Islam, Vaccines and Health

January 21, 2011 [Republished with kind permission of the author]

A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM (medical doctor)
Spokesman, Islamic Medical Association (UK)

We are giving our innocent children haraam (forbidden) substances and harmful chemicals that destroy their natural immune systems, causing disease, suffering and death.  All Muslim doctors and parents should be aware of vaccine ingredients, and of the failed efficacy of vaccines.  The harm is clearly greater than the benefit.  The time has come to take a stand for truth.

Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccine ingredients include heavy metals, pus from sores of diseased animals, horse serum, calf serum, faecal matter, foetal cells, urine, macerated cancer cells, sweepings from diseased children, formaldehyde (a carcinogen used in embalming fluid), phenol (a carcinogen capable of causing paralysis, convulsions, coma, necrosis and gangrene), lactalbumin hydrolysate (an emulsifier), aluminium phosphate (an aluminium salt that is corrosive to tissues), retro-virus SV-40 (a contaminant virus in some polio vaccines), antibiotics (e.g., neomycin tm) that lead to antibiotic resistance, chick embryo (as a growth medium for the virus), sodium phosphate (a buffering salt), and foreign animal tissues containing genetic material (DNA/RNA) from the growth medium.  Vaccines are also contaminated with mycoplasma, bacteria, monkey viruses and various adjuvants.  Heavy metals include thiomersal (mercury) as a preservative and aluminium as an adjuvant.  Mercury and aluminium have each been proved to damage the brain and nervous system.  In some cases, thiomersal has been replaced by another neurotoxin known as 2PE.  Vaccines also contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), sorbitol, and gelatine.  Many of these ingredients are not allowed for Muslims, Jews, Hindus or vegetarians.

A Fatally-flawed System of Intervention

Vaccination is based on the long-discredited theory that stimulation of antibodies in the human body equals protection from disease.  This theory has not only failed to be proved, but has been repeatedly disproved.  Stimulation of antibodies does not equal immunity and certainly does not equal permanent immunity.  The presence of antibodies is merely a sign of exposure to a disease, which is just one small aspect of what makes up the immune system.  Children, with underdeveloped and immature immune systems, receive today about 25 separate vaccines by the age of 13 months.  There is no doubt this irresponsible system disrupts and can even destroy the development of their immune systems forever.

Vaccines commonly given to children in the United Kingdom today include – TWO MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal (six components, two needles); THREE MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + meningitis C (six components, two needles); FOUR MONTHS: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis, HIB meningitis and polio + pneumococcal + meningitis C (seven components, three needles); 12 MONTHS: HIB meningitis and meningitis C (two components, two needles); 13 MONTHS: measles, mumps, rubella + pneumococcal vaccine (four components, two needles).  This reflects a grave medical assault inflicted on the small, weak, defenceless bodies of our innocent children.

Just a Few of the Monstrous Problems

Unthinkably, vaccine studies do not include placebo groups.  Instead, they use other vaccines in “control” groups, making it impossible to properly note actual rates of adverse events between a test group and real control group.  No research has been done on the long-term effects of vaccines.  Post-marketing data of reactions, injury and death go ignored.  Moreover, the system lacks individualization.  Apparently, one size fits all.  There is no pre-screening for immune problems and allergies.  Overloading the human body with infections and sub-infections will irreparably disrupt and destroy the immune system.  Chemicals in vaccines induce allergies, asthma, and autoimmune disease, including autism.  By the way, don’t let any indoctrinated doctor tell you vaccines do not cause autism.  Do your own research. Sexual immorality and adultery are stirred by offering our daughters HPV vaccination against cervical cancer.  Notably and incredibly, the HPV vaccine is shown to make some recipients even more susceptible to cervical cancer.  According to many scientific reports, there is additional concern that some vaccines cause infertility and are used for clandestine population control.  The proper role of medicine is to work to find and prevent the root cause of disease, not treat symptoms or fill the body with chemicals and vaccines.

Islam and Medical Science Must Oppose Vaccination

The case against vaccination is first an Islamic one, based on Islamic ethos regarding the perfection of the natural human body’s immune defence system, empowered by great and prophetic guidance to avoid most infections.  The case against vaccination is also a medical and health-related one.  Incredible evidence, unbeknownst to most, has emerged in the West regarding the many serious health hazards that affect those who have been vaccinated.

Islam and the Immune System

Colostrum in breast milk, a rich source of myriad antibodies, is extraordinarily important in conveying immunity to the child during the first few days after birth.  Breastfeeding up to two years gives incredible immunity into the future.  Medical studies evidence the amazing protection of breastfeeding against infections, even including poliomyelitis. The first two years of life are a crucial time during which the child’s body will develop a natural and mature immune system.  Vaccination disrupts and damages the natural process of human development.  God (Allah), the Creator, the Designer, has organised for the destruction of most germs and viruses through the natural process of entry-and-defence via skin, mucous, and the stomach. This process is very different from injection of a vaccine directly into the body without crossing natural defence barriers.  Twenty-five weakened diseases are destructively pushed by needlepoint into the bodies of our fragile children at a stage when they are developing their own natural defence systems.Infection and disease are medically proven to regularly succumb to spontaneous, self-remitting recovery.  Childhood bouts with infectious disease help build the immune system against future attacks.  As our beloved physician and prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has told us, for every disease there is a cure.  The final holy book, Al Qur’an, is an awesome medical source for both prevention and cure of disease.  To best prepare the body, the Muslim should use natural and permissible nutrition from Yayyib (natural) food and drink.  Of further importance, we need to address the root causes of morbidity and mortality: poverty, malnutrition, lack of clean drinking water, lack of a healthy and natural foods, lack of proper sewage, and toxins in the environment and body.The Islamic behaviour of seeking halal (lawful) and avoiding harram has been linked to health throughout time by many Muslim doctors and scientists, especially in the field of preventative medicine.  Great care should be given to personal hygiene, including hand washing at about 25 times per day (15 times before the five daily prayers during wudu [absolution]).  Properly practising daily personal hygiene will avoid many infections.  Many fruits and other healthy foods prescribed in Islam have been found to prevent disease and strengthen the immune system, including olive and olive oil, ginger, grapes, pomegranate, vinegar, rosemary and figs.  Islamic-prescribed complementary medicine protects us from disease and strengthens our natural immune system, including honey, fasting, prayer (meditation), Du’A (special prayer) for the sick, black seed, Hijama (blood cupping), holy fruits and foods, breastfeeding, aromatherapy, Zam Zam (drinking holy water at Makkah, Saudi Arabia at the time of pilgrimage), and laying on of hands with a special prayer.  Frequent exposure to the sun for vitamin D and a diet rich in vitamin D prevents many diseases.  Islam prohibits Muslims from taking any harmful medicine or substance.  Even where there is doubt or controversy, Islam orders us to leave it completely.  This applies to vaccines.

The Truth Be Told

Harram in many vaccines include human foetuses, gelatine from pork, alcohol, and human and animal parts. These najis (unclean), haraam ingredients are not given in a state of emergency to save life at present. It is ridiculous to introduce myriad infective agents into millions of people as a “just in case” prevention of future infection. It is very wrong that Muslim doctors have adopted a medical intervention that contains so many haraams and harmful chemicals.
In Islam, the human body is holy.  We should protect and keep it natural, pure, healthy and safe.  As vaccines are neither pure nor natural, it is no wonder that science and medicine have found them to be so incredibly dangerous. A well-orchestrated pharmaceutical industry plan of scaremongering exists to create fear in parents who do not vaccinate their children.  Doctors and governments have been indoctrinated and corrupted by a gigantic and incredibly powerful industry into advocating obligatory vaccination, contrary to health and human and religious rights. This has happened not to advance health, but for profit.  Vaccines should not be pushed or forced on anyone.

