BBC Correspondent Seriously Ill After Yellow Fever Jab – Drug Maker Sanofi Pasteur Denies Evidence of Link [As Usual]

The UK’s Mail On Sunday newspaper reports today “BBC’s Man in Greece became psychotic and believed he was Jesus after yellow fever jab”  Charlotte Eagar 4th December 2011.  Within hours of the Stamaril jab from drug company Sanofi Pasteur:

Mr Brabant’s temperature had spiked and his condition deteriorated rapidly. He became psychotic, sobbed and saluted at television pictures of military uniforms during the Royal Wedding and believed he was Jesus.”

The familiar figure from BBC foreign news reports, who has been missing from British TV screens since April this year, remains seriously ill.  The Mail reports:

Mr Brabant, 55, an award-winning veteran of the siege of Sarajevo, is currently in hospital in Copenhagen, the home town of his wife, best-selling Danish writer Trine Villemann.”

His wife started an online petition on about 25th November [found here Sanofi Pasteur – Truth Now!.  Ms Villemann met her husband during the siege  of Sarajevo when she was a TV  producer. 

She claims French drug company Sanofi Pasteur:‘ignored me for months until I started this internet campaign and petition. They just said the vaccine was fine.’ 

She wrote on 28th November:

I have spent the entire day at the hospital with my husband. He was a bit more upbeat, but also angry, VERY angry.”Every time I get back on my feet, I am slammed down again by this devastating vaccine. When will it end? And when will someone take responsibility for what happened to me,” he asked and added:”There has to be justice, not just for me but for the next poor bugger, who gets a Sanofi Pasteur jab and suffers like I have.” PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION BELOW! Trine B.

So don’t do anything else until you have signed the petition here  Sanofi Pasteur – Truth Now!

And after you have signed the petition you can post a comment on the petition site and point out that when millions of children around the world have developed autistic conditions and other serious health problems after a vaccine Malcolm Brabant, all his BBC fellow news reports, his news Editors and everyone else at the BBC have just ignored the plight of these children and let the drug companies get away with in it.  Worse, they continually pump out news stories fed to them by UK Government Health Officials promoting vaccines and downplaying people who raise serious issues about vaccine safety.

We also suggest you ask why if they want your help they are not helping all these sick injured and dead children and their families.  You can ask them why, when it was not convenient to Malcolm Brabant to report on vaccine safety he failed these children in his obligations as a journalist but now his family are turning around and asking for your help.  That’s right – your help.

This is what has happened to him witnessed by his 12-year-old son, Lukas.  Within hours his temperature was 104F, he was shaking and shivering. His bed was rocking backwards and forward.  He developed insomnia became irritable and anxious.  He suffered delusions.  He became psychotic and was convinced he was Jesus. He recovered and returned to work, but had a relapse in July and was flown to a psychiatric hospital in Britain. He recorded only occasional reports over the past few months and moved with his family to Copenhagen.  He was in hospital again on November 8 and has suffered from blood clots on his lungs.

Ms Villeman says about Sanofi Pasteur.

They ignored me for months until I started this internet campaign and petition. They just said the vaccine was fine.’

And Sanofi Pasteur issued the usual junk science claims saying:

Carefully investigating all the medical information that was disclosed to us up to July 2011, we have been unable to establish evidence for a causal relationship between the administration of the  yellow fever vaccine Stamaril and the reported medical conditions.’

Does that sound familiar. Yes it certainly does. This is what all these companies say and dump the victims on their families with no help, no compensation.

Government Health Officials worldwide do the same. Most Doctors do the same and so do most of their professional organisations.

A big culprit of course is the American Association of Pediatricians whose members earn vast sums giving a huge number of vaccines to previously well American children at “Well baby visits”. A lot of American kids are not so well after and the numbers of children who would develop problems catching the natural disease would be far lower.

See Yourself What Vaccines Can Do To Previously Normal Healthy Babies  November 12, 2011 by childhealthsafety

You should also ask why in the 21st Century there is no measles pill so only sick kids get treatment and your kids are not put at risk. The answer is the drug companies, the profits they make not just from vaccines but from the drugs needed to treat the conditions in children the vaccines cause, corruption in the medical professions, corruption in Government health departments and the money doctors make giving vaccines and then treating the harm they have caused by giving them.

US Mind Altering Drugs Given to Kids – Recent News

CHS brings you some recent US news from about harmful mind altering psychiatric drugs being given to US children including children less than a year old.  Whilst the news about a report to be published today from the Federal Government’s Accountability Office focuses on foster children, the net of drug industry profiteering from harmful drugs given to US children and other children around the world is much wider and not limited to children in foster care.

When you read these stories ask yourself, “what about the children who are not in foster care getting these drugs?” and “What are doctors and psychiatrists playing at?  Can you trust them? Where’s the science?  Out to lunch?” 

The Columbian drug cartels are like a corner store compared to these guys.  And don’t forget to visit The Institute for Nearly Genuine Research for some hard facts laced with humour about the barking mad world of the drug industry’s psychiatric drugs:-

The Institute for Nearly Genuine Research


Three Recent News Stories On Hard Psychiatric Prescription Drugs For US Kids


VIDEO – ABC NEWS – A HORRIBLE SECRET – What the U. S. Government does to Foster Care Children

U.S. Government Fails to Oversee Treatment of Foster Children With Mind-Altering Drugs

Nov. 30, 2011

The federal government has not done enough to oversee the treatment of America’s foster children with powerful mind-altering drugs, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report to be released Thursday.


Thousands of foster children were being prescribed psychiatric medications at doses higher than the maximum levels approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in these five states alone. And hundreds of foster children received five or more psychiatric drugs at the same time despite absolutely no evidence supporting the simultaneous use or safety of this number of psychiatric drugs taken together.


The GAO found foster children were prescribed psychotropic drugs at rates up to nearly five times higher than non-foster children.


In Texas, foster children were 53 times more likely to be prescribed five or more psychiatric medications at the same time than non-foster children.

[See ABC NEWS Video and Story here]


A possible solution to force a decline in child psych drugging

Youth Today
Administration Concerned About Psych Meds and Foster Youths
No regulation from feds yet; just information sharing
November 29, 2011

By John Kelly

Starting this summer, states will have to provide the federal government with details about how they control the use of psychotropic medications on youth in foster care.

The Obama administration said in a letter to state officials The Obama administration said in a letter to state officials last week that it was concerned about the “safe, appropriate and effective use” of the drugs, which are most often prescribed to adolescents in connection with a diagnosis for mood or conduct disorders, though many child advocates believe they are frequently used as chemical restraints because of their numbing effect on kids.
[continue reading…]


A Possible Federal Solution to Psych Drugging of Kids

Youth Today

Rate at Which Psychiatric Meds Are Prescribed to Foster Youth Alarms GAO
Administration could mull regulation of monitoring, prescribing practices
December 01, 2011
by John Kelly

The Obama Administration told states last week of its intention to find out more about their practices when it came to monitoring the use of psychotropic drugs with children in foster care. Today, the reason for the interest became apparent, and calls for federal regulation of use of the drugs on foster children could soon follow.

A Government Accountability Office (GAO) study released this morning recommended that the Department of Health and Human Services “consider endorsing guidance for states on best practices for overseeing psychotropic prescriptions for foster children.”

The GAO reviewed nearly 100,000 foster children in five states – Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oregon and Texas – found thousands of children on psychiatric medications, many at higher doses than are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Read on for more …..