EU’s New Autism Fix: No Causes No Cures – Get Big Pharma To Give ‘Em Drugs

Read this post from Gaia Health on the new EU research programme for autistic conditions:


New Autism Research Program: Big Pharma Profit Center with Taxpayers’ Help

March 23, 2012 by admin

The European Union has partnered with pharmaceutical corporations and Autism Speaks for the sole purpose of developing drugs to cram down the throats of autistics. Rather than doing honest research into the causes of this devastating condition, money is being poured into finding ways to suppress its symptoms.

A new organization, European Autism Interventions – A Multicentre Study for Developing New Medications  (EU-AIMS), has been formed to benefit Big Pharma’s bottom line at the expense of autistics. The plan is to simply accept that autism is here, in spite of its nonexistence or near nonexistence a few decades ago. The organization has no interest in autism prevention.

Project Goals

EU-AIMS states its goals as:

  • To develop and validate “translation research approaches” for the advancement of novel therapies.
  • To set new standards in research and clinical development to aid the drug discovery process.
  • Development of sites across Europe for clinical trials on autism, and create an “interactive platform for ASD professionals and patients”.

Let’s examine those goals:


New Autism Research Program: Big Pharma Profit Center with Taxpayers’ Help

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10 Responses

  1. No money for bringing the cause, prevention, treatment, and reversal of Autism to the public, even though it is effective and inexpensive. Money is the key and those non profit groups are also making millions!

  2. Yet another instance of the general principle that the illness industry is more profitable than the health industry. A well-known marketing concept is that people buy remedies rather than preventions. It also helps to cover up that the autism increase catastrophe has been caused by the introduction of non-gamma-2 amalgams from 1976 onwards.

  3. Robin, Your cause and effect of non-gamma-2-amalgams will not withstand the analysis of variation by State, in the US. The most extreme example is Minnesota and Iowa. Nice try!

  4. If this site is going to be censored, when facts are presented, then I am done!

    [ED: ?????????????????.]

  5. “Your cause and effect of non-gamma-2-amalgams will not withstand the analysis of variation by State, in the US. The most extreme example is Minnesota and Iowa.”

    Nice example of a “it’s wrong because” reaction (though I guess in this case some of the vaccine-blaming agenda too). In what way is the Minn/Iowa data incompatible? For a start I never said ALL autism is due to non-gamma-2, only the near-worldwide great increase. Secondly I factor in the amount of outdoor ventilation (of their amalgam vapor) people get, which correlates strongly negative with autism as found by Waldman Nichols Adilov etc.

    [ED: It would be helpful if instead of rhetoric “MrKnowItAll” would provide source references for his claims and you do too so others reading can assess the evidence themselves?]