The Case for Opposing Vaccination

  • It disrupts and destroys the natural immune systems of our innocent children
  • It produces many physical and medical problems
  • It increases antibiotic resistance among many patients
  • It can make many people sterile or infertile
  • It contains many harmful chemicals like mercury and aluminium
  • It lacks scientific, independent evidence of efficacy and safety
  • It contains many haraam substances for the 1600 million Muslims in the world (the latest of which is the vaccine for Meningitis for the Muslim Pilgrims who are going to Hajj was found to contain pork, which is harram.)
  • It also contains substances which are prohibited for Jews, Hindus and vegetariansIt is unhygienic and full of filth
  • It wastes trillions of dollars and is making the people and governments in poor third world countries poorer and more in debt, and the drug companies filthy rich
  • It is medically unethical, as it took us away from dealing with the causes of the diseases and work on prevention.  It is a very wrong medical practice to use a vaccine against every ill
  • It lacks transparency and informed consent.  Most parents, the public, and even doctors are not aware of its harms, ingredients and cost
  • A rising number of doctors, health professionals and parents are joining the campaign against vaccination (websites below)
  • We have many natural ways to build a natural strong immune system to fight most infections
  • We have many natural, safe alternatives
  • Incredibly, the Big Pharma producers of vaccines are exempt from any liability or prosecution, regardless of the number of people who die or are injured
  • Our innocent children are suffering and they gave no consent at all for the vaccines forced on them.  This constitutes a medical assault

Web Resources

Bruesewitz vs Wyeth: Press Conference outside the Supreme Court today(3 March2011)

2pm Eastern, 7pm UK time:

TODAY at 2pm Eastern, the Bruesewitz press conference will be streaming live at We need your help to promote on FB, Twitter, blogs, and email threads. Click on link to grab embed code or copy below!

British Medical Journal fails to disclose commercial conflicts in Wakefield attack

I have submitted the following letter to BMJ this morning:-

What about BMJ, Merck and GSK (and Andrew Wakefield)?

BMJ is a part free journal. In view of the recent renewed attacks on Andrew Wakefield (which were all free of access) what are we to make of the fact that BMJ Learning is in partnership with Merck under the alias of Univadis [1,2], or that MSD and GSK sponsor BMJ awards [3]? Should not these competing interests be openly declared?

[1] Vera Hassner Sharav ‘BMJ & Lancet Wedded to Merck CME Partnership’ (including Martin J Walker ‘Merck’s Medical Media Empire’),

[2] Univadis log-in page,


Vaccine Epidemic – Update 1 March 2011

March 1, 2011

Vaccine Coercion 3, Vaccination Choice 2

February was an eventful month for those following the vaccine safety debate. Here’s last month’s scorecard:

Vaccine Coercion: 3

  1. The Supreme Court announces its landmark 6-2 decision to side with Pharma against vaccine-injured families in Bruesewitz v Wyeth [Feb 22].
  2. Bill Gates calls the vaccines safety community “child killers” on CNN and no one on a major media outlet blinks [Feb 3].
  3. Government, industry, and doctors throw the full weight of their resources and clout behind two new books that take a hard line against vaccination choice and the people who promote vaccine safety: Offit’s Deadly Choices and Mnookin’s The Panic Virus. The books are covered by a wide range of mainstream media outlets.

Vaccination Choice: 2

  1. Vaccine Epidemic is released. Our book enters second printing just one week after its release, and climbs the charts on the power of grassroots support [Feb 9].
  2. The dissent is the answer. The vaccine safety movement welcomes two powerful allies: Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Read the Supreme Court’s decision, including their dissent HERE. Two of eight justices — twenty-five percent of the Court — dissented. The Court is a microcosm of the raging national debate: 25% believe vaccines cause autism and 89% prioritize vaccine safety as the top pediatric healthcare concern.

Vaccine Epidemic Responds

  1. Mary Holland goes on Fox & Friends to discuss Bruesewitz decision [Feb 26]

  2. Habakus and Holland call press conference to demand apology from Bill Gates [Feb 24]
  3. Vaccine Epidemic book launch at NYU School of Law draws over 300 [Feb 18]
  4. Media coverage of Vaccine Epidemic accelerates. Publisher’s Weekly reviewed our book!

Scroll down for more details on each.

Mary Holland on Fox & Friends

Vaccine Epidemic co-editor and legal analyst Mary Holland was invited on Fox & Friends on Saturday, February 26, to discuss the Supreme Court’s landmark decision regarding Brusewitz v Wyeth, in a debate wtih Fox medical correspondent, Dr. Mark Siegel.

Click HERE to watch the 4 minute clip.

Mary Holland tells America that they have slammed the courthouse doors shut on the vaccine injured. Dr. Siegel says Americans should be more afraid of the diseases than the vaccines. He agreed with Mary, however, that “there’s something going wrong with the court system.” They ran out of time, just as they started to discuss vaccination choice versus the need for mandates. If you want more coverage on Fox News, send them an email and let them know!

Vaccine Epidemic Editors Demand Apology from Bill Gates

On Thursday, February 24, advocates, parents, and professionals gathered for a press conference at Microsoft’s executive offices in midtown Manhattan to demand an apology from Bill Gates. The event was covered by WPIX Channel 11 news. Click HERE to view the video clip.

While interviewed on CNN earlier this month, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said that people who engage in anti-vaccine efforts “kill children.” We know, and he knows, that the anti-vaccine community he references is the pro-vaccine safety movement. Mr. Gates called the people who advocate for safer vaccines, including the parents of children who were harmed and died from vaccines, child killers.

We told Bill Gates that we reject his cruel, thoughtless, and misguided rhetoric of intolerance against those who question vaccine safety. We told Bill Gates that we demand an apology informed by an understanding of our perspective. We asked Mr. Gates to read our book, Vaccine Epidemic.

Mary Holland read searing remarks from three families with vaccine-injured children who were denied justice by the courts: Russ and Robalee Bruesewitz, Theresa and Michael Cedillo, and Rolf Hazlehurst.

All human beings, including parents whose children were injured and died from their vaccines, are entitled to speak out about vaccine safety and affirm that vaccination choice is a human right. No one, including our wealthiest citizens and corporate leaders, should be permitted to publicly insult this right.

To see photos and read the remarks, click HERE.

Vaccine Epidemic Book Launch Rocks NYU School of Law

Over 300 people filled NYU School of Law’s Tishman Auditorium for a two-hour program. Twelve contributing authors participated in three panels moderated by editors Mary Holland (law and ethics), Kim Mack Rosenberg (personal narratives) and Louise Kuo Habakus (medicine, science, and health).

And during the book signing, before and after the program, dozens of attendees purchased stacks of books to share with family, friends, and colleagues.

The event was filmed by Hollywood film production company, Ambush Entertainment and the new weekly autism news program, Autism File TV.

Here’s a ten-second no-audio pan of part of the audience. Stay tuned for video clips of the event.

For photos, click HERE.

Publisher’s Weekly Reviews Vaccine Epidemic

In their review of our book, Publisher’s Weekly highlights a wide range of possible adverse events associated with vaccines covered in Vaccine Epidemic including the devastating neurological damage post-Gardasil-HPV vaccination, the link between anthrax vaccination of the military and Gulf War Illness, paralysis caused by the flu shot, and more. While their reviewer is skeptical, PW acknowledges that our “effort should… prove useful to anyone suspicious of present policies.” Know anyone who falls into that camp?


Take Action Now

We appreciate all of you very much. But if you support our work, we need more of you. Please take a few minutes and do one or all of the following:

  1. “Like” our book on Amazon

  2. “Yes” the positive Amazon reviews.
  3. Write your own review — short and sweet works. Just write something that shows that you read our book.
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  6. Ask your library to carry Vaccine Epidemic
  7. Buy a half dozen books and start lending them out. Create our own personal lending library!
  8. E-mail us if you want to organize a book signing or another kind of event. Now is a very good time!

Click on Events/Media to see if we’ll be in your neck of the woods. If you are located in the Washington DC area, we’ll be headed your way soon and more than once! Send us a note if you want to help.

Hope to see you soon!

Louise Kuo Habakus

Mary Holland

Continue to hear about news updates and events about Vaccine Epidemic by clicking HERE to sign up. Unsubscribe HERE and you will be permanently removed from our list. And keep up with the very latest on the book’s website: Vaccine Epidemic.

©2011 Vaccine Epidemic | 421 Seventh Avenue, Suite 901, New York, NY 10001


Vaccine Epidemic Responds

  1. Mary Holland goes on Fox & Friends to discuss Bruesewitz decision [Feb 26]
  2. Habakus and Holland call press conference to demand apology from Bill Gates [Feb 24]
  3. Vaccine Epidemic book launch at NYU School of Law draws over 300 [Feb 18]
  4. Media coverage of Vaccine Epidemic accelerates. Publisher’s Weekly reviewed our book!

Scroll down for more details on each.

“Vaccine Epidemic” Book Out Now – Selling Like Hot Cakes

The new book, “Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children” has been released February 10.

Vaccine Epidemic has already received a lot of attention: As of 4 p.m. EST on February 10, 2011, Vaccine Epidemic was #118 on Amazon and poised to break into the top 100. The category rankings were then #1 in public health, #1 in epidemiology, and #2 in internal medicine. The book has also landed on Amazon’s Movers & Shakers and Hot New Releases lists.

