Officials Covered Up “Massive” UK Measles Outbreak in Highly MMR Vaccinated Children & Adults – Officials Withheld The Evidence – Parents Not Warned – Children Unprotected – BBC Directly Implicated

In 2012 and 2013 outbreaks of measles occurred in large numbers of children and adults in areas of highly vaccinated populations in the North of England.   The North of England outbreaks involved the same MMR vaccine in use in the USA, Merck’s MMR II. 

Instead of warning parents in the North that their children were at risk and taking precautionary measures, nothing was said.  The British public were not told the MMR vaccine was failing to protect children from measles. 

A classic diversionary misinformation tactic was employed by British health officials to cover up this major failure of the MMR vaccine to protect children from an age old childhood disease.

CHS brings its readers full details of the official figures with extracts of the official documents in which they appeared.

As CHS previously reported, a journal paper published in 2012 reported that Merck’s MMR II vaccine was not working and a new vaccine was called for by the author: Mayo Clinic Expert Confirms Measles Vaccine Is Failing – So it’s NOT the unvaccinated.

In January and February 2013 there were 265 laboratory confirmed cases of measles in the North of England reported on Page 4 Health Protection Briefing Note 2013-19 Measles outbreak in England Jan+Feb 2013 authorised to be published by Dr Mary Ramsey of Public Health England Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance and Control (CIDSC). These were over half the confirmed cases in the whole of England in 2013 up to that time [450 laboratory confirmed cases]. 

The rate of overreporting of measles cases meant only 1 in 4 reported cases were measles, so 450 cases translates to approximately 1800 reported cases with over 900 of those notifications being in the North of England:

[Click on Table to enlarge and view in a new window]

Table confirmed cases from Health Protection Briefing Note 2013-19 Measles outbreak in England Jan+Feb 2013

It was predictable that the North of England measles outbreaks in these highly vaccinated populations could cause outbreaks elsewhere in the UK. And it seems they did.

In comparison to the already far higher numbers in the North of England which had started at the beginning of November 2013, the position in Wales was comparatively insignificant.  By 7th February 2013 there had been approximately 40 laboratory confirmed cases in Wales. The October 2013 final report into the Welsh outbreaks confirmed there had been 168 measles notifications compared by that time to the 1800 notifications in England and exceeding 900 in the North of England.

UK government health officials in early 2013, lead by Dr Mary Ramsey of Health Protection England, deliberately focussed attention on smaller outbreaks in South Wales and the public were not warned about the scale of measles outbreaks in the North of England.  The media were generally not kept informed about what was happening in the North.  It was made to look like the whole of the UK was put at risk by the vaccination dissenters in Wales.  The truth and the official statistics indicate the reverse.  The failure of the MMR vaccine was putting the country at risk of measles outbreaks.  Wales was used to divert attention.

Outbreaks in the UK were in effect being blamed on the many dissenting parents in Wales who were justifiably undecided about vaccination for their children in view of the serious risks vaccination poses to far too many children and the relatively low risk in comparison that measles in reality poses.  Every week over months all the news in the UK about measles was about Wales and the parents who had not vaccinated their children. There were weekly media briefings and press releases over months.  Little to nothing was said about the position in the North. 

Dr Mary Ramsey and others used the opportunity to create a scare by focussing on Wales and not publicising the scale of the pre-existing outbreaks in the heavily MMR vaccinated North of England which predated those in Wales and which it seems may have caused them.  This appears to have been a cynical attempt to increase the vaccination statistics in areas of lower vaccination uptake. 

As the expectant and then shortly after appointed Head of Immunisation, Public Health England, Dr Ramsey would be judged on her performance in getting children vaccinated.  So this gives the impression, perhaps unfairly and perhaps not, that the entire affair of measles vaccinations in England and how the outbreaks were publicised [and not publicised] were influenced by the internal political interests in Public Health England.  The priority was clearly to vaccinate.  Warning parents their vaccinated children were at risk from a failing MMR vaccine was not.

And its was done despite officials knowing Merck’s MMR II vaccine was not working as it was claimed publicly that it did.

By the end of August 2013 there had been 757 confirmed cases in the North as published in Health Protection Report Vol 7 No. 40 – 4 October 2013:

[Click on Table to enlarge and view in a new window]

Table Confirmed Cases from 2013 England confirmed - to End Aug hpr4013These figures did not include any cases from September to December 2012. In comparison, in Wales there had been in total of 432 cases confirmed with onset dates between 1 November 2012 and 16 June 2013, as reported in the October 2013 final report into the Welsh outbreaks.  The North of England had over twice the number of confirmed cases in a shorter period.

