unreliable.

    Prior to verification of diagnoses by laboratory testing, doctors’ misdiagnoses and overdiagnoses meant you could get 74 times more diagnoses than there were cases of measles. You should see the references to this in the notes at the beginning of the article.

    Here is what we wrote – with citations to the sources:

    [ED Note 15 Oct 2009: As information like that here has become available health officials are changing from scaremongering parents into vaccinating with claims their child could die. Now they claim vaccinating reduces the numbers of cases of disease [ie. instead of deaths] and produce graphs of dramatic falls in reported cases (instead of deaths) when measles vaccine was introduced.

    This is again misleading. A dramatic fall in the numbers of reported measles cases would be expected. Doctors substantially overdiagnose measles cases especially when they believe it is a possible diagnosis.Doctors were told the vaccine prevented children getting measles when introduced in the late 1960′s so after that time a substantial reduction in diagnoses would be expected.

    Examples of recent overdiagnoses of measles when there are measles “scares” are proportionately up to 74 times (or 7400% overdiagnosed). Figures and sources follow the next paragraph.

    What health officials are also doing is relying on very old and unreliable data which ignores that measles has become progressively milder so the risks of long term injury have diminished – (and death is the most extreme form of long term injury – shown here by official data to have diminished rapidly and substantially over the past 100 years without the risks posed to children’s health by vaccines).

    Measles Over Diagnosed – Up to 7400%

    A. Laboratory confirmed cases of measles, mumps, and rubella, England and Wales: October to December 2004

    Notified: 474, Tested: 589†, Confirmed cases: 8

    RATE OF OVERDIAGNOSIS:- 589/8 = proportionately 7400% or 74 times overdiagnosed

    SOURCE: CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005

    [Note from Source: “†Some oral fluid specimens were submitted early from suspected cases and may not have been subsequently notified, thus the proportion tested is artificially high for this quarter.”]

    B. Total confirmed cases of measles and oral fluid IgM antibody tests in cases notified to ONS*: weeks 40-52/2005

    Notified: 408, Tested: 343, Confirmed cases: 22

    RATE OF OVERDIAGNOSIS:- 343/22 = proportionately 1560 % or 15.6 times overdiagnosed

    SOURCE: CDR Weekly, Volume 16 Number 12 Published on: 23 March 2006

  • That is interesting and quite incredible. But then, do you mean to say that diagnosis by laboratory tests only became practice after the introduction of vaccines? So that only after vaccines were introduced do we have a reliable picture of incidence?

  • […] Belangrijk punt is dat de werkzaamheid van inentingen nooit is aangetoond, in tegenstelling tot de ‘bijwerkingen’. De Gates lijken sympathiek te staan tegenover […]

  • Hans,

    According to the UK’s Health Protection Agency National Measles Guidance Version 1.2: 28th October 2010 routine serological testing for measles appears to have become commonplace only in 1994:

    3. Surveillance of measles

    Measles remains a notifiable disease under the Health Protection Legislation (England) Guidance 2010. Awareness of measles should be raised among health professionals to facilitate early recognition and diagnosis (appendix 1). Notification of the local Health Protection Unit would fulfil their responsibility to notify the Local Authority Proper Officer. This should be by phone as soon as is reasonably practicable, and in writing within three days.

    In line with WHO recommendations, countries with an elimination target are required to have intensive case-based surveillance to detect, investigate and confirm every suspected case. Since November 1994, enhanced surveillance including oral fluid testing of all notified and suspected cases has been provided through the Centre for Infections. CfI supplies each health protection unit with a set of oral fluid testing kits. When a case of suspected measles is reported and/or notified to the local health protection unit, an oral fluid kit is sent to the case, or the parent or general practitioner of the case. Samples should be taken as soon as possible after measles is suspected, and posted or couriered back to the Virus Reference Department, where it is tested for anti-measles IgM and/or measles RNA. Results are reported back to the patient’s GP and the local HPU.

    Staff at CfI follow up cases confirmed at the Virus Reference Laboratory and all confirmed cases reported from local diagnostic laboratories to obtain further epidemiological and clinical information and to confirm the precise vaccination details. Confirmatory testing, genotyping and further characterization is undertaken at the WHO Global Specialised Reference Laboratory based at Colindale. Measles virus sequences are entered on the WHO global Measles Nucleotide Sequence (MeaNS) database hosted at CfI.

    CfI is responsible for reporting on a monthly basis case-based information on confirmed cases to the European surveillance network (EU-VACnet) and this information is forwarded to WHO European region.(see appendix 2 – surveillance definitions). VRD also report monthly data on the numbers of samples tested for measles to the WHO laboratory network.

  • […] Professor Wakefield already had the right idea – seek and find out why. Is vaccinating against MMR safe? Is it what has worked? […]

  • That’s very interesting. I can see why incidence rates are not very reliable prior to laboratory testing – that is, prior to 1994.

    Do you have a graph for England showing incidence from the 1960s when measles vaccine was introduced until the present? It could be interesting to see the number of incidences registered before and after 1994.

    I suppose that – due to the over-diagnosis by doctors prior to that and the subsequent much more accurate laboratory testing – we would see a significant drop in the number of incidences on the other side of 1994?

    I will try and check if something like that can be seen in Denmark: when diagnosis by laboratory test was introduced and if an effect can be seen.

  • That is an interesting idea to obtain statistics on reported cases registered before and after 1994. The figures should be available under Freedom of Information from the Health Protection Agency which is now part of Health England. If you would like to ask, make sure what you ask for is clear. If you do ask please let us know.

  • I might try to do that. I am not British, though, so I wonder if I am entitled to request the information. Do you know?

  • Yes. You can. Anyone in the world can ask under UK FOIA.

  • Alright, that’s great. I’ll give it a try and return with the results.

  • Miriam, nice point.

  • In other news: The earth is flat and sits motionless at the center of the solar system. Everyone should know this but “they” want to keep you in the dark! Wake up sheeple! It’s time we stopped science from learning us stuff!

  • [ED: @thingmaker

    What a moron you are.]

  • Good website. Anyone doubts what you say should watch/read Dr Russell Blaylock

  • Vaccine proponents ask for data on incidence, not mortality rate. I would agree: to assess the effectiveness of vaccines, we have to look at incidence. I said in an earlier comment that I would try to get some data, looking at measles first. Well, I did for England, and clearly the incidence has dropped since the introduction of the vaccine. Is that due to the vaccine? Or are there signs of mis-diagnoses in the data, tilting the data in favour of vaccine proponents? I am undecided, but check it out here:

    Raw data in a table with comments:

    Plot of the data for easy overview:

  • [ED: @Hans andersen 2013/05/04 at 6:55 pm

    Thanks for the info Hans.

    You ask if the fall in incidence is due to the vaccine – it seems not. See the comparison from differential data in this CHS article:
    Official Data Confirms – 20th Century Measles Deaths Would Fall Exponentially – And Regardless of Measles Or MMR Vaccine

    And your statement is partly right that “Vaccine proponents ask for data on incidence, not mortality rate.

    However, previously it was the vaccine proponents who cited deaths from disease as a main argument.

    However, as the data has become more widely available and people can see the annual numbers of deaths rapidly decreasing [attenuating – a well known phenomenon] and showing that deaths dropped over 99% before vaccines like measles vaccine was introduced they are only in very recent years shifting their focus.

    Their problem is that the incidence figures are not reliable whereas dead bodies are dead bodies and easier to count.

    Regardless of whether some deaths are wrongly classified, mortality still dropped exponentially for measles – and if there was any misclassification it would only affect a proportion annually. So now the “your child will die if not vaccinated” argument is threadbare.

    Now they are starting to claim it is not so nice to get the disease – which is an argument which is much thinner but it is what is left so they are turning to it.

    These people should really concentrate on what is really needed and that is effective treatments for basic childhood diseases for the now rare serious cases.

    Then parents would not have to worry about whether it is right to vaccinate their children or not.]

  • Interesting points Ed. I am still wondering what exactly caused measles and other childhood diseases to decline in recent decades, if not the vaccine.

    I had my childhood diseases in the late 1970s and early 1980s, just before the MMR was introduced here in Denmark in 1984. Back then, when one kid in school got it, almost everybody did, and it was no big deal, actually.

    Nowadays, it’s extremely rare to get any of the childhood diseases. So, what could have changed in our environment between the 1970s and now to effect such a drop in measles and the rest of the childhood diseases?

    It seems that to understand the overall trend in the statistics – no matter what, there has been a decline – we would need to understand exactly what causes the diseases to spread and disappear. What do we know about it?

  • Hello Ed.
    I like Hans andersen had both of my childrens’ measles episodes before the MMR which they also got from being at school. I also had this many decades before and all of us had the same ‘treatment’. Which was to stay in bed to rest, which gives the body a fighting chance as it is not using the energy in other ways, which can go to healing instead,and most importantly have the curtains closed because light can affect the eyesight. All three of us recovered hale and hearty by taking fluids, soups, and bed rest. The current ‘fear factor’ must be watched carefully as this is the way people are being placed into a panic situation, not only about measles but about everything to do with health.
    Ask yourself one question. For whose benefit is all this?

  • […] and Wales: October to December 2004 – CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics].  […]

  • […] or help you understand why i feel this way: 1) history of vaccinations 2) vaccines: a total hoax 3) vaccines did not save us 4) hep b vaccination 5) adverse effects of […]

  • Wow, you have a ton of information here. Great job on pulling this all together.

  • […] Welsh Health officials were first caught out when the British media discovered that the figures being given out to them were of only suspected cases and that doctors massively over-report measles cases.  As CHS has reported, sometimes as many as 73 in every 74 reports are NOT measles: [Laboratory confirmed cases of measles, mumps, and rubella, England and Wales: October to December 2004 – CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics]. […]

  • […] i umieralność na choroby zakaźne już na wiele lat przed wprowadzeniem szczepień. (; […]

  • […] Die trendbreuken zijn echter volledig onzichtbaar. Of we nu de cijfers van de VS erbij nemen of die van andere landen, op geen enkele manier is zichtbaar in de trend wanneer een vaccinatieprogramma werd gestart. En […]

  • […] Die trendbreuken zijn echter volledig onzichtbaar. Of we nu de cijfers van de VS erbij nemen of die van andere landen, op geen enkele manier is zichtbaar in de trend wanneer een vaccinatieprogramma werd gestart. En […]

  • Thank you for that. My first child has been vaccine affected, and I’ve decided he will not be poisoned any longer as well as my second baby. ALL this data made this decision much easier. thanks for the hard work. Also is it easy to make this article downloadable like a pdf? thanks again

    [ED: there already is a .pdf version albeit not as up-to-date as the current article – but not far off.

    Download or view this article as a .pdf file]

  • […] vaccinations as a public health strategy.  Further, there exists more than a century of data ( which have been collated from existing articles, disease statistics websites, and talks […]

  • […] vaccinations as a public health strategy.  Further, there exists more than a century of data ( which have been collated from existing articles, disease statistics websites, and talks […]

  • You call this research! Mortality rates do not tell the whole story. This misrepresentation of data is done deliberately to reinforce your own misguided views on the subject. Of course mortality rates have dropped. They haven’t just dropped for vaccinated diseases, they dropped for all diseases. Improvements in modern health care has much to do with this. Why don’t you display and discuss disease rates? I’ll tell you why, it’s because it would blow your whole BS argument out of the water. The complications of suffering from these preventable diseases can be worse than death. Try telling the parents of a child that has died of whopping cough because they picked it up before they could be vaccinated.

    [ED: This comment is typical of the anti-vaccine safety lobby trying to change the goalposts when their own position is blown out of the water by showing their own arguments and the evidence behind them show exactly the opposite to their own grossly misleading claims.

    For decades they used to claim that vaccines had saved millions of lives when it is just not and never has been true. When their BS is exposed for what it is – BS – then they want to change the goalposts and claim it is the other side relying on the historic mortality figures and that those figures are useless.

    What utter hypocrisy. Death rates are OK for them to use to claim vaccines are effective and when no one else knows any better but when their evidence is exposed for what it is they claim the other side is doing the misleading.

    This is absolutely classic.

    Thanks “Bluey”. ]

  • It’s this sort of non science rubbish that is slowly seeing immunisation rates drop – and incidence of whooping cough, German Measles and other totally preventable diseases creeping back into western society.

    If you don’t want to vaccinate your kids – that’s your choice – but you then should be required to keep them away from the vaccinated children. It’s herd immunity that keeps the majority safe – and i’m sick of selfish, self absorbed crackpot parents putting MY kid at risk because they’ve been sucked in by quasi pseudo science.