It’s an important book offering a range of experiences and perspective from different authors.

Buy the Book

Vaccine Epidemic is available online and in bookstores, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Borders. Place your orders now by clicking one of the following links.


Barnes & Noble


Consider buying two copies. Once you start reading, you’ll want to talk about it with someone.

WHO looking at reported link between H1N1 vaccine and narcolepsy

ANDRÉ PICARD PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTER — From Wednesday’s Globe and Mail – Canada – Tuesday, Feb. 08, 2011

The World Health Organization is investigating reports that the H1N1 vaccine may have triggered a rare sleep disorder in children.

The move comes just days after Finland’s National Institute for Health and Welfare published data showing that children in that country who were vaccinated against H1N1 were nine times more likely to develop narcolepsy than children who did not get the vaccine.

Click here to see full Globe and Mail story from Canada:-

WHO looking at reported link between H1N1 vaccine and narcolepsy

A Remarkable Week For Vaccine Safety

CHS posts here information from Mike Adams the “Health Ranger” on

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( ) – please forward

It has been an amazing week of vaccine truth information revelations here on Here are the highlights of the week in case you missed one or more:

On Tuesday, we launched the Vaccines: Get the Full Story report put out by the Vaccination Council. Download it now at:

Vaccines Get The Full Story

On Wednesday, we posted an interview with Dr Suzanne Humphries who offered a fantastic interview on the dangers of vaccines:

An interview with Susan Humphries

Thursday, we posted an interview with Dr Sherri Tenpenny with even more details about vaccines, healthy living, and the truth behind the quack science of the vaccine industry:

An interview with Dr Sherri Tenpenny

Friday (today), we posted an amazing interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield who accuses the British Medical Journal of being “hijacked” by false journalism and printing blatantly false allegations about his own work with autistic children:

An amazing interview with Dr Andrew Wakefield

During all this, we also posted a 3-hour audio show created by Dr Gary Null who completely deconstructs the BMJ’s lies surrounding Dr Wakefield’s scientific investigations:

3-hour audio show created by Dr Gary Null

And we brought you a heart-crushing video from Cryshame which shows the cost in human suffering from the damage the vaccines cause in children:

A heart-crushing video from Cryshame

It has been a remarkable week of vaccine truth information, and the vaccine defenders are absolutely reeling from all this. They’ve been caught red-handed and now the eye of scrutiny is turned upon them. The BMJ, in particular, has now revealed itself to be a “quack science rag” with zero credibility. It is nothing more than the political mouthpiece of the vaccine industry and has become the laughing stock of intelligent thinkers everywhere.


A reminder of two events this weekend…

There are two amazing events happening this weekend, by the way, that you may want to check out. They both require registration:

First, on Saturday, there’s a LIVE webcast event featuring two cancer experts who are going to share some vital information with you about how to heal cancer naturally. It’s groundbreaking information from practicing physicians who are achieving success every day in real-world practice:

Then, on Sunday, Kevin Gianni launches his Great Health Debate which features top-notch health experts debating raw versus cooked, vegan versus meat, and other dietary practices. I’m part of this, too, and it’s a great lineup of speakers and guests:

Stay informed:

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Stay warm, folks. Have a safe (snowy) Friday and please continue to share everything here with your friends. We depend entirely on your support to keep going. We are working extremely hard over here to keep producing these videos, articles and special reports. Thanks for linking to us! 🙂

Vaccines-Cause-Autism War Is Over


No one has to prove vaccines cause autism anymore.  The war is nearly over.  What is left is to mop up and clear the diehards from their bunkers.

Is this a premature declaration of ‘VCH Day’ – Victory for Child Health?.  It may not be.

But the latest evidence suggests the opposition is in its dying gasps.  What key events are bringing the war to an end?

First, do vaccines cause autistic conditions?  If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News].  In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson

We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

Despite all the lies and deceit by health official worldwide, the question “do vaccines cause autism” was answered after the Hannah  Poling story broke in the USA in February 2008 [see CHS article here].  Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day.  Under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. [Blue Text added 10 April 2011]

Making Absurd Claims of Fraud

The dying gasps are shown by the British Medical Journal Editor Dr Fiona Godlee and colleague’s efforts in publishing the absurdly false claim of “an elaborate fraud” that Dr Wakefield “altered numerous facts about the patients’ medical histories in order to support his claim to have identified a new syndromewhen completely impossible for Wakefield or anyone else to have done that.

For more details read our The BIG Liearticle: The BIG Lie – Wakefield Lancet Paper Alleged Fraud – Was Not Possible For Anyone To Commit.

What Are The Key Events?

Why does no one have to prove vaccines cause autism anymore?

The key events are set out here, but there is much more to a story which can be told more fully another time and many more players and many not mentioned here who have sacrificed much for all our children.

First in February 2008, award winning best selling author David Kirby broke the story of the case of Hannah Poling and how the US Department of Health and Human Services secretly conceded [ie. there was no need for a hearing] in a US Federal Court case that Hannah’s symptoms of autism were caused by the nine vaccines [ie. not just MMR] which she received in one day [The Vaccine-Autism Court Document Every American Should Read – David Kirby – Huffington Post – February 26, 2008].

Then there were public statements by the US Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) broadcast by Sharyl Attkisson on CBS News in the US.  These were about 1322 cases of vaccine injury compensation settled out of court by the US Government in unpublished settlements:-

We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

Vaccine Case: An Exception Or A Precedent? – First Family To Have Autism-Related Case “Conceded” Is Just One Of Thousands – CBS News By Sharyl Attkisson WASHINGTON, March 6, 2008

[see text of email exchanges between US HRSA and Attkisson – attached]:-

Then it was Dr Sanjay Gupta’s interview with CDC Director Julie Gerberding on CNN in which Gerberding confirmed vaccinations could cause autistic conditions:

Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism.

HOUSE CALL WITH DR. SANJAY GUPTA – Unraveling the Mystery of Autism; Talking With the CDC Director; Stories of Children with Autism; Aging with Autism – Aired March 29, 2008 – 08:30

Next came Dr Bernadine Healy a former Director of the US National Institutes of Health, responsible for US$ 30.5 billion annual budget expenditure on health research.  Healy in a CBS interview with Sharyl Attkisson confirmed it was premature to dismiss the link between vaccinations and autistic conditions:-

I think that the public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational,” Healy said.

“But public health officials have been saying they know, they’ve been implying to the public there’s enough evidence and they know it’s not causal,” Attkisson said.

“I think you can’t say that,” Healy said. “You can’t say that.”

CBS News Exclusive: Leading Dr.: Vaccines-Autism Worth Study Former Head Of NIH Says Government Too Quick To Dismiss Possible Link – WASHINGTON, May 12, 2008

Dr Healy is is a Harvard and Johns Hopkins educated physician, cardiologist and former head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She has been a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins, professor and dean of the College of Medicine and Public Health at the Ohio State University, and served as president of the American Red Cross.

But before any of that the “its all genetic” weapon was disarmed when it was confirmed the large increases in autistic conditions cannot be being caused by genetics.  This came from Dr Francis Collins the current 16th Director of the US$ 30.5 billion annual budget US National Institutes of Health and a leading medical doctor and geneticist who led the Human Genome Project.  When Director of the US National Human Genome Research Institute Collins confirmed in public to the US House of Representatives in May 2006 that recent increases in chronic diseases like diabetes, childhood asthma, obesity and autism must have an environmental [external] cause and cannot be purely genetically [internally] caused conditions:

Recent increases in chronic diseases like diabetes, childhood asthma, obesity or autism cannot be due to major shifts in the human gene pool as those changes take much more time to occur. They must be due to changes in the environment, including diet and physical activity, which may produce disease in genetically predisposed persons.

Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.,
Evidence to US House of Representatives Committee May 2006

They are powerful statements – no one can unsay what has been said any more than they can unpublish what is now published in leading mainstream medical journals.

The 2010 Coup de Grâce [Death Blow]

Why else does no one have to prove vaccines cause autism anymore?

These mainstream journals now confirm what Mr Andrew Wakefield and the Royal Free Team of specialists found in the Lancet paper in 1998, particularly:-

  • the JAMA paper 1 Dec 2010 confirms Gerberding’s claim to CNN that Hannah Poling’s mitochondrial dysfunction was “rare” is not true and that mitochondrial disorders are common in autistic children but not in non autistic: Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism JAMA. 2010;304(21):2389-2396. doi: 10.1001/jama.2010.1706

Hannah Poling’s mitochondrial dysfunction following vaccination led to her autistic condition for which she was awarded a US$20 million lifetime settlement just last year in a case the US Government did not contest but settled out of court: Court Awards Over $20 Million for Vaccine-Caused Autism – PR Newswire (press release) – ‎Sep 15, 2010‎

End of The War

There is nothing more to prove.