  6. It will soon be proved that components of the MMR Vaccine cause Autism.Courts already have accepted it, with heavy awards.
    Fact. In the UK 1 child has died from measles in the past 72 years,
    and that child had other complications.
    Fact.1 person dies from mumps about every 8 years, usually an
    Fact. There are no recorded deaths from rubella in the UK.
    Fact. Contracting each or all these diseases in the wild,
    strengthens the Immune system.
    Fact. Unvaccinated children develop far fewer diseases through life.
    Fact. Catching measles as a child, prevents more than half the
    cases of breast cancer in adult women.[Aegis website]
    Fact. The same applies to ovarian cancers but I can’t find the
    statistics.It relates to all wild cases of the MMR diseases..
    See Anita Petek-Dimmer at her Aegis site for more, or go to
    Fact. Being bitten by a cobra in the UK is more likely than a child
    catching diphtheria. Do we vaccinate against cobra venom?
    Fact. The pertussis vaccine causes far more damage and deaths
    than catching pertussis. More than 50% of cases prove to be
    amongst the fully vaccinated. Would any parent agree to
    vaccination knowing this?
    Fact. According to Anita’s website, you cannot prevent tetanus by
    vaccinating. The body cannot produce antibodies after being
    struck by tetanus, so how can any vaccine be effective?
    Do any GPs tell Parents this?
    Fact. Vaccination is not Immunisation. No vaccine can immunise.
    These are deliberate lies spread to make parents believe in
    the whole deceit of vaccination. Just look at all the statistics
    of disease outbreaks amongst fully vaccinated children.
    I think that destroys all credence for the MMR and DPT vaccines?
    Fact. Dr Kalokerinos who spent most of his life caring for children
    describes vaccination as a giant hoax, and declares that
    Save the Children and other Charities’ aims are to kill the
    children with vaccines.[See] He reduced Aboriginee
    child deaths from 50% to almost zero, by taking them off
    vaccines and injecting them with IV Vitamin C instead.
    Fact. The flu vaccine gives some protection to 1 in 100
    according to Meta Studies done by Cochrane. The vaccine
    contains 3 times the permitted adult dose of mercury.
    Fact. Dr Mark Porter, The Times of London’s Pin-up Doctor claimed
    in his December Column that he was “pro-immunisation”..Of
    course it was a slip of the pen. He meant to say
    vaccination.We will assume he knows the difference. After all,
    he was awarded the MBE for something. In his column he
    said both he and his 2 Daughters have had all the vaccines
    they “were supposed to have” , “including the annual flu
    I emailed asking why he didn’t treat them with Vitamin D
    instead of the useless flu vaccine. He replied saying he was
    a firm believer in Vitamin D and had given many talks on the
    BBC and in other media on its efficacy. and his Daughters do
    indeed take it in the winter.
    Now please pay attention. He then said his Daughters had
    not had any flu jabs. “Why should they when they are fit and
    healthy”? [Why do you tell lies Daddy? is it because they pay
    you so well”?]
    I take it this means he believes no person who is fit and
    healthy should submit to any vaccines?. Not what he
    advocates in his Column. Either he doesn’t write it or he is
    suffering from a bad case of amnesia and can’t remember
    what he said even last week.[He is a practising GP]
    When I pointed out these inconsistencies- [he also
    believes that smallpox was eradicated by vaccines, when the
    truth is the vaccine killed millions, and better hygiene
    eventually solved the problem] he got angry and pulled the
    plug on any future emails.
    I should point out that there is no mention of his wife
    subjecting herself to any vaccinations.The kind of support one
    would expect to see in such a prestigious Newspaper Column.
    [purportedly] I have checked. He is married, and no mention
    of them not being together.
    But still, with a photo on his Column which I am pretty sure
    was taken some years ago, of the young tousle-haired
    Doc–he is now 48– and an MBE to boot, I imagine
    young Mums swoon and will believe anything he says. You
    may also think that the coloured drawing at the top of his
    showing a syringe spurting out droplets of toxins with a little
    red heart in the droplets, is not in the best possible taste?
    Perhaps this was only there for his comments on what he
    mistakenly calls “Immunisation” and which he clearly doesn’t
    believe in anyway?[See article about 12th December]

    Suggestion. All advocates of vaccination including those with the MBE agree to subject themselves and their children to multiple vaccine shots, say a minimum of 6 in a day. Their pre-teen daughters to submit to Gardasil, which doesn’t work, but has probably killed hundreds of young girls already. Make them all take these numbers of vaccines in one session, like they treat infants under 12 months whose immune systems are still not properly formed.. Put their Doctor’s arm where their mouth is?
    After all, if they tell their patients all these vaccines are good for them, there can be no reason for not letting all members of their Family benefit, can there?

  7. In reply to John – I am not here to defend vaccines, but there are some problems with your comment here.
    Your comment consists of a long string of assertions unsupported by any stated evidence. You just keep adding in the word “fact” as if that somehow converts a mere assertion into a self-evident truth. It doesn’t.

    Anyway I don’t have much dispute with most of your facts/assertions. Just the following as I’ll explain.

    >”It will soon be proved that components of the MMR Vaccine cause Autism.”

    Really? You know the science results before the studies have been done? Anyway in science-practice a causal relationship is never entirely “proved” but only proved beyond a certain level of confidence. You don’t indicate what scientific evidence is leading you to this confidence.

    >”Courts already have accepted [MMR causing autism], with heavy awards.”