    If you think vaccines don’t work – take your selfish butt over to Africa or parts of the sub continent and have an actual look at the devastation things like polio and small pox still cause. A million deaths still occur annually from Whooping Cough, almost 3 million from measles and another three from hep b and tetanus.

    I want to see a movement of parents who do vaccinate – step up and start making some noise – and begin the process of pushing non vaccinated children out of mainstream education and social settings.

    You can risk your own child if you choose – but you do not have the right to put my kid at risk because of nut job science.

    [ED: The author of this remarkably ignorant comment clearly has not read any of this article. The evidence in this article is perfectly clear and quite startling regarding the value of vaccines. S/he also fails to acknowledge his/her obligation to all children to ensure they are not put at risk of injury from vaccines nor injured by them. If s/he wants to risk his/her child’s health or life with vaccines it gives him/her no right whatsoever to expect others should also do the same. Whoever wrote this comment also does not know what “science” is. And if immunisation rates are dropping [and where is the evidence of that?] it is because vaccines are not safe and not as effective as they are claimed to be. It has nothing to do with making information available which clearly shows that. Vaccines are another part of the drug industry’s and medical professions’ money-go-round causing many long term chronic illnesses in children for a very poor payback.

    This is another person who thinks that polio is being eradicated by vaccines when it is clear from what has been happening in India that the real disease is still occurring – polio has been reclassified to exclude from the definition non polio accute flaccid paralysis [NPAFP] which is twice as deadly and caused by the polio vaccine – it increases in proportion to the number of doses of polio vaccine given and has caused 65,000 cases in India:

    Bill Gates Polio Eradication Plans – To Cause The Polio Equivalent of 235 Years of Cases Of A Twice As Deadly Disease

    So the person who wrote this comment is peddling “non science rubbish” and pseudo-science and selfishly putting the children of others at risk. The fact that in the US and UK autistic conditions now outstrip all other childhood illnesses put together and runs at 1 in 60 children seems not to be of concern to the rather nasty fascistic individual who wrote the comment.]

  • […] If there is any validity to them then disease was obviously on the decline before vaccination. Vaccines Did Not Save Us ? 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics | ________________Child Health Safety_… Scroll down to measles and I was reading in Canada the vaccine came out in 1960. I think with […]

  • My entire family is, sadly, deeply and passionately envolved in the vaccine debate. With three grandsons dx’d full autism (one very severe, one moderately severe and one mild) we are not strangers to this debate. We have been struggling with the autism now 21 years with the oldest and he was MRI’d with encephalitis/vaccine-induced. The second developed in-utero from his mother’s 3 HepB series given weeks apart for her nursing requirements. The latest one was from his one-month series and he quickly decended into “failure to thrive” status – and the pediatrician wanted to continue the shot schedule – despite multiple severe problems.

    We have three family members deep in the medical professions: Two are very critical of our decisions to not vaccinate any longer; one won’t listen to one fragment of information against vaccination and recently nearly had a stroke over the mere mention of Dr. Wakefield and became very angry at us, his parents, for even trying to discuss his plight.

    Our end of the family uses alternative medicine as much as possible with alopathic as needed. The other side is straight alopathic and seem to be completely “brain-washed” into believing drugs – good, alternative – bad. It is a very sad and upsetting situation.

  • A very interesting article!

    I was wondering if anyone has some similar data with regards to Vitamin K injections given to newborns (to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding). Injecting 20,000 times the needed dose of vitamin K in a baby sounds like a very suspicious idea to me. Would love to find out some facts!

  • […] one of the worst in 60 years. What no one wants to emphasize is that whooping cough was on a steady decline in multiple countries, continuing to drop almost out of existence until the vaccine was in heavy […]

  • […] one of the worst in 60 years. What no one wants to emphasize is that whooping cough was on a steady decline in multiple countries, continuing to drop almost out of existence until the vaccine was in heavy […]

  • I applaud this site for taking a stance on what must be the most important health issue we face as a species. It won’t be long before the public are duped even further into compulsory flu jabs and the persecution of non vaccinated people for potentially infecting the vaccinated. I saw on the nhs website that they have a nasal spray vaccine lined up for children next. It actually states that immunised children should “stay away” from people with weakened immune systems as they can infect the unvaccinated. Doesn’t that seem a bit strange to say the least. I predict a pandemic eventually CAUSED!!! by this kind of programme. But remember, it is virtually impossible to affect the opinion of anyone who has allowed their child to be poisoned, simply because they will cling to the slightest evidence they can find to justify their actions rather than face the unpalatable shock to their worldview that they were trusted by their own children to make the most informed choice they could, but just went ahead and took the easy option by going along with the rest of the sheep. Just a quicky for the editor, I wonder if you have come across the research of ex-new york times – now independent journalist John Rappoport (website; ‘No more fake news’) on this subject. May be worth a look if you haven’t heard of him. P.S. When I have a bit more time I’ll post the story of when I nearly died of ‘stils disease’ as a four year old. Only very recently did I discover this to be vaccine related, but then,isn’t nearly every serious disease in the developed world. I wish this site all the best in it’s fight to reveal the truth. You can only try and put this info in the public domain, it’s up to everyone now to do what they can to discover the reality of this terrifying predicament we have blindly stumbled into. And yes mr and mrs public, that does mean YOU!!!

  • I decided not to vaccinate my 2 daughters and they are quite healthy as compared to children of my friends in India who vaccinated since they regularly have allergies. Though I am not sure if not vaccinating is the reason for this good health. I was not vaccinated at all while my wife was vaccinated in childhood. The site gives us useful information although I would like Ed to respond to some of his opponent with convincing argument. After the research about this vaccination stuff, I am not sure which side I should take, but at least the good thing is that I got educated quite a lot on the prevention of diseases which I believe is 99% effective and better in preventing disease than vaccination, since there is no side effects at all and there is also consensus on those points.

    1) Availability of clean water.
    2) Good sanitation
    3) Proper nutrition and avoiding junks like colas, etc.
    4) Proper waste management and disposal by individuals, families, public health authorities, etc.
    5) Good Personal hygiene like washing hands after relieving from toilet, or play areas, etc.
    6) Feeding only mother’s milk for first 6 months (some exceptions though) and then combining with other food until 2 years. Mother’s nutrition is also very important during this time.
    7) Availability of good cheap health care when children are sick.
    8) As far as possible, curing sickness or improving immunity by natural methods like honey, morning sunshine, etc.
    9) Avoiding smoking and drinking alcoholic drinks (and so many other harmful useless things), especially during pregnancy. I read an article on their harmful effects on fetus some time back.
    10) Pest control especially rats, mosquitoes, roaches etc. in the house.
    11) Keeping our surrounding clean and green.
    12) Avoiding wars especially the modern ones with large scale destruction of civilian areas causing diseases in children.
    13) Growing vegetables, fruits with non-toxic materials.
    14) Not overdose ourselves or our children with drugs. For example, anti-biotic should only be administered in life threating situation and not for common cold, cough, flu, etc.
    15) Being honest so that people don’t play with the health of others for money. Everyone should remember that by being selfish they are directly/indirectly harming themselves as it will come back to their children and grandchildren.
    16) Educating everyone with above points so that herd immunity is achieved 

    One problem with vaccination is that many people remain uneducated about above points and feel that once their child is vaccinated, they are safe/free from diseases. Ignorance is bliss they say.
    I have avoided the religious/spiritual aspects of good health and its maintenance to avoid taking the topic in another discussion.
    Each of the above points contains many aspects which should be implemented. For example, the first point of availability of good water means that we secure our lakes and ponds from contamination with chemicals/garbage, etc. It’s a pathetic situation here in India as almost everything is dumped into the rivers.
    Finally, I would like to advice parents to get educated and be informed and take the decision on vaccination keeping both the short term and long term benefits of their children.

  • Dear ED,
    I was searching for incidence rates for measles worldwide. I found 2 contradictory figures from WHO and CDC. I am not able to know what is the cause of difference and whom to believe. Can you please provide your inputs?

    Below is the link of WHO where incidence rates of measles worldwide in 2012. Please download the spreadsheet for better readability.
    It says that for past 5 years, the incidence rate worldwide is under 500K.

    But in the CDC site in the below link, it states that there are 20 million cases of measles each year and around 164K deaths.

    Which one is the correct figure? Or is there something which I am unable to understand?

    Secondly, if according to CDC, 1-2 deaths will occur per 1000 incidence of measles, then according to the WHO incidence rates, there should be only around 1000 deaths worldwide and not 164K deaths.

    Please help to clarify.

  • Dear Javed Shaikh,

    What an interesting observation. Please bear in mind that WHO and CDC have different political foci:

    a) WHO has to prove to the world that it is eradicating measles and is on target to do so [by its constantly shifting deadlines which is continues to fail every decade] – so WHO needs to have the lowest possible figures for cases it can find to prove it is getting closer;

    b) the US CDC pushes vaccines and to do so routinely scares US parents and adults with wholly false disease rates [as is easily demonstrable in this case].

    What can be said about the figures you have found is this:
    1) the US CDC figures for deaths are clearly plainly and totally false. That is not unusual. The US CDC are blatantly dishonest about disease incidence and mortality. So the US CDC figures for measles cases are going to be just as blatantly false. The US lies to the world all the time about a great deal as the reasons it gave for war in Iraq demonstrate.

    Figures for another developed nation will assist to show just how blatantly the US CDC lie.

    For decades the UK Department of Health cited the highest mortality rates they could justify from the medical literature. They used figures from 1960s England. Of course measles mortality continued to drop substantially between the 1960s and the present day so even those figures were substantially out of date and much higher than the true position.

    These are the figures obtained under the UK’s Freedom of Information Act:

    “Death after measles – 1 in 25000 to 1 in 5000 depending on age
    Miller CL. Deaths from measles in England and Wales, 1970-83. British Medical Journal. 1985; 290:443-4.”

    As you can see the US CDC are blatantly lying. There is no other way to describe it.

    2) WHO figures:
    Are any of the figures true – WHO or CDC? You can be certain the US CDC figures are false. But WHO figures cannot be trusted either – they constantly give out “estimates” for diseases. Their polio figures are for example a sham. Polio has been reclassified. A clinically identical disease to polio which is twice as deadly appears to be caused by the polio vaccination programmes and caused 47,000 cases of paralysis in India New Paper – Polio Vaccine – Disease Caused by Vaccine Twice As Fatal – Third World Duped – Scarce Money Wasted – Polio Eradication Impossible

    For your assistance we pasted the figures for reported measles cases from the WHO website into a spreadsheet and calculated the WHO totals worldwide for all countries – these are as follows:

    Measles Reported Cases
    2012 226,722
    2011 359,267
    2010 343,806
    2009 278,637
    2008 278,743
    2007 285,031
    2006 377,574
    2005 585,701
    2004 513,406
    2003 679,856
    2002 586,471
    2001 849,173
    2000 853,480
    1999 752,407
    1998 694,466
    1997 825,673
    1996 870,218
    1995 720,391
    1994 926,808
    1993 1,143,945
    1992 1,481,192
    1991 1,370,243
    1990 1,325,074
    1989 1,822,390
    1988 1,663,940
    1987 1,682,847
    1986 2,078,696
    1985 2,819,553
    1984 3,026,973
    1983 3,586,101
    1982 3,623,758
    1981 4,078,455
    1980 3,852,242

  • Thank you for this information; I do not agree with it all, but it was a good jumping off point for my research paper on MMR vaccine safety. A few questions: If rates of infectious diseases were already decreasing before vaccine introduction as a result of improved hygiene and nutrition, then how you do explain recent outbreaks? A sudden lapse in nutrition? Doesn’t it seem more likely that such outbreaks were caused by un-vaccinated populations? And although you’ve given good evidence that disease rates were decreasing in countries such as the UK and the US, what about less-developed nations? Isn’t there evidence that vaccines have helped there? Finally, if everyone stopped vaccinating, what happens when travellers to countries where these diseases are still prevalent bring them back to the States and infect a host of non-vaccinated people? I’ve lived in Uganda, East Africa, and my friend’s daughter had to be hospitalized for measles. It’s easy to talk about statistics when the disease is basically irrelevant for us, but isn’t it worth the minimal risk of side-effects to be protected from some pretty horrible diseases?

  • “isn’t it worth the minimal risk of side-effects to be protected from some pretty horrible diseases?”

    That assumes 1) the disease is horrible and not minimal and 2) the “side effects” are minimal. Neither are valid assumptions.

  • […] course, when the full numbers are shown, the information actually demonstrates that the rates of Whooping Cough in the U.S. had already […]

  • @Just Wondering,

    Q. If rates of infectious diseases were already decreasing before vaccine introduction as a result of improved hygiene and nutrition, then how you do explain recent outbreaks?