It is also more than obvious from our “The BIG Lie” article that the British Medical Journal published fraud claims on 6th January which are unsupportable.  Using the “fraud” word for the British is a last gasp effort.  Wakefield was down but not out.  People were still listening to him.  The Medical Establishment had to do more.

But what happened? Unlike the USA and other countries, the British media are not running stories about these claims.

Following information provided to UK media including BBC and ITN broadcast news during the afternoon of 5th January – BMJ’s story was shut down on 6th. The only exceptions appear to be the Daily Telegraph [after apparently declining the offer of information about risk of contempt of court] and briefly on the morning of 6th January, Sky News.

The Press Association’s English operation it seems has [according to a parent who contacted them on the matter a.m. on 6th January] decided they “were not going to develop the story any further for the time being” on legal advice. The BMJ/Deer claims were considered defamatory of all the Royal Free team doctors [in addition to the legal contempt issues].

The legal blackout is confirmed in that yesterday the Sunday Times published a Deer story which said pretty much no more than that the BMJ had published fraud claims but did not go into details.

All of the allegations made in the BMJ had been dealt with in Wakefield’s book, yet Wakefield was not contacted for comment by BMJ nor did the Deer story address the fact that his new claims have already been answered. Deer now also claims in the Sunday Times that he insisted the BMJ check his facts. It is obvious they did not from our The BIG Lie” article, as does further analysis of what they published.

BMJ Editor’s Vision for Tackling the “MMR Scare”

Dr Godlee, born August 4, 1961, was appointed editor of the British Medical Journal in 2005.  This was 5 months following setting out her vision for dealing with the “MMR Scare“. Before her appointment Dr Godlee, when Head of “BMJ Knowledge” gave a presentation to the British National Formulary “The next MMR – could we do better?”

Over five years later, she has failed to deal with the existing “MMR Scare” let alone the “next” one.  Worse still, as the science has unfolded it turns out it is not just the MMR vaccine which causes children to develop autistic conditions.

Godlee’s presentation concluded with what she said was needed:

  • Better data on adverse effects
  • Balance between benefits and harms
  • Surveillance and follow up by an independent body
  • High standards of editorial judgement and accountability
  • Awareness of competing interest at all levels
  • More distance between journals
  • Greater public understanding of risk
  • Two way conversation as part of healthy democracy

How much of her plan has been achieved?  None of it.

What would have happened if it had been implemented 5 years ago?  Hundreds of thousands of children around the world would not today be autistic and there are still more to become so, before the bunkers are cleared of the zealots who would vaccinate anything they could get their hands on regardless of harm caused.

Professor Stephen Curry – “Half-Arsed” Dumbing Down of Science

The modern “dumbing down” of British science is well demonstrated by the inept efforts of Professor Stephen Curry on his Nature “science” journal’s blog.  Curry was incensed by a well written UK Guardian newspaper article by professional journalist Simon Jenkins and responded childishly with abuse.  Worse still Curry’s efforts were defended in The Guardian by physicist and Vice Dean Professor Jon Butterworth of London University in a style bereft of literary and intellectual merit.

Jenkins argued that the planned £600 million UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation for 1250 “scientists”  as Europe’s proposed largest biomedical research facility was justified by faith and not reason.  This was a money-throwing exercise justified by use of the hallowed mantra of the  “science” word against a history of previous failure.  Jenkins pointed to the failing teaching of science in schools – one of other more justified recipients of such largesse: “Martin Rees makes a religion out of science so his bishops can gather their tithe” The Guardian 24th June 2010.

Curry, as a London University based research biologist of Imperial College [known by some as “Glaxo University”]  no doubt has one eye on what was in it for himself.

So what was the best Curry could do when faced with arguments on spending choices between more on science in schools or on his “cathedral of science”?  In his blog piece Urgent new priority for UK science – Nature blog – 28th June 2010 he wrote a supposed spoof which was childish and little more than pejoratives and abuse:-

“We have to …. address the urgent problem of recovering the missing half of Simon Jenkins’ arse.”

Jenkins expressed huge relief …. “I love science and sciency stuff. ….. But every time I try to write about it, I come out with this half-arsed crap. ….. Complete twaddle!”

Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust, announced that …. “… Jenkins’ scientific half-arsedness is like a virulent cancer …. all we need to do is to locate Jenkins’ left buttock ….. Though we suspect the half-arse to be quite big, we know from looking at his newspaper column that it became detached some time ago.”Physicists speculate that Jenkins’ half arse may be source of anti-Dark Matter. Professor Stephen Hawking explained*, “In it’s absence the dark matter of the other buttock appears to overwhelm his grey matter, leaving the poor man incapable of rational thought.”

Ian Sample, Guardian science correspondent ….. speculated* that the arse may also be location of a mysterious entity known as the Higgs bozo.

But Mark Henderson, science editor at the Times, sounded a note of caution*: “It may in fact be dangerous to re-unite the two buttocks because that could make Jenkins a complete arsehole.”

Police forces around the country will also be involved in the search for the missing buttock. When asked about Jenkins’ arse, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Police said*, ‘We are looking into it.’

But Curry was not alone.  A University College London Professor of Physics Jon Butterworth who is also Vice Dean in Mathematical and Physical sciences was allowed to publish a defence of Curry in The Guardian: “Impromptu Simon Jenkins spoof rallies the defenders of science”  28 June 2010.  This was after Butterworth posted his own incredibly boring answer to Jenkins in self admitted “bollocks” in a state of inebriation.  This was on Butterworth’s own blog as “uncategorized, rambling”: “A Mammoth of Research“.  “Inebriation” [we explain for the benefit of the likes of Curry and Butterworth] means “had drunk too much alcohol”.

In his Guardian piece Butterworth suggested that “ridicule was perhaps an appropriate response” and the entire scientific world was behind Curry. Aside from more disparagement of Jenkins, Butterworth failed to answer any point Jenkins had made or to make any informed contribution.  Dumbing down has reached Vice Dean level in London University it seems.

Ironically, elsewhere in a Guardian science blog, Butterworth laments the problems of communication in science [whilst simultaneously engaging in personal disparagement of another critic of science]:

On communication: There is clearly a problem with the public perception of science. The criticism that Maxwell makes about too much “specialised gobbledygook” may be hilarious, coming from a philospher, but it is a fair criticism in some contexts.

Come on ‘philosophers of science’, you must do better than this

It seems no one has had the heart to tell Butterworth that a “scientist” blogger he quoted in his Guardian piece [as an example of the entire scientific world and in defence of his pal Professor Stephen Curry] is in fact none other than the former unemployed barman and administrator and well known internet “troll” James Cole [aka jdc 325 and 325 jdc].

If this were a Nature science journal blog, Curry and Butterworth would probably be described as “complete tossers” but as it is not, they aren’t. [Aren’t described as such, that is.]


British & Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

We previously published data from Japan showing a clear causal link between changes in the Japanese vaccination schedules and corresponding increases and decreases in rates of children having autistic conditions:- Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism. The UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation’s irresponsible and only answer to the Japanese data was it was “not UK data”.

Data from the UK’s General Practice Research Database shows that with each major change in the UK childhood vaccination programme the rates of childhood autism have increased significantly [Full Details Below].

And do vaccines cause autistic conditions?  If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News].  In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson

We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

Despite all the lies and deceit by health official worldwide, the question “do vaccines cause autism” was answered after the Hannah  Poling story broke in the USA in February 2008 [see CHS article here].  Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day.  Under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. [Blue Text added 10 April 2011]

Data from the UK’s General Practice Research Database

[Click on graph to enlarge in new window]

The current UK rate of children with autistic conditions is 1 in 64 [or 157 per 10,000 children]: “Prevalence of autism-spectrum conditions: UK school-based population study” Baron-Cohen S, Scott FJ, Allison C, Williams J, Bolton P, Matthews FE and Brayne C (2009) British Journal of Psychiatry, 194: 500-509.

The rate in boys is 1 in 40.  Prior to 1988 which saw the first of several major changes to the UK childhood vaccination programmes the rate of childhood autism was running at between 1 and 4 in 10,000.  Childhood autism is also known as “typical” or “Kanner” autism.