    Really? What courts? There was the huge Autism Omnibus Proceedings which (rightly or wrongly) shovelled the MMR hypothesis firmly into the bin (along with the thimerosal and combined hypotheses).

    And anyway, court judgments are not scientific evidence. At best they use science evidence as an input rather than output. And they decide on 50/50 balance of probabilities, very far from the “proof” of which you wrote.

    >”Being bitten by a cobra in the UK is more likely than a child
    catching diphtheria. Do we vaccinate against cobra venom?”

    Surely not, for the simple reason that vaccines are (supposed to be) a measure only against infective agents such as viruses and bacteria. Since when has venom been an infective agent?

    >”According to Anita’s website, you cannot prevent tetanus by
    vaccinating. The body cannot produce antibodies after being
    struck by tetanus, so how can any vaccine be effective?”

    A googling of [tetanus antibodies] indicates that a great many think that tetanus can induce antibodies. Why do you think otherwise?

    >”After all, he was awarded the MBE for something.”

    In my experience, all awards, “qualifications”, etc, are given to those who flatter or keep happy the powers that be, and especially to those who tell whopping outrageous lies in the process. So what’s the surprise about Mark Porter there?

  8. Perhaos Robin Clark should do some research? When I say “Fact” I am quoting from reliable sources, particularly
    Many Courts have made awards accepting the connection between Autism and the MMR vaccine in particular. Why doesn’t Robin do some research before accusing me of misleading?

    I never said “scientific evidence” proved the connection.If Courts have been giving these Awards for 20 years, I believe we can infer the Judgements were given because the the Court decided the evidence presented, established the cause beyond reasonable doubt.The latest award was made in Italy recently, as very well reported on this website.The Italiabn Government did not deny the connection, which speaks volumes.

    Re my tetanus comments, if the vaccine does produce antibodies,it doesn’t prove they will prevent the disease. The evidence proves the vaccine doesn’t work since half or more persons developing tetanus in Australia and Europe were fully vaccinated.Stop asking me for eviidence. Look it up.

    Eminent Doctors and Researchers such as Kalokerinos, Scheibner and Petek-Dimmer are adamant that the Tetanus vaccine cannot work since it is a bacteria. I asked the Medical School at The University of Malta to dispute this. They refused to comment despite reminders. This could be because the DPT is mandatory in Malta, and there’s no way the University would deny the efficacy.

    Similarly the Health Minister in Malta also refuses to comment on all vaccine matters to which I have drawn his attention.
    His one reply to me some years ago was to the effect that the Flu Vaccine must be safe and effective, since the CDC in America says so.
    Either he knows nothing of the abysmal reputation of the CDC, in respect of its collusion with the Pharmas at all times, or he thinks he can fool a mere member of the public. What arrogance !!

    So before you attempt to ridicule me again Robin, I suggest you test all my comments against info published here on CHS, and also on

  9. Continued for Robin Clarke above.

    Antibody hoax – Disease Support Forums
    … are “positive” only when you have reached a very high level of antibodies. Below this level, you are said to be negative. [1995] INTERVIEW STEFAN LANKA .. – Cached

    “Inducing Antibodies does not produce immunity”

    You say:
    “A googling of [tetanus antibodies] indicates that a great many think that tetanus can induce antibodies. Why do you think otherwise?”

    We produce antibodies all the time.

    If the whale comment is correct, your statement is irrelevant.

    I don’t think. I quote from persons qualified to speak. Antibodies do not infer any protection.

  10. “So before you attempt to ridicule me again Robin,”

    But I was not “ridiculing” you, merely raising some points of query to what you had written. Your response is at some points reasonably credible, at some other points just repeating the same fallacies as I had already unpicked (e.g. the fallacious assumption that court ‘judgments’ are evidence of the scientific truth), and at still other points rather ironic. For instance you say “His one reply to me some years ago was to the effect that the Flu Vaccine must be safe and effective, since the CDC in America says so.”
    And yet near the top of your same comment you say your “facts” must be soundly evidenced just because says so. Now I am not here saying that anything on (etc.) is untrue, indeed I have much appreciated its information myself, but I wouldn’t go so far as to reckon it to have a self-evident magic wormhole through to the truth of everything it proclaims.

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