    A. Your problem lies in the vague terminology of your question. The fall is in mortality not instance. Hygiene and nutrition to not confer immunity, they reduce extent of morbidity and overall mortality from disease.

    You also assume that outbreaks only affect the unvaccinated. This is manifestly false, there are numerous documented cases of outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations.

    Vaccines are not 100% effective, they also wear off leaving people vulnerable to infection at older ages when many illnesses are known to be more serious.

    Q.what about less-developed nations? Isn’t there evidence that vaccines have helped there?

    A. Yes vaccinations have helped in these countries. But only because they have been denied full access to good nutrition, clean water and sanitation which have been shown to be far more effective throughout the developed world.

    I can’t comment on your Ugandan friend’s measles except to comment that numerous studies have shown that Measles depletes Vitamin A. The vast majority of cases of complication are connected with this deficiency.

    In 1995 a US study showed that 95% of Measles cases admitted to hospital were deficient in Vitamin A. Subsequent studies have examined the value of supplementation but have overlooked the fact that in food vitamin A is found with other fat soluble nutrients including vitamins D,E,and K.

  • Dear ED,

    Congrats to you and your team on the hard-work and attention to detail put into this website. I recently came across it while researching vaccination issues and was a great help.

    Also well done parrying off the unfounded criticism and attacks from various posters here. I got more than a couple LOLs while reading all of the comments. It’s ironic – the anti-vax-safety group claims to back up their stance with “science.” Yet when presented with science and hard data, their “scientific” stance is reduced to what it truly is – strong opinion.

    Keep up the great work and be well,

  • What truly did it is plumbing. When people stopped throwing raw sewerage in the streets, and had proper access to hot/cold water, sinks, tubs, toilets, etc–disease rates plummeted. From a paper titled”

    “History of plumbing…

    The growth of plumbing in America was phenomenal. In one 25-year period, from 1929 to 1954, sales by distributors of plumbing products and heating equipment rose from $498 million to $2.33 billion, a whopping 367% increase.”

    It doesn’t take a rocket science to notice as the boom in plumbing took hold it annihilated the disease in the world. This is also why Africa and ‘poor’ nations are still sick–no plumbing, raw sewerage in public water systems. Nutrition also plays a great role, but if your body is constantly being bombarded by parasites (bacteria/viruses/fungus) then you’d need mega-doses of vitamins to kill them–unavailable in Africa.

  • thank you so much.i am dr Jacob vadakkanchery,from kerala,india,a gandhian peace and justice worker and a naturopath,running 6 nature hospital and 3 nature food restaurants in cochin.fights against vaccine and drugs.

  • […] aren’t even to thank for the decrease in diseases such as measles, pertusis, and diphtheria. The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food, […]

  • […] Welsh Health officials were first caught out when the British media discovered that the figures being given out to them were of only suspected cases and that doctors massively over-report measles cases.  As CHS has reported, sometimes as many as 73 in every 74 reports are NOT measles: [Laboratory confirmed cases of measles, mumps, and rubella, England and Wales: October to December 2004 – CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics]. […]

  • What a load of rubbish – have a look at the incidence of pertussis and childhood deaths before and after vaccination was introduction to see the benefits of vaccinating your children

    [ED: We have Gary. See above. You haven’t.]

  • […] (NSNBC) –  How times change. A month ago health officials were predicting a UK-wide measles epidemic with multiple measles deaths and disabilities, with everyone not previously vaccinated to get the MMR vaccine. Welsh Health officials were first caught out when the British media discovered that the figures being given out to them were of only suspected cases and that doctors massively over-report measles cases.  As CHS has reported, sometimes as many as 73 in every 74 reports are NOT measles: [Laboratory confirmed cases of measles, mumps, and rubella, England and Wales: October to December 2004 – CDR Weekly, Volume 15 Number 12 Published: 24 March 2005: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics]. […]

  • […] It seems that after vaccines started spreading, diseases started declining too. (2) But what a minute! See how the decline in diseases started even before the vaccines started? (the graph is small if you do not pay for the article, but again it shows) At the same time vaccines started spreading, public hygiene programs (including the introduction of sewage systems) were also initiated! (3) Better living conditions also started to be important. Fresh water too. What did really happen? Could it be that something is overestimated here? (4) […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us and Did Not Eradicate Disease – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics (With Graphs) […]

  • Most people who apose this write here with fear !
    Fear because they have been lied to for so long!
    It’s easier to turn that humiliation and fear into anger!
    Thanks for the info I shall spread the word and remember most that look at this enlightening information will spread it globally !
    It’s nice to see the figures and hard work you have done and thank you!

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics | ________________Child Health S… Nu am reuşit niciodată să conving un prost că e prost. Pentru că prostul nu are logica necesară pentru a înţelege argumentarea faptului că e prost. Se cheamă paradoxul prostului. Reply With Quote […]

  • On the subject of smallpox and the comparison made between the (unvaccinated) city of Leicester and select armed service groups (as well as all of Japan) I have a couple of points to make. A quick look at the wikipedia page for the city of Leicester tells me that between 1861 and 1901 the population grew from 68,000 to 212,000 – presumably mainly through an influx of workers and their families as the city became more industrialised. It would then stand to reason that a sizeable proportion of the population in the period you have mentioned in table 21 from 1880 to 1908 would have been vaccinated outside Leister against smallpox. I also find it interesting that the groups you have chosen as comparisons are, with the exception of the British army based in the UK (which had similar mortality rates to Leicester), all based far from the UK. It is also very unfortunate that the data in table 29 does not compare other cities with Leicester over the same years – this leads the reader to suspect the data has been cherry-picked (though I am sure this is not the case here!).

    [ED: The population point is a non sequitur, aside from the problem that Wikipedia is not a reliable source – which we will ignore for present purposes.

    If one accepts Leicester had substantially lower rates of mortality by adopting isolation etc. instead of vaccination then, if we assume the population grew solely from an influx of 100% vaccinated individuals, one is left to explain how by coming to Leicester the vaccinated individuals suffered far lower mortality in Leicester than vaccinated populations did elsewhere.

    In other words it is a flawed argument.

    As for your comments regarding the figures, as the whole idea of smallpox vaccination being not what is claimed for it is not something you subscribe to then those kinds of comments are no more than of the kind to be expected. And as your main first argument is deeply flawed we trust you appreciate we do not place much confidence in them.

  • Awesome article, God bless you for creating it.

  • Thanks Laura. Let people know and maybe they might read it.

  • Thank you for the prompt response. I agree wholeheartedly that, while an excellent tool to gain an overview on a subject, Wikipedia cannot be relied upon for accuracy. As time permits I may investigate those numbers further although I do find it hard to get very far when quoted sources are not available online for verification and context.

    As for how to account for the lower mortality of vaccinated Leicesterans versus the vaccinated populations elsewhere I have some thoughts. From my own observance of the approach to influenza from the state (here in New Zealand at least) hygiene is advertised alongside vaccination. Whenever I visit the doctor this message of hygiene is also re-inforced from posters on the walls and hand sanitiser available at the entrance. From this it seems that the medical profession acknowledges the importance of good hygiene in fighting the spread and severity of influenza. Other factors in my admittedly anecdotal observations of access to clean drinking water, nutritious food, safe effluent disposal, and population density have been acknowledged by the medical community as contributing factors in the spread and severity of illness. I then come back to the point made about the samples used in comparing mortality rates to those of Leicester in table 21 were mostly from foreign locations – how is Japan or the British forces in India comparing apples with apples? In table 29 how is London, with its massive population and density, an appropriate comparison for Leicester?

    It is unfortunate that samples were not used of similar population size, density, urbanisation, and years.

    I have read and re-read your last paragraph in reply to my last post and cannot in all honesty make any sense of it – because you have called one of my points flawed that means you are allowed to disregard anything else I might say? How does that work?

    Perhaps I could finish with a simple question. In table 21 is the mortality comparison of British forces serving in India with the city of Leicester a fair one in the context of vaccination alone?

  • […] for the reduction of diseases seen in the latter half of the 20th century. Indeed, one need only take a closer look at the historical graphs to see that the overwhelming majority of these diseases were on their way down before the vaccines […]

  • […] for the reduction of diseases seen in the latter half of the 20th century. Indeed, one need only take a closer look at the historical graphs to see that the overwhelming majority of these diseases were on their way down before the vaccines […]

  • Thank you very much for such useful information.
    I am also trying to find some information and statistics about the death rate e.g. from diphtheria, whooping cough etc. between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Would be also interesting to know the health outcome after being sick between these 2 groups of children.
    Has such study been done?

  • […] for the reduction of diseases seen in the latter half of the 20th century. Indeed, one need only take a closer look at the historical graphs to see that the overwhelming majority of these diseases were on their way down before the vaccines […]

  • […] for the reduction of diseases seen in the latter half of the 20th century. Indeed, one need only take a closer look at the historical graphs to see that the overwhelming majority of these diseases were on their way down before the vaccines […]

  • […] for the reduction of diseases seen in the latter half of the 20th century. Indeed, one need only take a closer look at the historical graphsto see that the overwhelming majority of these diseases were on their way down before the vaccines […]

  • […] for the reduction of diseases seen in the latter half of the 20th century. Indeed, one need only take a closer look at the historical graphs to see that the overwhelming majority of these diseases were on their way down before the vaccines […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics – An excellent article by the editors of the Child Health Safety website which collates research and statistics from the years before vaccines were introduced on a wide scale. […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics – An excellent article by the editors of the Child Health Safety website which collates research and statistics from the years before vaccines were introduced on a wide scale. […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics – An excellent article by the editors of the Child Health Safety website which collates research and statistics from the years before vaccines were introduced on a wide scale. […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics – An excellent article by the editors of the Child Health Safety website which collates research and statistics from the years before vaccines were introduced on a wide scale.  […]

  • […] Next we are given the assumption that immunisation has lead to these diseases becoming rare, but is that true? And if we still haven’t got the idea, we are fed more assumptions about the threat of […]

  • Having read almost all the replies here, I’d like to share my recent experience and what really peeves me off. For starters, I don’t care wether people vaccinate or don’t vaccinate, what I do care about is being deceived by the very person I am told to trust when it comes to the health of my children – my GP. I asked my doctor and the health nurse at the same clinic “how safe are vaccinations?” They both told me “completely and totally safe”. Now that’s a lie. Even the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the vaccines don’t make that claim, and in fact, gives a list of what could happen. Anyway, after several months of intense research I decided to delay the vaccinations in my 2 youngest children (I have 6), have always been a bit unsure about them (my mother and father BOTH got polio FROM the polio vaccine in the 50’s). So I needed to get the doc to fill out a form stating I was objecting to it when the nurse started in on me, so I listened patiently about how completely safe they were etc etc, then I produced a document and told her that if she signed it I would vaccinate my children then and there, she refused. The document said that she would be fully financially liable if my children suffered from a vaccine induced injury and required care for the rest of their lives. When she refused, I asked why, because she had just told me they were completely safe. I then told her that if she had been honest with me and listed the pros and cons of the vaccine I would have gone ahead with it, not investigated the reasons why doctors and health professionals find it necessary to deceive their patients.

    And for those of you who think doctors report serious adverse reactions , what a joke, I was given medication that very nearly led me to wipe out my entire family (no history of mental illness, violence, nothing) when I told the doctor she said “we can try another one”. Maybe she was unaware that the TGA had issued a warning and watch on this medication for suicide, rage and violence. A pity I had to do my own research to find this out. Also a pity that she didn’t report it, you’d think being locked up in your room for 2 days so you couldn’t harm your family would warrant reporting.

    On another separate matter, my kids were injected with the rotavirus vaccine, I discovered that the TGA had issued warning to all doctors that after a few years of study it was found that it increased the risk of a bowel problem, and for doctors to inform every parent to watch their child for specific symptoms for a period of time after the 1st and 2nd injections. The people who vaccinated my children never mentioned a word, three different doctors no less, and according to my friends, they have never been informed either. I just find it completely unacceptable and the whole vaccination/medication process a hidden procedure, where being told the truth is like a game of hide and seek.

    And finally, also not a vaccination, but drug, who in their right minds, makes a drug to be given to 6 year olds that causes suicidal thoughts and violent tendencies? Has the world gone mad??