In addition to vaccines being a biologically plausible cause of the worldwide increases in autistic conditions in children we have also seen legal cases in the USA confirming vaccines have caused autism in US children: AUTISM – US Court Decisions and Other Recent Developments – It’s Not Just MMR

The data presented here provides further evidence of the unscientific approach of medical researchers when publishing papers purporting to support the claim there is no association between vaccines and autism.

The graph above is adapted from a 2001 paper by Jick et al.  The authors claimed [emphasis added]:-

“... the data provide evidence that no correlation exists between the prevalence of MMR vaccination and the rapid increase in the risk of autism over time. The explanation for the marked increase in risk of the diagnosis of autism in the past decade remains uncertain. ….. The increase ….. could be due to …… environmental factors not yet identified.

“Mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine and the incidence of autism recorded by general practitioners: a time trend analysis” BMJ 2001;322:460-463 24 February.

The data shows something different and when correlated with major changes in the UK childhood vaccination programme shows what are the most likely “environmental factors not yet identified“.  With each major change to the UK’s childhood vaccination programme cases of childhood autism increased substantially.

The childhood autism risk increased three-fold for children born in 1988 and 1989 from the previous rate of between 1 and 4 in 10,000 to 12 in 10,000. 

The major change: the MMR vaccine was introduced in October 1988.  Routine administration was at around 15 months.

The childhood autism risk increased five-fold for children born in 1990 and 1991 to 20 in 10,000 from the pre 1988 rate of 1 to 4 in 10,000.

The major change: in May 1990 the accelerated DTP vaccine programme was introduced.  British babies were given the DTP vaccine substantially earlier at 2, 3 and 4 months instead of the previous 3, 5 and 10 months: [Persistence of antibody after accelerated immunisation with diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis vaccine: 1489 BMJ VOLUME 302 22 JUNE 1991]

The childhood autism risk increased nearly eight-fold for children born in 1993 to 29 in 10,000 from the pre 1988 rate of 1 to 4 in 10,000.

The major change: the Haemophilus Influenzae b vaccine was introduced in October 1992.  Routine administration was three doses at 2, 3 and 4  months.  [Routine Hib Vaccine: 438 BMJ VOLUME 305 22 AUGUST 1992, Hib immunisation catch up programme in North East Thames: R17 Communicable Disease Report Vol 4 Review Number 2 4 February 1994]

It appears it was only from 1993 that most infants were vaccinated at 2, 3 and 4 months with those born earlier being vaccinated at later ages in “catch-up campaigns”. This data suggests that to reduce the risk of autism from vaccines parents should delay the age at which their children are vaccinated.

One study shows that average vaccine coverage by November 1993 was 34% for 1989 births, 77% for 1990 births, 87% for 1991 births, and 89% for 1992 births: [“Haemophilus influenzae: the efficiency of reporting invasive disease in England and Wales” Communicable Disease Report R13 4:2 4 February 1994].

Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

Data from formal peer refereed medical papers show vaccines caused autism in Japanese children.  The number developing autism rose and fell in direct proportion to the number of children vaccinated each year: [click here for full details Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism]

[Click on graph to enlarge in new window]

[Below is same graph data normalised by annual % of children receiving MMR vaccination – and also showing the same correspondence as above graph.]

[Click on graph to enlarge in new window]

090610 Terada Graph Data - by % Births



MMR Causes Autism – Another Win In US Federal Court

Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

Conflicted Government Expert Airbrushes Embarrassing Autism Science

Children Risk Untested Flu Vaccines In Hyped Pandemic

Doctor’s MMR Fears – 3,000 babies at risk

Gardasil Victims – In Memoriam – Healthy Young Women – Aged 15 to 21

Secret British MMR Vaccine Files Forced Open By Legal Action

Autism Rates Rocket – 1 in 38 British Boys – Cambridge Study

There Is No “Anti-Vaccine” Movement

Vaccines Implicated in Rocketing Childhood Diabetes Rates

Autism In Amish Children – 1 in 10,000

Parents Cure Autism – As Useless Docs Fail Kids

UK Government Caught Lying On Baby Hep B Vax Safety

UK Compulsory Vaccination Imminent

HPV Vaccine Questioned Internationally

World Pandemic Health News Round-Up

Swine ‘Flu Jokes

US Docs “Children to Die” In Flu Non-Pandemic

British Minister Misled Parliament Over US MMR Autism Case

Amazing Larry King Live TV Coverage of Autism & Vaccines

Larry King Live – Breakthrough Coverage & More

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

UK Government Hands Drug Industry Control of Childhood Vaccination

Government Risks Male Sterility As Mumps Vaccine Fails

Cambridge University Autism Expert Highlights Flaw In Reports of New Autism Paper

Can you ever cure autism? This mum believes her sons have recovered

MMR/Autism Cases Win In US Vaccine Court

UK Government Hides Yet More MMR Documents

Dr Andrew Wakefield Demolishes Ignorant US Vaccine Lobby

CDC’s New Dodgy Thimo Study – Shows Vax’ed/Un-Vax’ed Research Now Urgent

UK’s GMC, Dr Jayne Donegan’s Story, Vaccines & MMR

US Research Fraud, Tax Dollars And Italian Vaccine Mercury Study

Autism Not Genetic – Says Expert Professor Simon Baron Cohen

Recent US Data Shows Autism In Children Vastly Higher Than in Adults

Is Obama US Surgeon General Nominee Earnest Over Vaccines Causing Autism

Vaccination-Induced Autism, The Debate That Won’t Go Away

Lies, Damn Lies and Blog Posts

Chickenpox Vaccine & Death – New US Government Study

A newly published study from the US Centers for Disease Control is further formal confirmation chickenpox vaccine damages natural immunity and causes the more serious highly painful potentially fatal condition of shingles: The incidence and clinical characteristics of herpes zoster among children and adolescents after implementation of varicella vaccination.

It is  long and well known in numerous studies that shingles cases and deaths in adults and the elderly will increase as natural immunity wanes as a result of the chickenpox vaccine. It is however perplexing that the US CDC study authors declare themselves mystified by the increase in teenage shingles cases shown by their study.

Shingles is a serious painful condition in adults which causes death in some cases. Chickenpox is normally a mild disease in children which most children used to contract and gain natural immunity from.  Natural childhood diseases are known to prime childrens’ immune systems for future disease immunity.

The expansion of vaccination programmes worldwide across all ages is not health but marketing driven as the drug industry targets universal worldwide multiple vaccines for all for life as a new lucrative business model:- Pharma 2020: The vision PriceWaterhouse Coopers, New Report Forecasts More Than Doubling of Vaccine Sales by 2013 Reuters 11 June 2009, Kids’ vaccine market set to quadruple – By Anna Lewcock, Drug Researcher 20-Nov-2007.

And do vaccines cause autistic conditions?  If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News].  In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson

We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.

Despite all the lies and deceit by health official worldwide, the question “do vaccines cause autism” was answered after the Hannah  Poling story broke in the USA in February 2008 [see CHS article here].  Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day.  Under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. [Blue Text added 10 April 2011]

It is well-known that the introduction of childhood vaccines pushes disease incidence  into older age groups where the effects of the diseases can be more serious.  A similar effect occurs for example with mumps vaccine: Government Risks Male Sterility As Mumps Vaccine Fails – April 11, 2009 by childhealthsafety

Similar concerns about the chickenpox vaccine were reported by the UK Health Protection Agency when considering  whether to introduce UK chickenpox vaccination.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices also withdrew its support for the combined MMR chickenpox vaccine ProQuad because it causes children higher rates of  serious adverse  reactions:  MMR Kids Vaccine Linked to Fever-Related Convulsions – Associated Press via Fox News – February 28, 2008

The new CDC study, far from recording unexplained effects, further corroborates these known and serious consequences of the chickenpox vaccination programme.

A press release for a UK Health Protection Agency report states:

If a chickenpox vaccine were to be added to the childhood immunisation programme concerns have been raised that there would be an increase of shingles cases in adults as a result. This is because people who have had chickenpox are less likely to have shingles later in life if they  have been exposed occasionally to the chickenpox virus (for example through their children) as this exposure acts as a booster…

The modelling suggested that a two dose schedule at the levels of coverage likely to be achieved in the UK would lead to an increase of at least 20% of shingles in the medium term (approximately 15-20 years). This increase could be partially, but not completely, offset by introduction of a vaccination against shingles among those aged 60+.

Albert Jan van Hoek, who performed the research for the Health Protection Agency, said; “Our models suggest that vaccination would reduce the burden of chickenpox in the young. However, it will lead to an increase in shingles in the medium term in adults because they will not get that ‘boosting’ effect from being in contact with cases of chickenpox.

The new CDC sponsored study states:

Varicella vaccine substantially decreases the risk of herpes zoster among vaccinated children and its widespread use will likely reduce overall herpes zoster burden in the United States. The increase in herpes zoster incidence among 10- to 19-year-olds could not be confidently explained and needs to be confirmed from other data sources.

That these effects have long been known is demonstrated by Dr Gary Goldman in Medical Veritas, the International Journal of Toxicology and other journals:-

Interestingly, the published shingles (herpes zoster) incidence rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children, as well as adolescents reported by VASP/CDC authors in this current study nicely agree with prior research findings by Goldman who served as Research Analyst for the Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP) in 2002 and published the incidence rates in 2005 (Universal Varicella Vaccination: Efficacy Trends and Effect on Herpes Zoster. Goldman GS. International Journal of Toxicology 2005 Jul/Aug; 24(4):203-213

A Medical Veritas press release reports:

In historical shingles studies, shingles incidence generally increases with age.  In his 1965 paper, Dr. Hope-Simpson suggested, “The peculiar age distribution of zoster may in part reflect the frequency with which the different age groups encounter cases of varicella and because of the ensuing boost to their antibody protection have their attacks of zoster postponed.”

Lending support to this hypothesis that contact with children with chickenpox boosts adult cell-mediated immunity to help postpone or suppress shingles, is the study by Thomas et al. (Contacts with varicella or with children and protection against herpes zoster in adults: a case-control study. Thomas SL, Wheeler JG, Hall AJ. Lancet 2002 Aug 31;360(9334):678-82) that reported adults in households with children, had lower rates of herpes zoster (HZ) than households without children. Also, the study by Terada et al. (Incidence of HZ in pediatricians and history of reexposure to varicella-zoster virus in patients with HZ. Kansenshiogaku Zasshi 1995 Aug.; 69(8):908-912) indicated that pediatricians reflected incidence rates from ½ to 1/8 that of the general population their age.  Older parents, in their late 50s, who no longer have children in their household, demonstrate HZ at an incidence rate of 550/100,000 person-years. (Of course, those very elderly adults do experience a sharp rise in shingles incidence due to age-related decline in immunity.)

An earlier Medical Veritas press release warned of the increasing mortality and financial costs resulting from the chicken-pox vaccination programme:

Dr. Goldman’s findings have corroborated other independent researchers who estimate that if chickenpox were to be nearly eradicated by vaccination, the higher number of shingles cases could continue in the U.S. for up to 50 years; and that while death rates from chickenpox are already very low, any deaths prevented by vaccination will be offset by deaths from increasing shingles disease.  Another recent peer-reviewed article authored by Dr. Goldman and published in Vaccine presents a cost-benefit analysis of the universal chicken pox (varicella) vaccination program. Goldman points out that during a 50-year time span, there would be an estimated additional 14.6 million (42%) shingles cases among adults aged less than 50 years, presenting society with a substantial additional medical cost burden of $4.1 billion. This translates into $80 million annually, utilizing an estimated mean healthcare provider cost of $280 per shingles case.



If you are concerned write to your political representative. Don’t complain when politicians  do nothing if you do not write and keep on writing. It is their job to represent you. All our kids deserve proper science to protect their safety.

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Here is a link for you to copy and paste:-

Chicken-pox Vaccine & Death – New US Government Study



MMR Causes Autism – Another Win In US Federal Court

Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

Conflicted Government Expert Airbrushes Embarrassing Autism Science

Children Risk Untested Flu Vaccines In Hyped Pandemic

Doctor’s MMR Fears – 3,000 babies at risk

Gardasil Victims – In Memoriam – Healthy Young Women – Aged 15 to 21

Secret British MMR Vaccine Files Forced Open By Legal Action

Autism Rates Rocket – 1 in 38 British Boys – Cambridge Study

There Is No “Anti-Vaccine” Movement

Vaccines Implicated in Rocketing Childhood Diabetes Rates

Autism In Amish Children – 1 in 10,000

Parents Cure Autism – As Useless Docs Fail Kids

UK Government Caught Lying On Baby Hep B Vax Safety

UK Compulsory Vaccination Imminent

HPV Vaccine Questioned Internationally

World Pandemic Health News Round-Up

Swine ‘Flu Jokes

US Docs “Children to Die” In Flu Non-Pandemic

British Minister Misled Parliament Over US MMR Autism Case

Amazing Larry King Live TV Coverage of Autism & Vaccines

Larry King Live – Breakthrough Coverage & More

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

UK Government Hands Drug Industry Control of Childhood Vaccination

Government Risks Male Sterility As Mumps Vaccine Fails

Cambridge University Autism Expert Highlights Flaw In Reports of New Autism Paper

Can you ever cure autism? This mum believes her sons have recovered

MMR/Autism Cases Win In US Vaccine Court

UK Government Hides Yet More MMR Documents

Dr Andrew Wakefield Demolishes Ignorant US Vaccine Lobby

CDC’s New Dodgy Thimo Study – Shows Vax’ed/Un-Vax’ed Research Now Urgent

UK’s GMC, Dr Jayne Donegan’s Story, Vaccines & MMR

US Research Fraud, Tax Dollars And Italian Vaccine Mercury Study

Autism Not Genetic – Says Expert Professor Simon Baron Cohen

Recent US Data Shows Autism In Children Vastly Higher Than in Adults

Is Obama US Surgeon General Nominee Earnest Over Vaccines Causing Autism

Vaccination-Induced Autism, The Debate That Won’t Go Away

Lies, Damn Lies and Blog Posts

World Pandemic Health News Round-Up

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Recent health news:

  • W.H.O. plans for next year’s Gerbil diahorrea pandemic predict folks will drop in their billions [like swans with bird ‘flu] – (BBC);
  • the US FDA hope to announce Eli Lilly’s Gerbil diahorrea vaccine has passed clinical trials in time to save us – (The Times, London);
  • underemployed WHO officials announce plans to deal with the 2011 worldwide “Bovine Flatulence” pandemic – (The Sunday Times, London);

  • the CDC express hopes Merck’s new BFV vaccine will protect human hearing – reducing to less than 0.2 decibels likely noise levels – (New York Times);

  • in case of vaccine failure, using new powers under the UK Emergency National Pandemic Framework Guidelines, the Department of Health here has stockpiled 50 million ear plugs [sadly no plans to offer nose protection] – (Sarah Boseley – The Guardian, London);

  • the UK Ministry for Agriculture has contingency plans for mass slaughter of predicted millions of deaf livestock – (Jeremy Laurance – The Independent);
  • UNICEF announces grave concern over the world pandemic of world pandemics.  Journalists worldwide are most affected – (Mark Henderson – The Times).
A New York Times editorial comments that after SARS, the prior media scare stories of the world asteroid apocalyse ceased to appear, asking was it too far-fetched or no money in promoting it?  And further comments on a sad effect of swine ‘flu for our grandchildren in making flying pigs history.


Swine ‘Flu Jokes

US Research Fraud, Tax Dollars And Italian Vaccine Mercury Study

Worldwide Exclusive   –

[With thanks to the UK’s John Stone for his assistance]

[STOP PRESS:  See Yellow Highlight Section Below 4/Feb/09]

[Copy link to others: US Research Fraud, Tax Dollars And Italian Vaccine Mercury Study]

Documents disclosed here under US Freedom of Information show the US Centers for Disease Control [CDC] spends US tax dollars in foreign countries on studies to claim the vaccination programmes they promote for US children are safe when they know the results of the studies will produce false and misleading negative results.

Just such a study recently published from Italy funded by the US CDC claims to show that the known neurotoxic mercury additive in vaccines, Thiomersal, is not harmful to children and the study has received wide-spread publicity [“Neuropsychological Performance 10 Years After Immunization in Infancy With Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines” Tozzi et al, Pediatrics 123:2:475-482].

Mercury is toxic in parts per billion.What the US public were not told is that the study was certain to be unable to detect any effect.  The US CDC internal email exchange disclosed here [see more below] obtained under US Freedom of Information shows that to be able to detect any effect in children with the methods used, the dose applied by the age of 3 months had to be more than 50 millionths of a gramme of mercury and more than 100 millionths of a gramme by the age of 6 months.

Table 1 of the paper shows Italian children received by the age of 3 months two thirds of that minimum amount; no more 37.5 millionths of a gramme.  By 4 months they had only three quarters of that minimum: 75 millionths of a gramme and the maximum by six months was 100 millionths of a gramme, not enough to hit or exceed the threshold needed.