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics [6] – An excellent article by the editors of the Child Health Safety website which collates research and statistics from the years before vaccines were introduced on a wide scale. […]

  • […] one of the worst in 60 years. What no one wants to emphasize is that whooping cough was on a steady decline in multiple countries, continuing to drop almost out of existence until the vaccine was in heavy […]

  • […] De walesiska hälsovårdstjänstemännen togs först på bar gärning när brittiska media upptäckte att siffrorna de fått endast var för misstänkta fall och att läkarna grovt överrapporterar mässlingsfall. Som Child Health Safety (CHS) har rapporterat, är ibland så många som 73 av 74 rapporter inte mässlingen: [Laboratoriebekräftade fall av mässling, påssjuka och röda hund, England och Wales: oktober till december 2004 – CDR Weekly, Volym 15 Nummer 12 Publicerad: 24 mars 2005: Vaccinerna räddade oss inte – två århundraden av officiell statistik]. […]

  • Yes thank you nameless author of this artlice who’s credentials are unknown. Your lack of peer reviewed evidence is validating people’s anxieties around the anti vaccine dribble that is coming out of the mouths of people less than educated to comment on the matter.

  • […] conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research. Read the full article here with research & citations or download the full […]

  • Saw a PBS program last night on “Influenza” pandemic of 1918. Fascinating. What scientists finally decided in 2006 was that it was the healthiest people who suffered (and died) the most. It was brought to the US by soldiers returning from war. It lasted 2 years….and then when it had killed off the population that was susceptible it vanished.

  • Came across this site and had to comment. It amazes me the misinformation one can compile if you set your mind to it. I will reiterate that everyone go look at vaccine introduction vs cases and not deaths.

    Anyway, lets take a hypothetical modern example here. AIDS has no vaccine today. It became a health concern in the 1980’s. People progressed from the HIV virus to full blown AIDS in a short period of a few years and then died. But, if you look at the trend in mortality since then, you will see a decline in the deaths. Just look at Magic Johnson, he is alive and kicking. Science has been able to treat it with daily drug regimen so much so that you can now expect an almost full life with AIDS. Now if we look at incidents, that too may also show a decline due to awareness and protection but fact is there are still people getting the disease . And 1 in 5 that have it are unaware. Do graphs showing this decline prove that AIDS is still not an issue? If you believe this blog, that is what the author is trying to convince you of. Whether there were trends before on mortality or cases is actually irrelevant because in actuality, it just means the rates are normalizing to a level that represents our current ability to treat or prevent. Vaccines are the key to eradicating these diseases. No vaccinations means the doors are wide open again.

    Sure, I may not die if I get AIDS today but if I could eliminate the chance of getting it for me or my family, why wouldn’t we as a society do that? It isn’t a conspiracy folks, what you are reading is misinformation to drive fear and now it is becoming a REAL health concern.

  • […] . Wracając do tytułowej odry. Wg Oksfordzkiego Podręcznika Chorób Klinicznych z 1992 roku, a więc przed monopolizacją prasy medycznej przez przemysł, znajdujemy informację: „Odra jest to choroba wirusowa – paramykowirus, który rozprzestrzenia się drogą kropelkową, powodując katar, osłabienie, wysypkę. Charakterystyczne są tzw. plamki Koplika na śluzówce policzków, które wyglądają jak duże grudki soli. Wysypka o charakterze plamistym pojawia się za uszami w okresie od 3-5 dnia. Następnie rozprzestrzenia się na całe ciało i staje się zlewna. LECZENIE: TYLKO IZOLACJA!!!! W krajach uprzemysłowionych choroba na ogół kończy się całkowitym wyzdrowieniem”. Ta cała choroba mieści się  na 10 cm bieżących druku [pół stroniczki] w podręczniku, który liczy sobie 800 stron. Inaczej mówiąc i wprost. Zamiast przebycia choroby nie wymagającej leczenia, możesz zafundować swojemu dziecku, poprzez szczepienie, wg ulotki: . 1 – zapalenie tkanki podskórnej, 2 – odrę o nietypowym przebiegu, 3 – gorączkę, omdlenie, zawroty głowy, drażliwość, 4 – zapalenie naczyń krwionośnych, zapalenie trzustki, zapalenie ślinianek, 5 – cukrzycę, trombocytopenię, plamicę, regionalne zapalenie węzłów chłonnych, 6 – wstrząs anafilaktyczny, obrzęk naczynioruchowy, 7 – encefalopatię, czyli uszkodzenie mózgu, 8 – zapalenie stawów, 9 – podostre twardniejące zapalenie mózgu SSPE, rozsiane ostre zapalenie mózgu, 10 – zespół Guilliana – Barre, padaczkę, ataksję, wielonerwową polineuropatię 11 – porażenie mięśni ocznych, parestezje. Czyli, Wielce Szanowny Rodzicu musisz, sam wybrać: albo wysypka nie wymagająca leczenia albo to, co powyżej wymieniłem. Oczywiście nie daję żadnej gwarancji, że to wystąpi u twojego dziecka i w jakiej kolejności. Może wystąpić u dziecka sąsiada. Ale na pewno wystąpi.Musisz się sam zastanowić Szanowny Czytelniku, czy warto ryzykować powikłaniami i to w dodatku niekiedy śmiertelnymi, po szczepionce, która w dodatku nie zapobiega chorobie.Wprowadznie większej liczby szczepionek wcale nie obniżyło śmiertelności u dzieci w ŻADNYM KRAJU NA ŚWIECIE! […]

  • […] Read in English:  Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • I recommend “The Panic Virus” by Seth Mnookin. However, 99% of folks will not read it because it will disagree with what you already believe.

    [ED: Incorrect. Seth Mnookin manages to be untruthful in the book, but then his brain could be damaged from his onetime hard drug habit. So you either did not notice the untruths or endorse them. Either way its the price you pay for backing a book by a loser sometime junkie.

    Mnookin has still not answered the challenge set to him about key facts he omitted from his book, with are pretty much those found here:

    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines.

    Game, set and match.]

  • […] with better nutrition, have actually been responsible for lowering incidence of these diseases.  This is a really great article about that, if you are interested in reading […]

  • Good balanced article….thanks

  • […] – Vaccines save lives? Dödsfallsstatistik över USA och England finns att hitta här och här . Men hur är det då med utvecklingsländerna? Ja, det är lite knepigare. Där Australien, USA, […]

  • Well, the first link is to a book (not a study; books are opinion and not based on data) written in 1977 so that’s useless. Both links and all the graphs given are with mortality rate which is completely unrelated to vaccines. Vaccines do not stop you from dying from an infectious disease and have nothing to do with mortality; vaccines stop you from contracting the disease. The only graphs that matter are incidence which is number of cases. This is a common tactic used by people who have an agenda. They cherry-pick information which has nothing to do with the topic they are discussing.

    [ED: Well, “Doc Mike” you take today’s prize. The first link is not to a book as you claim. Your “Doc” title must be self-conferred by someone who has not learned to use the internet.

    If you downloaded the first linked-to paper and read it you would find it is a journal article in the quarterly peer-reviewed The Milbank Quarterly: a healthcare journal covering health care policy. It was established in 1923 and is published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Milbank Memorial Fund, an endowed national foundation funded by Elizabeth Milbank Anderson that supports research of issues related to health policy.

    You claim “books are opinion and not based on data“. Well everyone in all the universities around the world, listen to “Doc Mike” and give up reading all those text books as they are completely useless. Listen to “Doc Mike” and don’t bother with dictionaries as all those definitions are just opinions about what words mean or with the proven formulae in maths text books as those proofs are just opinions.

    Ye Gods!!

    And as for mortality and vaccines, why have you come here to tell lies? You claim the “mortality rate” .. “is completely unrelated to vaccines” and “Vaccines do not stop you from dying from an infectious disease and have nothing to do with mortality“. Both are complete untrue claims.

    For decades people were told vaccines save millions of lives. Parents are still threatened that if they do not vaccinate their children they could die. It is still being done.

    In the USA the completely false statistic of 3 in 1000 has been used and in the UK 1 in 1000 for the fatality rates for measles.

    In the UK in the past 20 years there have been over 80,000 cases of measles and no healthy individual has ever died from acute measles contracted in all that time. There have been three deaths recorded all in already very sick immunocompromised individuals who could have died from anything at any time.]

  • […] are the diseases?  What are the trends of these diseases in first world countries?  What are the death comparisons of vaccines to the disease each year?  What does the […]

  • […] Smallpox rates shown in Leicester and compared to other populations.Graph courtesy of […]

  • Well, I have been vaccinated for everything that has ever been recommended and I am a very healthy 44 year old. All of my children have been vaccinated for what is recommended and they are very healthy. My brother and sister in law do not vaccinate and one of their kids was hospitalized for whooping cough and all their kids cough all the time. So, my personal experience is that there are no adverse effects of vaccines and there are very real dangers from not vaccinating.

    [ED: Perhaps you should read these:

    Unvaccinated Not To Blame As California Declares Whooping Cough Epidemic – Vaccine Failing

    Whooping Cough Vaccine – Doesn’t Work – GSK Says “We Never Bothered to Check”

    Whooping Cough Vaccine Does Not Work – Says US FDA’s Research

    Major Whooping Cough Epidemics – Vaccine Not Working

    Ever Continuing Worldwide Vaccine Failures – Australia Joins UK & USA In the Whooping Cough Vaccine Fail Club [Again]

    New Study Shows Whooping Cough Vaccine Is Next To Worthless For Teenagers]

  • […] This can also be seen from the graphs here: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics […]

  • […] Source: […]

  • […] Извадоци од Лестер: Санитарните услови наспроти Вакцинацијата од J.T. Biggs J.… […]

  • […] Табела 21.- Стапката на смртност од големи сипаници наспроти “Незаштитените” Лестер – 1860 до 1908. […]

  • […] that you should use incidents of measles to measure vaccine effectiveness. Other websites like this one use mortality without a discussion. So, which one is it? If you look at the following graph, you […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] extensive article is at  Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] Fed always knew vaccines cause autism and have paid out damages repeatedly  (long article) […]

  • […] Title: “Vaccines Did Not Save Us.” It’s well worth studying. […]

  • Holy shit retards. Can you even interpret a graph? All these graphs show the effectiveness of vaccines. I don’t care if your children die, at least it will prevent your retarded genes from continuing to pollute society. The poor doctors who’ll have to try to save your children because you decided they have to die. I just pity them.

    [ED: Many thanks Viccinate for your erudite contribution to discussion of the issues. We are sure it will help others see more clearly your perspectives. Vaccinate is spelt “vaccinate” and not “Viccinate”.]

  • […] “vaccines deliver an invisible gift”. And I agree. I agree so much that the gift is nowhere to be seen in downward falling death-rates that could have been explained by sanitation, education, awareness, suburbanization, and nutrition. […]

  • Problem is that the majority of your facts have been debunked or are no longer valid due to extensive research. Autism/Vax link debunked and has yet to be replicated at all; Vax causing brain damage and seizure disorder, In fact there has been no valid research by any reputable source that has proven any of these claims. Where are your sources? Just because you have this degree and you family and this, this and this degree, does not make you a credible source. YOU are the reason these cases are on the rise. Spewing false information. Remember these diseases ARE gone because of vaccines.

    [ED: Thanks for commenting here. You have just proven to the other 50% that 50% of the population is below average intelligence.

    Your proposition is that data from 200 years of official statistics has been “debunked“. That is like saying – “here is an apple, but it cannot be an apple because all apple are debunked./em>”

    Nice. At least we can see you did not read before posting. Made us laugh.]

  • Thank you for all the research and it has been enlightening to see all the information and replies. I agree that vaccines are unnecessary and can be very dangerous to many individuals. They are marketed to the US and most people want to believe in their doctors. Doctors are trained to believe in pharmeceutical companies Patients tend to believe in someone or thing other than their own instincts.
    My two children had a few vaccines when they were little and then I stopped. They ended up with very healthy immune systems as a result and are grown with children of their own.
    The Medical Establishment and most un-self-educated individuals ASSume that all people have the same level of immune systems. They don’t. We all have different tolerance to noxious chemicals thrown into our body via injections, tainted food, tainted water and polluted environmental conditions.

    Disease research will make no money if they find a cure. There is no profit in a cure. If they would find even one their mission is over and they have to find a new job. I believe some are honestly trying and are lead in the wrong direction to look for it.

    Bottom line is people need to make the personal choice whether to vaccinate themselves and family or not. But no one should ever have it forced on their families though that’s what the pharmaceutical companies would love. The profits for them would be and have been astronomical. CEOs and investors love the idea of forced vaccinations.
    It is not surprising that this is a complicated subject. Only people that question authority and choose to think for themselves and do their own research, will come up with true answers. But, to each their own.

    Disease Prevention isn’t a new idea, and it works 1000 times better than vaccinations or treatments that attack the immune systems
    The food industry is so polluted with chemicals that attack our bodies and immune systems on a daily basis.
    I found out last June 2013 that all of our conventional grains in America are fumigated (sprayed) with Sulfural Fluoride. I had been suffering from severe carpal tunnel in my right wrist and also had severe back pains in my in my tail bone area for several years. The severe inflamed joint pains seem to mysteriously come and go for extended periods of time. After I realized how toxic my food might be I decided to experiment with my diet. I changed over to organic breads and oatmeal for two weeks’ time. I was amazed at how my pains left me and didn’t return. When I ate the regular breads again, my pains returned. So I have switched permanently to all Organic ‘grains’ in my grocery choices, including my wheat products, oats, rice, beans, coffee etc. I stay pain free all the time now. I have avoided carpal tunnel and back surgery by just eating food that has not been sprayed with what was only previously used for exterminating termites.

    In 2005 The FDA approved the switch over to Sulfural Fluoride used to treat grains in order to kill pests (insects and such) while in storage.
    Here is a link to an excellent fact sheet on ‘Sulfural Fluoride’ provided by the Nation Pesticide information center a cooperative agreement between Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). It was published for the people that apply this toxin to all of our grains.

    Click to access sftech.pdf

    please be curious, it’s on sprayed your food.

    It states: Fluoride the primary toxin, interferes with the metabolism of stored fats and carbohydrates…
    Sulfural Fluoride is a biocide; a substance that will kill all living organisms, including people animals and plants if exposed for a sufficient period of time and a high enough concentration. …

    Here is a link that states from The EPA that Fluoride in a Neurotoxin.

    Click to access 48P%20Mundy%20TDAS.pdf

    So why in the world would you have to pollute the city water with this fluoride when you already have it in most of the food out there in extremely higher doses? It just poisons you, your families and your dogs and cats and pets.

    Since I’ve switched to Organic breads, grains, cereals and coffee, I really feel 1000% better. The food itself tastes way better. I have not been sick at all for over a year. My wrists (carpal tunnel pain) and knees don’t hurt at all [they did severely]. My lower back joints don’t ever painfully slip out of place any more at all. I Have No Back Pain at all. My stomach isn’t severely bloated all the time or at all. I have the ability to actually pull it in and walk better all the time. My severe itchy skin rash all over my neck area disappeared. My severe hot flashes went away. No more signs of severe heartburn, acid reflux or hemorrhoids. I have no gut aches or intestinal issues after eating my meals. I am thinking clear everyday with no depression and 10 times the energy I once had. I lost 10 pounds in two months. My bones feel a lot stronger and I feel younger as a result. Any time I eat some regular breads or grains too often, then my wrist or back starts hurting. It clears up in a day if I let my body heal itself and detox from the chemicals by eating organic grains…
    ‘Organic’ just means food that is not contaminated with deadly pesticides or chemicals in common American grain production and storage practices.
    Imagine… What else could you heal by not eating contaminated foods?
    And what do you have to lose by eating clean food ….a lot of Pain and illness.
    Clean Food or lack of it, IS the cure and the main cause of disease.

  • So…mortality (deaths) doesn’t equate to morbidity (people who contract the disease)… To assess the effectiveness of vaccines you have to look at people who actually get sick, not people who die after contracting a disease. Measles and a lot of these vaccine preventable diseases are generally not deadly nowadays because we have good healthcare systems and access to medicine/doctors/hospitals/clean water/sanitation… Your mortality graphs show that general health has improved and people stopped dying of diseases. If you take a look at morbidity graphs (number of people who have contracted a disease) the numbers drop rapidly after vaccinations are introduced. Vaccinations are not 100% and anyone who tells you that is a flat out ignoramous, but they do help diseases from spreading. Vaccinations play little role in the morbidity of a disease, I don’t think any doctor would disagree with this. You should really take this post down, because it’s sites like this that mislead people, and I’m sure that is not your intent. Perhaps discussing mortality and morbidity of disease and comparing these with side effects of the vaccinations themselves would be more fruitful. I vaccinated my daughter at 6 weeks and she screamed a little bit during the shot, and was a bit fussy during the day because of a slight fever, but recovered very quickly. Much better than her getting rotovirus and having to spend time in the hospital on fluids… In the end, you have to weigh the risks and make a choice that you think is right.

    [ED: You BadScience/pseudosceptic/pseudoscience hobbyists never give up. You sit in your bedrooms on your computer rummaging around the internet in every spare hour with no life looking for any scrap of information you think will support whatever poor argument you want to run around the web with and post next.

    But even when you have the most powerful proof in front of your eyes you deny it. And for decades parents were told if their children were not vaccinated they would die. Now when the evidence shows that to be a untrue you do a volte face doing the opposite – claiming death is not relevant – its whether you get sick that is important.

    Do you think everyone is a fool?

    People who get disease and die from it did get sick. You of course are so desperate you pretend getting sick and getting sick and dying are completely different.

    Mortality is morbidity – it is the most extreme kind – you get sick and instead of getting better you get worse and die. You did not even know that and you pretend you can go around the web spreading your kind of misinformation as if it were from the oracle.

    Mortality is the ultimate test. And why is mortality a better yardstick? It is because doctors are pretty bad at diagnosing and overdiagnose – like with measles official figures show 73 out of 74 measles diagnoses are not measles. And the reference is in this article right under your nose.

    When someone gets better even if they were misdiagnosed – no one is really concerned. Dead people are a different matter. First, when they is dead they is dead. There is no confusion. And because they are dead there is always some kind of check on how or why they died.

    We don’t know where folks like you come from but there sure are plenty in the skeptic tank.

    Do you want to know why that is? Because you people intellectual cowards. You stick to the crowd no matter how false it is just so you can go around the internet posting on blogs pretending you know the “truth”. It is intellectually inadequate. Even when you know what you are saying is not true you stick to it because the majority and your buddies stick to it.

    But as soon as the majority view changes to the opposite you will then change to that – because it is the majority view – regardless of whether right or wrong. In other words, you just don’t care or more likely don’t understand so long as you have lots of other people to back up your intellectual cowardice and you can parrot the party line even though you don’t understand it.


  • […] Regarding vaccination to prevent an epidemic of Ebola virus. History has demonstrated that the much lauded success of vaccination programs in preventing infection is not justified. Data demonstrate that infectious diseases in large part were well over 90% reduced before the advent of vaccination and that proper hygiene, good food and water supply and better living standards were responsible for the decrease. REF 10 […]

  • “Diseases do die out naturally. It is a phenomenon known to medicine. ”
    Is there a name/link for this?

  • Irrespective of the appropriate term of art for this process, it can be seen throughout the graphs here in this CHS article that the presentations of disease decrease in severity with time and that process is well-known in medicine. Whether the pathogen disappears entirely or is merely benign is the difference between the presence of the pathogen but the host remaining asymptomatic, the host presenting with symptoms typical of the disease concerned or the pathogen becoming dormant or never present.

    Whilst there appears to be no single meaning to the term “attenuation” it is possibly the most appropriate general description. For example: Steela, A et al. (2010) Natural attenuation of dengue virus type-2 after a series of island outbreaks: A retrospective phylogenetic study of events in the South Pacific three decades ago. Virology 405,2:505–512

  • […] & Image Credits: (1) Child Health Safety (2) TSW: Are Ineffective Flu Vaccines Simply Corporate Money Making Scams? (3) CDC (4) World Bank […]

  • […] looking at the historical data of vaccination correlation to increase in public health and the decrease of incidents of disease, one finds that, […]

  • […] good food and water supply and better living standards were responsible for the decrease. REF 10 Regarding the “success” of vaccination programs, in many cases, recent research from […]

  • “Diseases do die out naturally. It is a phenomenon known to medicine.” That’s a blatant lie. Are you saying we should wait for AIDS and Ebola to die out? Don’t worry about the millions of people who die while we’re waiting?

    [ED: You clearly do not know what you are talking about nor have you read this article nor looked at the data. Even the data show in this article demonstrate clearly how diseases have attenuated dramatically over time [and without any vaccines]. Yet you claim that is not known to medicine. How odd.]

  • How do you explain the sharp increase in illness, particularly measles, since many have stopped vaccinating if it is not the vaccines that have kept the illness at bay?

    [ED: 1) which particular “sharp increases” do you have in mind and 2) look at the data showing how disease mortality has dramatically decreased without any vaccines.]

  • Mortality may have decreased, but what about the actual cases of people getting sick? has that decreased naturally? not to mention that this only has data from 1901, but vaccinations began being used early in the 1800s, so why the short and veuge information?

    [ED: It never ceases to amaze that some people come to CHS and post comments without either reading or thinking, just like this commenter.]

  • This article is full of misinformation. Incidents is much better measure of a disease, not mortality. If you graphed HIV/AIDS, you could argue that mortality is declining which is true but only because treatment and drugs has vastly improved life expectancy.

    Why do people continue to get the flu? Why does our superior sanitation not protect us from that? I can’t believe people can be so gullible.

    [ED: Another anonymous drive by and one who cannot spell. It is not spelt “incidents”.

    Mortality has always been promoted by the mainstream as the best measure of the success of vaccine – until now that is.

    For decades people were told vaccines save millions of lives. Parents are still threatened that if they do not vaccinate their children they could die. It is still being done. In the USA the false statistic of 3 in 1000 has been used and in the UK 1 in 1000 for the fatality rates for measles.

    But now when the statistics are revealed and it is shown that mortality had been rapidly declining before any vaccines and continued its decline after vaccines you people change your tune and now want to claim mortality is not a good measure. You want to use a very poor measure which is also open to manipulation.

    So why did the mainstream promote mortality as the best measure?

    Mortality is the ultimate test. And why is mortality a better yardstick? It is because doctors are pretty bad at diagnosing and overdiagnose – like with measles official figures show 73 out of 74 measles diagnoses are not measles. And the reference is in this article right under your nose.

    When someone gets better even if they were misdiagnosed – no one is really concerned. Dead people are a different matter. First, when they is dead they is dead. There is no confusion. And because they are dead there is always some kind of check on how or why they died.]

  • How about a comparison of “incidence” rates of these diseases vs. the introductions of vaccines?

    You do know what the difference between incidence & mortality is, right?

    [ED: Already addressed numerous times and in this CHS article. Done it again just now with “Moldood”. See previous comment.

    You do not seem to know the difference between mortality and incidence as measures. Mortality has always been promoted by the mainstream as the main measure of the effectiveness of vaccines – until now. So see the response to “Moldood”. And others before him/her.]

  • @Ed – so, you’ll trumpet the advancements of modern medicine – like antibiotics, for instance, which pretty much eliminated Scarlet Fever as something to be greatly feared, and oh yeah, Iron Lungs, which kept kids from dying (as much) from Polio, not to mention all of those other medical interventions that kept kids from dying from complications from pneumonia, etc…..but you’ll completely ignore that the rate of infection was completely unaffected until the widespread use of vaccines?

    Who’s being disingenuous and playing with numbers now?

    And, if you want to play the mortality game – how about a comparison of mortality rates in third world countries, where the lack modern medical facilities? Heck, 100,000 + people still die of the measles every year, but I guess that isn’t your problem, right?

    [ED: The only person playing games here is you. You have clear historic data showing vaccines were not responsible for the vast decreases in disease over 200 years. So the only thing you need to do is say whether you agree with that or not. Do you agree that mortality from all the diseases shown in this article diminished to exceptionally low levels before any vaccines were introduced and so vaccines could not be responsible for the dramatic falls in mortality – despite claims over decades by those who promote vaccines that they have saved millions of lives.

    Instead of addressing that you raise all sorts of other issues to widen the question to such a degree that it would take forever to set it out. However, fortunately all the other issues you raise are either covered in this CHS article or in others citing original sources.

    So in other words you are trolling. You are abusing the privilege of anonymity. If you want to continue commenting here we insist you do so under your own full name identifying yourself and where you are from.

    You ignore for example that polio was redefined long ago to exclude what is now called non polio acute flaccid paralysis [NPAFP] which is twice as deadly as polio and there have been 53,000 cases in India in one year and before that 47,000 cases have been reported in India:

    53,000 Paralysis Cases in India From Polio Vaccine In A Year – NPAFP Identical to Polio But Twice as Deadly]

  • What quack article.
    Maybe the Ed can answer the question ‘why didn’t ‘the Editor’ get smallpox’
    Then look at proper evidence in the last 20 years for diseases that effect people in the 21st century.
    At the end of the day – that is what matters to people living now

  • [ED: Abusing anonymity with a fake email address to post ingnorance, abuse and disparagement on matters you clearly know nothing accurate about.

    Quack article? Replete with references to official data, peer reviewed studies and hard factual information. Hmmm. With that kind of response to facts it is clear this commenter has nothing useful to say apart from demonstrating yet again the kinds of abuse, disparagement, denigration and harassment people like him engage in.