The 2001 exchange of emails was between Dr Thomas Verstraeten and Dr Robert Chen of the US CDC and Dr Elizabeth Miller of the UK’s Public Health Laboratory Service.  This also shows a dose of 75 microgrammes of mercury by the age of four months was insufficient to detect an effect.  Chen and Miller were at the time looking into a possible study of British children.  Italian infants were in the same category as British infants, receiving 75 microgrammes by the age of 4 months.


Do not be deceived into thinking there are no problems with the lower levels of mercury.  Studies like this Italian one and previous  internal studies by the US CDC are unable to measure the effects at lower levels.  It is an issue of precision – not absence of effect.

There were many other deficiencies in the Italian study.  The Journal, Pediatrics has today published a letter entitled “This study is misleading and was not scientifically worth doing” [John Stone, Pediatrics Online, 27 Jan 2009].

Notably, the study only included healthy children in the original vaccine trial so those most at risk were excluded.  The authors also missed out large numbers of other children most likely to be at risk. And as an example of how unrepresentative of the Italian child population this study was, 70% of the Italian parents  had College Degrees.

Children excluded from the study included:

  • an unknown number of underweight children who are likely to be more susceptible to injury
    • the body burden of mercury would be proportionately higher
    • underweight children are likely to include premature infants – [whose effective age is less and who are underdeveloped by the time they are vaccinated compared to full-term infants]
  • all unwell children at time of vaccination (susceptible group)
  • over 30% of children dropped out of the study and the authors acknowledged these may have included those injured, the parents not participating “because their children had cognitive developmental problems
  • there was no proper control group to make a comparison
    • the authors compared children who had mercury containing vaccines not against children who had no vaccines or no mercury but against children who had different vaccines with less mercury
Only one case of autism was identified from medical records out 1,704 (an order of magnitude lower than the UK and the US) which also casts doubts on the value of the study.

Stop Press

Evidence from the new Italian study of child disorders linked to vaccination provides strong evidence that independent impartial unbiased objective research is urgently needed comparing vaccinated against unvaccinated children

[“Neuropsychological Performance 10 Years After Immunization in Infancy With Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines” Tozzi et al, Pediatrics 123:2:475-482].

Why Is This Important?

Despite the US CDC expecting

  • no positive results
  • the blunt and imprecise nature of the study
  • its numerous defects

there were positive results.

Why “Only Two” Cases Are So Significant?

The study used tests and methods which are “blunt instruments”,  unlikely to distinguish anything other than large differences between the children studied.  The number of children was relatively small 1403, 30% of those most likely to have been affected had dropped out between the first study 10 years ago and the present one. so if there was any difference in the groups, this study started off by looking for “a needle in a haystack”.  In other words, the study would only be likely to distinguish only a very small proportion of “normal” from “abnormal”. Many kinds of differences like a drop in IQ of 5 to 25 points, or a fall in linguistic ability just less than a speech impediment would be unlikely to be revealed.

So if with such an imprecise study there are any positive results any statistically significant association would demand further enquiry.“Significantly associated” means that statistically the results  could not be dismissed as just within the expected error of the study.

Why Is Vax’ed vs Un-Vax’ed Research So Important?

The most likely means of standing any chance of detecting differences would be a very large study of vaccinated children compared to unvaccinated.  More sophisticated tests and assessments would be appropriate – not imprecise tests – “finger-tapping” tests or “Boston Naming”.

In addition, comparing vaccinated with vaccinated made it harder still to distinguish differences.  Children studied had been vaccinated and compared to some shall we say “a little bit less vaccinated than others”.  This meant that it was likely children with impaired ability were being compared with children with slightly less impaired ability.  This would narrow the size of any differences in impairment between the groups studied and made the whole exercise more imprecise still.

Is there Evidence of “Author Bias”?

The Italian authors state “only two” of the outcomes were “significantly associated”.  Why important? It shows author bias – coupled with the so far undisclosed financial conflicts of interests. “Only two” is like saying you are “only a little bit pregnant”.  It is more significant as the study was to be expected to produce no positive results of any kind, as ChildHealthSafety reported on 28th January.

Details of the main Italian author, Tozzi’s so far undeclared financial conflicts of interest have not been published by the US Journal Pediatics, although recently submitted by UK vaccine and health safety advocate, John Stone.

Fooling Third World Governments

The British study the US CDC was involved with with Dr Elizabeth Miller went ahead and also claimed to find no problems.  It was used to reassure third world governments that mercury in vaccines was safe.  It claimed the UK level of mercury was the same as the amount of thimerosal used by developing countries that follow the World Health Organisation’s expanded immunization schedule.  It was not.  Disclosed here is information under UK Freedom of Information showing the WHO schedule exposes the less well fed and more susceptible third world infants to 187.5µg of mercury  but by 14 weeks, not 6 months.  Third world children are at a much higher risk than US children ever were.

The US Centers For Disease Control and Drug Companies

This is not the first time the US CDC has been mired in controversy over mercury in vaccines. On 7-8 June 2000, a confidential private meeting without public scrutiny took place between vaccine manufacturers’ representatives, 51 US scientists, and a representative of the World Health Organization.  This was to discuss a study by US Centers for Disease Control expert Dr Thomas Verstraeten of increasing doses of Thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders in children.  Verstraeten used US Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) data, an official US governmental data bank on the children from US health maintenance organizations (HMOs).

Verstraeten’s study showed a dose-response relationship between Thimerosal in vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders in children that held up to rigorous statistical analyses.  This means Verstraeten’s study showed a causal association between the amount of Thimerosal in vaccines a child received and the extent to which the child developed the symptoms of impaired brain development .  These ranged from tics, speech impairment to symptoms of and full autism. The discussions can be read in the transcript of the Simpsonwood Conference obtained by US organisaton SafeMinds under Freedom of Information.

Three years later Dr Thomas Verstraeten, MD, MSc  [now working for GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Belgium] published a different paper in the journal Pediatrics: [“Safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines: a two-phased study of computerized health maintenance organization databases“.  Verstraeten T, Davis RL, DeStefano F, et al.  Pediatrics.2003; 112 :1039 –1048].   The new paper included another set of data from a third HMO, reorganised the criteria for inclusion of children and restructured the patient groupings, and  a less than statistically significant link was demonstrated. It was heavily criticised by campaigners and concerned experts. Verstraeten published a vigorous letter in his defence in which he rejected any suggestion of impropriety: [“Thimerosal, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and GlaxoSmithKline“]: PEDIATRICS Vol. 113 No. 4 April 2004, pp. 932.

What can be said about this?  When Verstraeten was a public official working for the US CDC there was a serious problem.  When Verstraeten was working for GlaxoSmithKline there was no problem.

Vaccine Risks Outweigh Risk of Disease

Autism – A serious problem being ignored

19 Children A Day – 4 in 5 is a Boy

Autism in Britian outstrips all other major disorders affecting British children combined and is substantially more serious than measles.  Every day 19 British children develop autism spectrum disorders:

  • this will be 600,000 British children and adults in the future (birth rate approx 600,000 p.a.)
  • and horrific prospects for expectant parents
    • 1 in every 54 boys will be on the Autistic Spectrum
    • autism affects 4 times as many boys
    • so 1 in 215 girls are affected as well

[* 19 a day and 1 in 54 come from: Baird et Al Prevalence of disorders of the autism spectrum in a population cohort of children in South Thames: the Special Needs and Autism Project (SNAP); Lancet 2006;368:210 –15.  This research revealed 1 in 86 British children are being diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders (116.1 in 10,000).

4/5   x   116.1/5000 =  1 in 54 (4/5ths of the 116.1 are boys and approx 5000 of the 10,000 children affected will be boys)]

Measles Comparison

See here how the risk to children in Western economies from measles is now insignificant for the vast majority MEASLES MORTALITY UK & USA.

Mercury in British Vaccines, Autism and Your Child’s Allergies

In addition to the new MMR vaccine, in 1990 infants were also “hit” with the “accelerated” DTP vaccine schedule – receiving three DTP shots – one each at 2, 3 and 4 months.  Prior to this the intervals were 3, 5 and 9 to 12 months of age. The DTP vaccine contained a highly neurotoxic ingredient.  The ingredient was an organo-mercury excipient called “Thiomersal” [“Thimerosal” in the USA].   Thiomersal is toxic in parts per billion – in extremely small dilutions. The vaccine was The Wellcome Foundation’s Trivax AD DTP vaccine. The Wellcome Foundation is now GlaxoSmithKline. Thiomersal was first introduced by pharmaceutical company Merck in the 1930s and was not clinically trialled for safety in use in vaccines.