    Why didn’t the editor get smallpox – you can read why here:
    Smallpox Eradication – One of History’s Biggest Lies & How Vaccination Did Not Eradicate Smallpox

    Small Pox – Big Lie – Bioterrorism Implications of Flawed Theories of Eradication

    Hope the facts don’t hurt the brain of this anonymous abuser too much.

    As for “Then look at proper evidence in the last 20 years for diseases that effect people in the 21st century.” this commenter must mean things like autism admitted to be caused by vaccines by those who ought to know and conventional medicine:

    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines

    Japanese & British Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

    Court Fines Doctor Who Did Not Tell Patient Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Multiple Sclerosis

    Baby’s family awarded damages after Court rules 6-in-1 Hepatitis B containing vaccine caused her death

    Silent Epidemic – New Documentary Film About Diseases Caused by Vaccines – Production By US Broadcaster Gary Null

    New US Report MMR Vaccine Causes Serious Conditions – Says US Institute of Medicine – Measles, Seizures, Anaphylaxis & Many More

    US Government Concedes Hep B Vaccine Causes Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    US Court Awards Multi-Million Dollar Payouts To Two More US Children With Vaccine Caused Autism

    American parents awarded £600000 in compensation after their son developed autism as a result of MMR vaccine

    MMR Causes Autism – Another Win In US Federal Court

    Fox News – US Pays $ Millions In Secret To Vaccine-Caused-Autism Injured Kids

    Italy – Court Holds MMR Vaccine Causes Autism – III: English Translation Of Court Decision

    Italy – Court Holds MMR Vaccine Causes Autism – IV: – BUT – So Has The USA – Some Autism History

    MMR Vaccine Causes Autism – IV – Now Reported in English National Press

    Italy MMR/Autism Court Decision – Scottish & English Parliaments – Questions 25 June 2012

    Conventional Medicine – #1 Leading Cause of Death In USA

    USA’s 4th Leading Cause of Death – Pharma’s Drugs]

  • [ED: It is a requirement of posting that a valid email address is provided and not a made-up one. Additionally, posting from an anonymous server in Ophansi suggests all is not right with this poster.]

  • [ED: It is a requirement of posting that a valid email address is provided and not a made-up one. Additionally, posting from an anonymous server in Ophansi suggests all is not right with this poster.]

  • Sadly, the data presented here is gravely misleading, and does not address cause and effect.

    It is an undisputed fact that vaccines have preventer the spread of many dangerous diseases, such as polio. How many of you know someone who has contracted polio in the last 40 years? Sixty years ago, outbreaks were common. And children died.

    The polio vaccine is solely responsible for the rarity of that disease today.

    If you are not vaccinating your child against these deadly diseases, you are playing Russian roulette with your child’s life, endangering other children, and adults, and undermining decades of control over the spread of these diseases.

  • [ED: It is a requirement of posting that a valid email address is provided and not a made-up one.]

  • [ED: Sadly “Bob Knob” (which seems likely to be a fake name) cannot come to terms with the fact that 200 years of official statistics show that what he has come to believe after years of being told vaccines have saved millions of lives is just not true. If 200 years of official data is gravely misleading then someone must tell history and give history and those who diligently collected the data for 200 years a stern telling-off.

    “Bob Knob” cannot accept what the data show – that mortality from disease dropped dramatically before any vaccines for the disease existed and of course with or without the vaccines those diseases continued to decline. It is a fact captured in the official statistics.

    As for polio the data from India show how to claim victory for a vaccine – reclassify the disease. In one year in India there have been 53,000 cases of Non Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis. NPAFP is twice as deadly and clinically indistinguishable from polio. In a prior year there were 47,000 cases. The numbers of cases rise and fall in synchronicity with the numbers of vaccines administered – a live polio virus vaccine [which of course causes polio]:

    53,000 Paralysis Cases in India From Polio Vaccine In A Year – NPAFP Identical to Polio But Twice as Deadly

    New Paper – Polio Vaccine – Disease Caused by Vaccine Twice As Fatal – Third World Duped – Scarce Money Wasted – Polio Eradication Impossible

    BBC World News – Bill Gates’ & WHO’s Polio Eradication Plans Under Fire Today – Polio Cannot Be Eradicated & “US$ 8 Billion Spent On This Only Well Spent If We Learn Never To Do This Again”

    Bill Gates Polio Eradication Plans – To Cause The Polio Equivalent of 235 Years of Cases Of A Twice As Deadly Disease

    Bill Gates – Buying Immortality In History – By Beating An Already Beaten Disease & Killing Kids]

  • It is easy to accept these statistics, when these diseases aren’t killing millions of people. 70 years ago the author would probably not be around to write such obnoxious reports. Hand washing (though helpful), did not rid our population of rubella.. vaccines did.

  • [ED: Clearly, another drive-by commenter who has not read the article upon which she comments.

    And with 1 in 60 children with an autistic condition against the 50 cases per annum in the UK of congenital rubella syndrome, that is not a good “trade-off” from a public health perspective.

    Live rubella virus is found in the MMR vaccine. Of a number of causes of autism, rubella virus is the first known cause of autism: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines

    And you simply have not read this part of this article:

    Rubella Mortality, England and Wales

    As with mumps, rubella vaccination again takes the medical profession into the territory of the criminal law and unethical treatment of children. A graph for rubella mortality is not included because death from rubella over the last century was so rare the figures are insufficient to plot a graph of any note.

    Aside from a rash the adverse effects of rubella for children are minimal. Vaccination against rubella is of no clinical benefit to a child particularly when compared to the risks of adverse vaccine reactions. If a pregnant woman catches rubella infection during the first three months of pregnancy and the child survives, this poses a risk to the unborn child of being born with congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), involving multiple congenital abnormalities.

    Prior to the introduction of rubella vaccine, the number of annual cases in the UK was small, around 50 per annum. Additionally, 92% of rubella cases deliver normal healthy children: DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN MARCH 1987 – WAVES Vol. 11 No. 4 p. 21 .This small risk can also be reduced either by making sure all women have caught rubella as children or by vaccinating those who have not prior to puberty. This minimises the exposure of children to the vaccine and hence to unnecessary risks of adverse vaccine reactions.

    In comparison birth defects from any other cause are much higher:

    Birth defects affect about one in every 33 babies born in the United States each year. They are the leading cause of infant deaths, accounting for more than 20% of all infant deaths. Babies born with birth defects have a greater chance of illness and long term disability than babies without birth defects.“: Birth Defects US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – accessed 11th May 2008
  • Hi there. I thought you might like to know that your use of Appleton v Garrett (which was actually a 1996 case) as evidence against vaccination is erroneous, as it was firstly a tort case against a dentist who overtreated his patients, thought to be for profitable reasons, and secondly the area of the case would not transmit to vaccinations against possibly life-threatening diseases.

    Furthermore, asserting that vaccination of children is “a criminal offense” is completely fallacious. Under no penal code will you find vaccinating children to be an offense, and tort law establishes no precedent for criminal cases.

    A pro-vaccinator who wishes you to get your facts straight before debating ridiculous views.

  • [ED: Luke, may the force be with you – because not much else is. Thanks for coming by with the abuse and disparagement. As a pro-vaccinator you should get your facts straight “before debating ridiculous views“. Nice try at causing doubt but it does not work.

    The failure of any medical professional to obtain properly informed consent triggers the principle exemplified by Appleton v Garrett irrespective of the form of treatment. Your barrack-room wiki-lawyering will not change the law applicable in numerous countries around the world.

    A failure to obtain informed consent is actionable in law – even if no harm is caused as shown for example by a case in France on vaccination:

    Court Fines Doctor Who Did Not Tell Patient Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Multiple Sclerosis

  • This is a huge collection of misinformation, probably the most I have ever seen. Unfortunately, I don’t get medical advice from blogs and only time will show who is on the right side of history.

  • [ED: Fortunately anyone can see this is yet another “drive-by” from “moladood” as all the information is from cited reputable sources. People like “moladood” engage in these comments hoping they will sow doubt in the minds of others. “moladood” dismisses all the information without identifying anything s/he thinks might be misinformation.

    We get a fair few people like “moladood” amongst all the other sensible people who can think for themselves, read the information and make their own minds up.

    “moladood” has been here before – s/he does not even know you don’t spell incidence as “incidents” and comes out with the same old same old every time – as far as “moladood” is concerned s/he wants to all to think it is all “misinformation” – of course those claims are misinformation by “moladood”:

    2014/12/03 at 12:40 pm

    2014/04/17 at 6:09 pm

  • You are right, it is a drive by, I try to avoid sites like these (try not to fund them) but every so often I see a reply somehow in my inbox and I feel compelled. You should take my comment as a compliment, it must have been hard to put all that together and ignore everything else or the massive amount of debunking. I admire your ability to create click bait, it is a good business model and as stated, one I try not to support but kudos, here I am again.

    I encourage people to read this and other info and think for themselves, I unfortunately do not agree with any of the conclusions.

    Incidents is not a spelling error, might be a semantic error when used with diseases but it is a word. It’s great that you dug that up, adds a lot of value to the conversation.

  • [ED: If “moladood” read the information and thought about it perhaps eventually s/he might begin to understand some of the issues. Fortunately other people are able to do that.]

  • What makes you think I didn’t read it? Because I disagree? I have read about it and thought about it but unfortunately, it doesn’t add up and is easily debunked. You can use stats to make a case for a lot of things.

    For example, do you know what the real cause of autism is?


  • [ED: “moladood” cannot keep away and keeps on commenting and commenting.

    Do you know what the real cause of autism is? The US CDC and others seem to: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines]

  • [ED: It is a requirement of posting that a valid email address is provided and not a made-up one. Additionally, posting from an anonymous server in Ophansi suggests all is not right with this poster.]

  • Taking extra vitamins won’t stop a virus.

    [ED: Thanks for confirming you agree that having a proper balanced diet will help defend against infectious disease.

    Some people never succumb to flu for example and the Halsey paper cited in this article demonstrates that measles mortality bears an inverse relation to median family income. So the better off you are and so the better fed your kids are the less chance there is of any problem catching measles – a virus.

    And of course some people get infected but have no symptoms – their immune systems stand up to and do “stop” a virus.

    However, this “drive-by” trolling is inappropriate. “Extra” vitamins? Nothing in this article about “extra” anything. Strawman “drive-by” trolling by people who either do it to cause confusion or because they really have no idea.

    We do not care which and readers can make up their own minds about that. It looks either foolish or childish to us.]

  • You don’t source a few of your statistics and honestly you are just as manipulative as the people you claim to be against. You don’t give the full picture at all and you only use data that is convenient to your agenda. Stop spreading ignorance.

    [ED: Sorry but you are too late to win the prize for the most ridiculous comment of the month. Someone else got there first.

    This is yet another lazy drive-by.]

  • Yep. This was at 5:00 a.m., so be gentle. 😉

  • Amazing that somebody stupid and illiterate enough to believe all this shit could even operate a computer keyboard long enough to type it up. You know what’s worse than autism? Being really, really, dumb.

    [ED: Looks like you should know. Can’t beat the voice of experience.]

  • Silent Epedemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines (Full Movie)

  • […] [1]Scarlet Fever was nearly wiped out around the same time that a vaccine was introduced for the measles. Now, the anti-vaccination “movement” is responsible for a resurgence of the deadly disease. […]

    [ED: This wins a CHS 21st Century prize for the most dumbassed blog. There is no vaccine for scarlet fever. So it is not very sensible to blame “anti-vaxxers”. Everyone is an “anti-vaxxer”. They could not be vaccinated if they wanted to. ]

  • Today an 18 month old in Berlin died of measles. Hope you feel proud that your lies and misrepresentations have contributed to the spread of the antivaccine movement, the current measels outbreak and we’ll likely see more deaths before its over. Shame on parents who think you can trust any website and trust your childs health on it.

    [ED: Today 2000 people died in the UK. Yesterday 2000 people died. Tomorrow 2000 people will die.

    Today in the UK and the USA and many other countries 1 in 60 children has an autistic condition which US health officials and agencies and Merck’s director of vaccines division admit are caused by vaccines.

    We hope you feel proud that you sit back and let that carnage go on whilst swallowing the propaganda put out by the very people who push the vaccines to pay their mortgages and get promotions and more pay. Do they care about anyone else’s child? Do they even care about their own?]

  • […] essential for fighting off diseases, and that vaccines were not responsible for the decrease in infectious diseases but can actually increase […]

  • To Herbert on measles vaccine: it is tragic a child died. But what you call raw fact about the measles vaccine is actually debatable. If interested, please do check out this detailed article with references to academic articles and more:
    The efficacy of the measles vaccine has been questioned by many and for over half a century… Or do you disagree?

  • [ED: Comment deleted for being abusive harassing defamatory and all the usual bullying and abuse ignorant internet thugs engage in routinely]

  • […] the body’s natural experience. The real decline of disease is due to better diet, improved sanitation and improved living conditions. If we continue to ignore these truths and the fact that our bacteria and viruses are part of our […]

  • […] by over 90% in some cases before the first artificially-induced inoculation ever took place. What “saved” us was better hygiene, improved standards of living and medical practices, clean drinking water, and […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But theyve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one that […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] (blog yes, but the links are amazing and historical data.) […]

  • […] wealth, even 200 years ago, at the times where there no vaccines… (blog yes, but the links are amazing and historical data.) […]

  • […] who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • Hi, I’m firmly in the vaccination camp. I cross referenced one data point on UK measles statistics and found that you displayed it wrong. Would you mind supplying URLs for all relavent UK data that you refer to please.

    Many thanks in advance



    [ED: Thanks for the nonsense comment. The usual casual drive-by visit. Notice Bret “PAINTERCOM” provides no justification and ignores that all the data is referenced to original sources. He wants URLs to books and stuff!! Ho, Ho. Bret, get a library card and visit your library or order the sources from you bookstore.]

  • […] parents who may make choices different from yours; fear of a disease that in the developed world is far less deadly than lightning strikes. But they’ve left out one of the most frightening specters of all, one […]

  • […] Safety. Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 30th March […]

  • […] the assertion that “vaccines have saved millions of lives” has little to no basis in actual high-quality scientific evidence: i.e., randomized, clinical […]

  • […] vaccination and had fewer cases of smallpox that did vaccinated communities. Opponents claimed that smallpox vaccine caused more smallpox than it […]

  • […] I had the childhood diseases of Measles and Chickenpox. I’ve also had resistant Malaria. I disagree with the insanity that says immunizations do not save people.  My gosh they do.  My problem is that I’m […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics […]

  • […] am not persuaded by arguments from the anti-vaccine movements. However, my enthusiasm has been tempered over the years. I am very concerned about the additives, […]

  • […] imaju neki udeo u smanjenju i iskorenjivanju nekih […]

  • […] objectively, 200 years worth of historical data shows that vaccinations are not responsible for the reduction in disease rates over time. The rise of modern plumbing is the main contributor […]

  • […] Related article:  Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] Original source of the article: […]

  • Many thanks for this volumous and rich work and great effort within and in attending to the comments on this important issue and this very convincing element of the debate.

    Do pardon me if within there is reference in the comments to a Lady researcher who went to the trouble of verifying to physical source the statistics that relevant to the same vain, but I heard of her in a podcast very early in my learning the struggle of this cruelly slanted debate.

    Coupled with you similarly extraordinary efforts, I would feel doubly equipped.

    Many thanks again.

  • […] The benefit-to-risk ratio is an important decision in anyone deciding whether to vaccinate or not. Contrary to popular belief and marketing, childhood diseases in a developed country are not as dangerous as we are led to believe. Catching a particular disease does not mean you will die from it. Vaccines were actually introduced at a time when diseases had already declined to a low risk level. This fact is proven, scientifically. […]

  • […] The benefit-to-risk ratio is an important decision in anyone deciding whether to vaccinate or not. Contrary to popular belief and marketing, childhood diseases in a developed country are not as dangerous as we are led to believe. Catching a particular disease does not mean you will die from it. Vaccines were actually introduced at a time when diseases had already declined to a low risk level. This fact is proven, scientifically. […]

  • […] Fed always knew vaccines cause autism and have paid out damages repeatedly  (long article) […]

  • Battling Infectious Diseases in the 20th Century: The Impact of Vaccines

  • […] way to prevent the spread of smallpox was to isolate those infected. Opponents claimed that smallpox vaccine caused more smallpox than it prevented. The accusation is that the early smallpox vaccines spread smallpox. Smallpox […]

  • Whatever the perception of vaccines in general, there is no doubt that hundreds of young girls in Denmark believe that Gardasil (hpv vaccine) directly caused the disabilities they have suffered from ever since taking it.

    Doctors admit a correlation but persistently deny a causal relationship despite the very high number of girls claiming the opposite: that damage to their nervous system and ability to function both physically and mentally is directly related to the vaccine.

    Danish media has exposed a severe lack of critical analysis in the Health Board’s approval of the vaccine (they chose to simply trust the manufacturer’s own falty tests…) but even then the board continues to promote the vaccine, arguing that the benefits to public health outweigh the risk from taking it and the disability that “some” girls “may” have suffered.

    Would the only decent and logical response to the reactions of hundreds of girls – losing their ability to live a normal life – not be to instead pause the vaccination program until it’s 110% established that the vaccine is not causing the disabilities!? Well, not when millions of euros/dollars are at stake – or how else to explain this lack of caution?

    Vaccines are a huge business, and probably new types of vaccines will follow. Do vaccines help to actually prevent disease outbreaks? It appears that one thing is certain when looking (also) at the case of Gardasil: profit matters more to the manufacturers than public health (or else this vaccine program would have been halted to ascertain vaccine safety).

    What government health boards are concerned, their motives may be connected more with the profit of manufacturers than protecting public health too, judged (also) from the Gardasil case…

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics […]

  • […] via Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics | ________________Child Health Safet… […]

  • […] Smallpox vaccination did not work and sometimes killed as many or more than the disease itself whilst many of the “vaccinated” still contracted the disease: Smallpox Mortality, UK, USA, Sweden. […]

  • […] their text books!). What most of those professionals fail to do is look a little further back into history. All of these communicable diseases were already declining due to better food and clean drinking […]

  • […] You know why? Because vaccines didn’t save us anyway. […]

  • […] objectively, 200 years worth of historical data shows that vaccinations are not responsible for the reduction in disease rates over time. The rise of modern plumbing is the main contributor […]

  • Very good article. Thank you.

  • […] community, but a hero to those of us who have dug below the surface on issues of vaccine safety and effectiveness and the history of disease.  Kelly was as wowed as we were and shared his brilliant response to […]

  • […] was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases, you will realize that this is not […]

  • […] was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases, you will realize that this is not […]

  • […] was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases, you will realize that this is not […]

  • […] Source: Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies. A detailed Contents listing of this article with each category of disease and related graphs appears after the Introduction. Introduction The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water.  Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research: “The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century“. McKinlay JB, McKinlay SM, Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer; 55(3): 405-28. “Symposium: Accomplishments in Child Nutrition during the 20th Century.  Infant Mortality in the 20th Century, Dramatic but Uneven Progress” Myron E. Wegman School of Public Health, University of Michigan: J. Nutr. 131: 401S–408S, 2001. In addition to the extensive static graphs below, the following superb BBC FOUR broadcast by Professor Hans Rosling shows how health improved in step with wealth over the last 200 years “200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers – in just four minutes“: […]

  • […] Child Health Safety – Did Vaccines improve the health of our children? or were the improvements due to general hygiene and sanitation advancements? […]

  • […] many people being paralyzed as there were before the mass vaccination campaign.  Better sanitation reduced mortality rates for the various diseases long before their vaccines were introduced, and for diseases with an oral-fecal route of infection, […]

  • […] the body’s natural experience. The real decline of disease is due to better diet, improved sanitation and improved living conditions. If we continue to ignore these truths and the fact that our bacteria and viruses are part of our […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] Fed always knew vaccines cause autism and have paid out damages repeatedly  (long article) […]

  • I’m running multiple regression models. Do you have the data in a downloadable format? I put the models on Github.

  • It’s the training in medical systems that brain washing into thinking it’s safe. They keep saying 7 in every 1000 or something have problems. Who knows how true that statement is.

  • LMAO, This is why schools should attempt to have a better curriculums with an emphasis on science. Yall need to learn some basic biology.

    [ED: Don’t think so. You need to learn to read and basic comprehension. The information presented here is scientific and overwhelming. You can’t even spell “y’all”.]

  • […] conditions also contribute. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research. Read the full article here with research & citations or download the full […]

  • Looking for wisdom about vaccination on the internet I found the following two maps from the RIVM (dutch national health institute). Althought other information (on this site also) shows no relation to incedence of measles and vaccination against it. The maps show a large overlap between the outbreak of measles in 2013 and the grade of vaccination

    I don’t trust the ways of modern healthcare completely because the corporate system behind it and of too much reductionistic worldview. But I don’t think this information is set up. Anybody with a good response to this?

  • I find interesting that we focus only on the last 200 years of human history, probably because the public health records are difficult to obtain further back. Our species’ history goes back 200,000+ years yet humans managed, without vaccines, to thrive, spread, and populate all types of environments on this planet. In fact we are now more like a plague to the planet than a benefit. The principal downfall of the modern human is poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Our bodies are capable of self-healing and fighting diseases only if we get proper nutrition, which is achieved by eating mostly whole foods, plant based diets. Why is anyone into this highly heated debate on infectious diseases and vaccines while the main ailments killing humans in the developed world are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes?

  • […] are some who argue that most of the diseases vaccines prevent against dropped dramatically before vaccines were introduced. They argue that clean water, sanitation, and refrigerators handled perhaps 98% of the problem, and […]

  • […] Sanitation, not vaccinations (saved us) […]

  • Thank you so much for your time and research. It is so important to get this information out there despite all the blowback. Don’t let them get you down. Parents of people damaged know and future parents deserve to know the risks involved.
    Thanks again, Chris

  • […] It’s NOT your fault.  You have been misled.  You have been lied to.  You have been told that the research has been done to support vaccines.  You have been told that vaccines are safe.  You have been told that vaccines are effective.  You have been scared into thinking that without vaccines, children will die.   […]

  • […] the assertion that “vaccines have saved millions of lives” has little to no basis in actual high-quality scientific evidence: i.e., randomized, clinical […]

  • […] 3 Child Health Safety. (2009). Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics. First published February 2009 – last updated October 2010 from […]

  • […] a tam na wykresy przeczące tezie o zbawiennym wpływie szczepionek na ludzką populację (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), jednak nie zawsze podawane są tam źródła przedstawianych danych. Aby […]

  • […] – Death rates from diseases death rates from diseases were on their way down when the vaccines came out. Even diseases that had no vaccine for them like scarlet ever and […]

  • Sorry, but two studies is hardly enough to prove vaccines didn’t play a huge role in increased longevity and overall reduced rate of disease contraction.

    I cannot tell you how many studies I’ve read that claim to prove x, y and z , but was just biased drivel, using misinterpreted statistics, due to ignorance or purposeful manipulation. It’s nice that these studies exist… but to use words that confirm certainty, so casually is bias in and of itself on your part.

    You’re speaking from a place of bias confirmation and not scientific study.

    [ED: Another drive by comment without caring to look. Lots of trolls try this. Making false and derogatory remarks. Anyone reading the mass of evidence from two centuries of official statistics can see this is based on lots of hard fact. The video of the statistics is highly impressive. Even the published studies cited cite other evidence. So what a troll you are – its not just based on two studies but a mass of hard strong scientific evidence.

  • […] vaccinurilor conform statisticilor oficiale, dar prea puțin publicate, sunt pe site-ul: și la categoriaVaccinurile din […]

  • […] Link to: Child Health Safety […]

  • […] are some who argue that most of the diseases vaccines prevent against dropped dramatically before vaccines were introduced. They argue that clean water, sanitation, and refrigerators handled perhaps 98% of the problem, and […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics | Child Health Safety […]

  • fantastic work! This needs to be sent to every news station in the world!

  • […] vaccine against pertussis. N Engl J Med. 1996 Feb 8;334(6):341-8. PMID: 8538704. (12) Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics. (13) Tuhársky P. Kyselina askorbová v liečbe pertussis. Medical Practice, 2009 […]

  • […] “The graphs of the decline of disease show quite a different story about the role of vaccines. Sanitation, clean water, better nutrition and better living conditions did more to improve health than vaccination. There were no vaccines for typhoid or scarlet fever and yet those death rates declined as well. Here are two centuries of official statistics. Please note that morbidity (incidence of illness) and mortality (incidence of death) are not the same thing: […]

  • […] A great article breaking all this down further can be found here. […]

  • […] ochorení vďaka očkovaniu, a optimistickom prísľube do budúcnosti. Napriek ostrému rozporu s realitou, väčšina ľudí týmto mýtom a rozprávkam dodnes verí, pretože sú tak od útleho veku […]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] It is important to have access to government statistics  to check if statements made in the media are accurate. The graphs in the following article are based on official government statistics for infectious disease deaths. Importantly, the huge decline in infectious disease deaths that occurred BEFORE vaccines were introduced, or widespread, actually occurred in other developed countries, too. […]

  • i had vaccinations that were required by the military for the service members family as a child and i had my kids vaccinated when they were required by law to do prior to entering public schools. i do know my children did not suffer any side effects they told us about not sure if i had any. but now with many vaccinations out there for for adults i refuse them and i leave that to personal fear of needles and the fact that i do not trust the pharmaceutical companies with medicines or injections of any sort that have been developed after i got sick after a booster in 1994 after having my son.