Research shows that children with autism appear to have deficient mechanisms for expelling toxins like mercury and it accumulates in the body.

Revealed by ChildHealthSafety exclusively worldwide for the first time [22/Jan/09] information obtained under  the UK’s Freedom of Information confirms the British MHRA [Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency] has no data on how much Thiomersal was in Trivax AD DTP vaccine. Although the British DoH [Department of Health] claimed publicly to have known, that claim therefore appears incorrect.

Video: University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine – How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration

Your Child’s Allergies and Vaccines

Thiomersal is also known to induce allergy. Many children, in particular those with regressive autism, have serious problems with allergies.  Some have exceptionally high levels of IgE, [the allergic antibody immunoglobulin E].

Since the introduction of the accelerated DTP vaccination schedule in 1990 the prevalence of life-threatening food allergies in British children has also increased exponentially “Time trends in allergic disorders in the UK” R Gupta, A Sheikh, D P Strachan, H R Anderson, Thorax 2006;000:1–6.  Big rise in patients with deadly allergies – Jamie Doward, The Observer 16 Apr 2006.  Number of children treated for nut allergies soars Daniel Foggo, The Sunday Times April 2, 2006.

The date of the rise can be tracked back to 1990 using publicly available data. This increase has occurred in parallel with significant increases in other disorders like autism, asthma and childhood diabetes.

Thiomersal is a well recognised cause of allergies: [The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products – Medicines Evaluation Unit – Safety Working Party Assessment of the Toxicity of Thiomersal in Relation to Its Use in Medicinal Product SCPMP/SWP/I898/1998 – 8 September 1998].



And again revealed exclusively worldwide by ChildHealthSafety [22/Jan/09] is the recent British 2006-7 Parliamentary session House of Lords Science and Technology Committee Report “Allergy” [6th Report of Sesssion] makes no mention whatsoever of Thiomersal in vaccines being a potential and possibly most likely cause of the exponential rise in childhood allergies which has occurred since 1990 in the UK.

The use of Thiomersal in other pharmaceuticals [eg. contact len cleaning fluid] has been strictly controlled in Europe: CPMP Position Paper on Thiomersal – Implementation of the Warning Statement Relating to Sensitisation. The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products London, 21 October 1999 CPMP/2612/99]

Thiomersal contains 50% by weight of mercury.  There is no safe limit – only a “permitted daily/weekly tolerable” limit.  This is measured in parts per million per kilogramme of body weight.  Those limits apply when ingested in food]. This neurotoxic organo-mercury compound was injected directly into infants’ bodies at a time their bodies and nervous systems were developing the most rapidly at any time in their lives. The amount of thiomersal claimed to be in Trivax AD DTP vaccine was 50 millionths of a gramme injected directly into the body.

A 4 kilo weight 2 month old baby would have received in one injection 63 times higher than the permitted tolerable daily intake in food set by the US Environmental protection Agency and the UK’s Committee on Toxicity.

To protect infants the PTWI set by the UK Committee on Toxicity for intake of mercury compounds in food for women who are pregnant, or who may become pregnant within the following year, or for breast-feeding mothers is one tenth of a millionth of gramme per kilogramme of body weight per day – for a 9 stone woman [57 kg] that is 5.7 millionths of a gram per day.

Calculation of an infant’s daily and overall body burden of toxic mercury must also include the burden from environmental pollution.  [Sources include mercury in the air from power station emissions and in fish as a result of oceanic pollution by anti-fouling applied to ships’ hulls.  Mercury is liquid at room temperature and evaporates forming a toxic vapour in the air].

Also revealed worldwide by ChildHealthSafety [22/Jan/09] is that the British Government also had no data on Thiomersal content of many other vaccines around that time and some had more than claimed by the British government was in DTP.  Examples are Duncan Flockhart’s DTP vaccine – 130 millionths of a gramme  thiomersal per millilitre and Lister Institute Pertussis vaccine – 120 mcg/ml Thiomersal.  Accordingly, this brings into question how much was in Trivax AD DTP vaccine.

The British Government also hid this lack of knowledge from Parliament.  A further revelation made exclusively worldwide by ChildHealthSafety [22/Jan/09] is that British Health Minister Hazel Blears MP misled the English Parliament in 2001 when she said in a Parliamentary answer that “All childhood vaccines licensed since 1986 which have ever contained thiomersal as an excipient are listed in the table” [to the answer]. [House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 3 Jul 2001 (pt 19)]. The table contained no such details and listed only those vaccines granted a licence in the UK since 1993.

Julie Kirkbride MP had asked for the “vaccines …. licensed since 1986 which contain thiomersal“.

If you are asked have you been licensed to drive your car since 2006, you will answer “yes” even if you have held a licence since 1980.  Blears’ answer was in fact the answer to the question of the “vaccines granted a licence since 1986 which contain Thiomersal”.

But, it seems mercury is not the only problem [See US Court Decisions and Other Recent Developments – It’s Not Just MMR – here Secret British MMR Vaccine Files Forced Open By Legal Action].

In Whom Can You Trust

The British Government

The British Government claims Thiomersal was phased out of its childhood vaccines in October 2004 [but vaccine stocks may have taken longer to run down and how safe is what has replaced it?].

A previously confidential 1991 internal Merck memorandum published by the USA’s  Los Angeles Times shows the UK authorities had then known about the problem and were privately expressing concern to the vaccine manufacturer about the presence of mercury in vaccines.  This was along with Sweden, Japan and Switzerland: [‘91 Memo Warned of Mercury in Shots – By Myron Levin – LA Times – February 08, 2005].

So why did they take 13 years to do something about it and why did they and do they continue to tell the British public there is and was no problem when they knew there was and is?  And as vaccines also alter the functioning of the immune system, the removal of Thiomersal may well not be the only factor affecting the increases in autism, asthma, allergies and childhood diabetes.  [see more below – US Court Decisions and Other Recent Developments].

Independent Medical Professional Organisations

The US Institutes of Medicine published a report in 2001 on whether MMR caused autism [Immunization Safety Review – Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autism].

The IOM committee held closed meetings to discuss the report’s content and before considering the evidence.  A transcript of a meeting on 12th January 2001 was disclosed in Court proceedings [US District Court of Texas, Eastern District; Case #5:03-CV-141].

Here are some quotes from the transcript:-

  • [the Centers for Disease Control] “wants us to declare, well, these things are pretty safe on a population basis.” [p33]
  • We said this before you got here, and I think we said this yesterday, the point of no return, the line we will not cross in public policy is to pull the vaccine, change the schedule. We could say it is time to revisit this, but we would never recommend that level.   Even recommending research is recommendations for policy.  We wouldn’t say compensate, we wouldn’t say pull the vaccine, we wouldn’t say stop the program.” [p74]
  • we are not ever going to come down that it is a true side effect,” [p97]
  • Chances are, when all is said and done, we are still going to be in this category. It is just a general feeling that we probably still are not going to be able to make a statement,” [p123]

What You Can Do

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Here are links for you to copy and paste :-

Secret British MMR Vaccine Files Forced Open By Legal Action

CDC Fraud Tax Dollars And Italian Vaccine Mercury Study

UK Residents – Write To Your Politicians – Do It Now!

Write to your Member of Parliament with the link to this page. If you do not write to your MP, and do not keep on writing them, then don’t complain when politicians  do nothing.  Write to your Member of Parliament with the link to this page. It is their job to represent you.

Ask your MP to ask the UK’s Secretary of State to explain why the British Government allows officials of the UK’s Department of Health to cause the human rights of children to be violated.

To email your MP, all you need to know is your MP’s name.  MP’s email addresses are in the form:-

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Notes on terminology:-

In the US the official diagnostic definition of what we call “Autism Spectrum Disorders” or ASD are  instead called “Pervasive Development Disorders” or PDD for short.  That is under the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edn)” or “DSM IV” for short.

“Autistic Spectrum Disorder” is the term applied internationally under the “ICD” or “International Classification of Disease”

Many refer to ASD and PDD as “autism” but “autism” is a subset of the spectrum and is often referred to also as “childhood autism”, “typical autism” and “Kanner autism”.  [The common behaviours like hand flapping, loss of eye contact and suchlike in young children are unmistakable, whereas other spectrum disorders like mild Aspergers Syndrome can be more difficult to diagnose.]

Copyright ChildHealthSafety 2009 – The authors hereby assert their moral rights.  All rights reserved.