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics -_Child Health Safety […]

  • what a load of shit

    [ED: There is always at least one person who cannot think, so does not read but learned to write – in this case a words comprising a maximum of four letters. Well done sonny – best to emphasise the positives – because one day you might learn to think a little bit and even write a five letter word – after that the world is your oyster.]

  • […] Vaccines are unnecessary and counter productive1.    Statistics show eradication of the targeted diseases was, and is generally achieved through nutritional and hygienic measures before  the introduction of the vaccines. See  and diseases have disappeared with no vaccination at all. See  and In the same way, effectiveness of hygienic measures is often attributed to vaccines, while vaccines most likely have little to nothing to do with saving lives. On the contrary.  Dr Hans Moolenburgh compares vaccines to a mouse walking next to an elephant, saying “Quite a stampede we’re causing, eh? “However,  vaccines do not guarantee immunity and  cause side effects that are at least as and often even  more dangerous. and far outnumber the diseases they re supposed to protect against, which explains why the introduction of vaccines often shows that the mortality rates increase of the diseases that the vaccines supposedly protect people from, as is explained here See ) The more vaccines are given, the higher the infant mortality rtaes. See Hygenic and dietary measures are what irradicate diseases, not vaccines. There is evidence vaccines cause and spread  the very diseases they are supposed to protect people against. See    The diseases vaccines are supposed to protect people against are often either innocent ridiculous or redundant. […]

  • Although against vaccinations for a while now, there was still a part of me that did think maybe just maybe there is some truth in what they say.

    But last night I went to the NHS website and googled scarlet fever for which there is no vaccine (I’m sure one will come out soon) on the NHS website it clearly states the reason why scarlet fever has been in decline for the last 50 years.

    Better sanitation, nutrition, medical intervention to the disease and quarantine.

    This made me question every single thing I’ve ever heard about the effectiveness of vaccines. If a “deadly” (sorry this is the headline at the moment that scarlet fever is deadly) disease can disappear at the same rate as measles without the vaccine, then its unlikely that any vaccine was the hero after all.

    The plague which was a far bigger killer than the measles was came and went. Why better sanitation, and quarantine. I am now questioning everything I am told about vaccines and feel very lied to and cheated. Thankfully my little one only got a few before I decided against them and she is fine and healthy.

    [ED: This is what it says on the NHS website:

    “There has been a massive decline in rates of life-threatening infectious disease since the first part of the last century, largely due to improved hygiene, nutrition, living standards and healthcare. Scarlet fever was once a common cause of death, but when antibiotics came in cases declined sharply.

    However, it’s still a notifiable infection (meaning doctors should report cases to health authorities), and a sudden peak was recorded in 2014.”


    Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcus and mainly affects young children. It tends to cause sore throat and feverish symptoms, followed by a characteristic blotchy pink-red rash on the body. It is not normally serious but it does require prompt treatment with antibiotics to reduce the risk of more serious complications.’

    “Scarlet fever cases in England highest in 50 years” Tuesday 28 November 2017.

    The NHS website where that appears reports:

    ‘ “Scarlet fever cases hit 50-year high in England,” BBC News reports, as the childhood disease makes a puzzling return.

    A study of the disease found an unexpected sharp rise in cases in 2014. … the number of scarlet fever cases in England had massively declined over the past century.”

    The problem with this unreliable reporting is that the researchers responsible for the study the NHS information is based on omitted from their study fundamentally important information which casts grave doubt over the idea there was any increase.

    The NHS website reported based on the study:

    Up until 2013, cases were at a low of around 3 to 8 cases for every 100,000 people. However, in 2014 this suddenly shot up to 27 per 100,000, reaching 33 per 100,000 in 2016.

    Researchers suggest there may be a link with a similar surge of the disease in several countries in east Asia since 2009.

    However, no other European country has experienced a similar rise in cases, which you might expect if strains were spreading from Asia.”

    When something is unexplained it may be because someone has not considered possible explanations. In fact the authors of the paper fail completely to consider the most likely reason – over-diagnosis arising from mis-diagnosis. This is particularly disturbing because 1) over-diagnosis and mis-diagnosis by GPs is extremely common – particularly when GPs are alerted to a possible increase in disease. 2) Over-diagnosis is known to be and can often be extremely high.

    And here is a coincidence – the supposed scarlet fever outbreak came in January 2014 just after the alleged measles outbreak in Wales in January to June 2013. NHS England failed to tell the public the figures they gave out were unreliable because of massive over-diagnosis. In fact NHS England ensured the unreliably high figures were publicised about Wales and kept quiet about the very high numbers of cases in the highly vaccinated north of England.

    One set of NHS England figures showed for 37 reported cases there was only one confirmed case of measles. And in general over-diagnosis was reporting 4-5 cases for every real case. 2013 MEASLES NEWS: The UK’s Fake Welsh Measles Epidemic – Only 8 Cases Confirmed For March – 302 Wrongly Diagnosed and “Notified” By Docs

    So applying that to the alleged increase in scarlet fever – there was no increase. The incidence remained within the limits it had previously been and about which there was no concern.

    The study published in the Lancet can be read online. It was based on unconfirmed diagnoses by GPs. Resurgence of scarlet fever in England, 2014–16: a population-based surveillance study

    The big problem with this kind of thing is once GPs have it in their heads a particular disease is circulating that increases the likelihood of over-diagnosis. This is because diagnosis is an art not a science and GPs will diagnose first what they believe is the most likely of many possible diagnoses. And with Scarlet Fever its main symptom is a rash and there are many different causes of rashes. Measles is often confused with Roseola for example.

    The NHS website continued summarising the finding of the Lancet published paper as if the reported figures were of real cases of disease without warning anyone that the figures were based on unconfirmed diagnoses nor that the “increase” could very likely have been over-diagnosis. In fact that is very likely – the claimed increase in cases was a factor of three – which is well within the expected rate of overdiagnosis for reported unconfirmed cases of infectious rash-like disease:

    “There was a sharp decline in scarlet fever cases and associated deaths throughout the 1900s. Between 1999 and 2013 there were about 3 to 8 notifications per 100,000 of the population.

    However, there was a sudden rise in 2014. In about January/February 2014 there was a peak of 1,075 cases reported in one week, with 15,637 reports made over the course of that year. This was a rate of 27 per 100,000 – three times the rate of the previous year.

    Rates continued to rise in the following years. In 2015 there were 17,696 notifications at a rate of nearly 31 per 100,000 rising to 33 per 100,000 in 2016. This was the highest recorded number seen since 1967.

    Analysis of general practice data showed 26,500 GP consultations for scarlet fever in 2014, twice the rate of 2013. Further analysis showed the majority (87%) were in children aged less than 10 years – though notifications did span the age range 0 to 90. There was also an equal spread of cases boys to girls.”


    “The researchers conclude: “England is experiencing an unprecedented rise in scarlet fever with the highest incidence for nearly 50 years. Reasons for this escalation are unclear and identifying these remains a public health priority.”

  • Just to add to the discussion over whether autism can occur in the non-vaccinated: my son is autistic and had no vaccinations, he was born at home and so could not have been administered them without my knowledge. I have thought there might be a link with the number of amalgam fillings I have and his problems, particularly in relation to the evidence that autistic children struggle to eliminate toxins from their bodies.
    Great article and replies to following discussions, thank you

  • THE. REASON. WHY. MORE. PEOPLE. DIE. IS. BECAUSE. THERE. IS. MORE. PEOPLE. Vaccines do not cause Autism, if that were the case then water cause Autism as it has more metal. Your graphs show us that vaccines work, and better life conditions stopped unvaccinable diseases. Vaccinate, for God’s sake.

    [ED: This commenter has a problem with comprehension. The graphs show a dramatic decline in mortality from infectious disease over 100 to 200 years and particularly for diseases where no vaccines existed or exist now.

    As for vaccines causing autism see this:
    Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines ]

  • […] Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] også siden Child Health Safety, der dokumenterer, at det er usandsynligt, at vacciner har bidraget til at reducere eller udrydde […]

  • […] вашего; страх перед болезнью, которая в развитом мире гораздо менее смертельна, чем удар молнии. Но они оставили один из самых […]

  • […] for fighting off diseases, and that vaccines were not responsible for the decrease in infectious diseases but can actually increase […]

  • […] the body’s natural experience. The real decline of disease is due to better diet, improved sanitation and improved living conditions. If we continue to ignore these truths and the fact that our bacteria and viruses are part of our […]

  • […] looking at the historical data of vaccination correlation to increase in public health and the decrease of incidents of disease, one finds that, […]

  • What a cooky conversation. I admire the editor’s patience. One thing, though, more than a decade of discussion, and no updates? I am really interested to see the latest stats for the Undeclared Soviets in America. I think we should be seeing an upswing on most of those graphs, now that trickle-down economics has worked its magic. Or, like the weather station data, are we not allowed to see, in case we find reason to disagree with the “official narrative” of man-made global climate change. And measles pandemics, of course. Also, I found numerous references to morbidity vs mortality, and the sly usage thereof. Talking about measles always truns into a mess, because most insist that pandemic means epidemic.
    So, editor sir, plese, confirm my personal bias that the growing poverty in Yankeeland is causing an increase in “easily preventable disseases” and of course, the mortality rates. Maybe couple it to graphs showing Billy de Patch’s holdings in the ‘health care sector’ and the cost of simple ‘drugs’ like the Epipen.

  • […] “Vaccines Did Not Save Us: Two Centuries Of Official Statistics” (2009). […]

  • […] Ook hier kun je er meer over vinden, onderbouwd met wetenschappelijk onderzoek en grafieken: : Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […]  Statistics show eradication of the targeted diseases was generally achieved through nutritional and hygienic measures before  the introduction of the vaccines. See  and diseases have disappeared with no vaccination at all. See  and In the same way, effectiveness of proper nutrition and hygienic measures is often attributed to vaccines, while vaccines most likely have little to nothing to do with saving lives. On the contrary.  Dr Hans Moolenburgh compares vaccines to a mouse walking next to an elephant, saying “Quite a stampede we’re causing, eh? “However,  vaccines do not guarantee immunity and  cause side effects that are at least as and often even  more dangerous. and far outnumber the diseases they re supposed to protect against, which explains why the introduction of vaccines often shows that the mortality rates increase of the diseases that the vaccines supposedly protect people from, as is explained here See ) The more vaccines are given, the higher the infant mortality rates. See Hygenic and dietary measures are what eradicate diseases, not vaccines. There is evidence vaccines cause and spread  the very diseases they are supposed to protect people against. See […]

  • […] Childhealthsafety – Graphs – (Diverse Statistiken) […]

  • […] Most of the graphs have come from the following: Dissolving Illusions – Graphs Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics […]

  • […] It is important to have access to government statistics  to check if statements made in the media are accurate. The graphs in the following article are based on official government statistics for infectious disease deaths. Importantly, the huge decline in infectious disease deaths that occurred BEFORE vaccines were introduced, or widespread, actually occurred in other developed countries, too. […]

  • […] 13  […]

  • […] and had fewer cases of smallpox that did nearby vaccinated communities. Opponents claimed that smallpox vaccine caused more smallpox than it […]

  • […] انخفاض ملحوظ بالفعل، وقبل انتشار استخدام اللقاحات. [29] تظهر الإحصائيات نتائج مماثلة مؤيدة في بلدان أخرى. […]

  • […] It’s NOT your fault.  You have been misled.  You have been lied to.  You have been told that the research has been done to support vaccines.  You have been told that vaccines are safe.  You have been told that vaccines are effective.  You have been scared into thinking that without vaccines, children will die.   […]

  • […]  A more in-depth discussion and citations for the graphs used in this post can be found here: […]

  • […] It is certain beyond doubt that diptheria vaccine played no part in the sudden fall in diphtheria mortality from 1941 to 1946 [see graph] .  The records show most children went unvaccinated until after the major fall. — Read on […]

  • […] It is important to have access to government statistics  to check if statements made in the media are accurate. The graphs in the following article are based on official government statistics for infectious disease deaths. Importantly, the huge decline in infectious disease deaths that occurred BEFORE vaccines were introduced, or widespread, actually occurred in other developed countries, too. […]

  • […] was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases, you will realize that this is not so.” ~ Dr. […]

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