And putting all of this into context, the numbers in Wales and in the North of England were extremely low compared to the tens of thousands of cases in the 1960s and earlier which health officials even today use to claim 1 in 1000 children will die from measles when that is knowingly a serious untruth.  In the 1960s British doctors did not panic over a few cases of measles as CHS reported here with quotes from the British Medical Journal in 1959: British Medical Journal Tells Us – Measles Is Not The Scary Disease The Press Want You To Think It Is.

The role of the BBC, the UK’s public service broadcaster, paid for by a direct tax, a licence fee levy on all households having a television, shows that it acts as a mouthpiece for the establishment and fails to carry out the task of responsible journalism and news reporting.  When the Welsh outbreaks were dying out, a presentation was prepared on 24 April 2013 by Dr Mary Ramsey, Head of Immunisation, Public Health England and presented to the media

Following Dr Ramsey’s presentation, and using most of its charts and graphics, the BBC published a news story on

Measles outbreak in maps and graphics

How had Dr Ramsey briefed the BBC to describe the position in the highly vaccinated North?  This is what and how the BBC reported:

The cases at the opposite end of England have been put down to bad luck, despite the relatively high levels of vaccination there.”

It is a scandal of the 21st Century that there is still no effective treatment for children who contract measles.  The most powerful nation in the world cannot protect its children against a simple centuries old disease which is steadily dying out and that there is no effective treatment for measles.  What is the US NIH spending its US$40 billion tax dollar budget on each year and why is it not spent on a simple effective treatment for measles. 

Despite vaccination millions of children still die in third world economies from basic childhood diseases.  If instead there were an effective treatment for diseases like measles those lives could be saved. 

The President of the United States is the President of a country which has to watch from the sidelines as nuclear powers like India lead the world into space. He remains unable to protect US children from basic childhood diseases when the US has the ability to develop effective treatments to save lives.

It is also a scandal that the President of the United States has recently effectively demanded and bullied parents into vaccinating their children risking serious conditions like 1 in 60 developing autism as a result of vaccination and threatening them with all-out compulsory vaccination even for those children for whom vaccination poses a clear and present danger of serious consequences and even death.

As for the measles vaccine, for a supposedly well-established vaccine there are quite a large number of current measles vaccine trials:

1 Recruiting Immunogenicity and Safety of GSK Biologicals’ Combined Measles-mumps-rubella Vaccine in Volunteers, Seven Years of Age and Older

Conditions: Rubella;   Mumps;   Measles
Interventions: Biological: Priorix®;   Biological: Merck’s M-M-R®II, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine
2 Recruiting Immunogenicity and Safety Study of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Biologicals’ Combined Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) Vaccine in Subjects Four to Six Years of Age

Conditions: Rubella;   Mumps;   Measles
Interventions: Biological: Priorix®;   Biological: Merck’s M-M-R®II, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Virus Vaccine (also known as M-M-R Vax Pro™);   Biological: Kinrix®;   Biological: Varivax®
3 Recruiting Safety and Immunogenicity Study of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Biologicals’ Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine (209762) Compared to Merck & Co., Inc.’s MMR Vaccine in Healthy Children 12 to 15 Months of Age

Condition: Measles; Mumps; Rubella
Interventions: Biological: GSK Biologicals measles, mumps and rubella vaccine live (GSK 209762);   Biological: Merck & Co., Inc.’s M-M-R®II (also called M-M-R Vax Pro®), combined measles-mumps-rubella virus vaccine;   Biological: Varivax® (Merck & Co., Inc.);   Biological: Havrix®;   Biological: Prevnar 13® (Pfizer Inc.)
4 Not yet recruiting Study of Immunogenicity, Reactogenicity and Safety of the Combined Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine Produced by Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz in Children 12-15 Months of Age, Followed by Tetraviral Vaccine in Children 15-18 Months.

Conditions: Measles;   Mumps;   Rubella;   Varicella
Interventions: Biological: MMR  Bio-Manguinhos;   Biological: MMR GlaxoSmithKline

6 Recruiting

Safety & Immunogenicity of MMR Vaccine by DSJI to That by Needle-Syringe in 15-18 Months Old Children

Condition: Immune Response to MMR Vaccine
Intervention: Biological: MMR vaccine

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17 Responses

  1. Reblogged this on No Compulsory Vaccination and commented:

    In 2012 and 2013 outbreaks of measles occurred in large numbers of children and adults who had been vaccinated and who were living in areas of highly vaccinated populations in the North of England. The North of England outbreaks involved the same MMR vaccine in use in the USA, Merck’s MMR II.
    Instead of warning parents in the North that their children were at risk and taking precautionary measures, nothing was said. The British public were not told the MMR vaccine was failing to protect children from measles.

  2. Clearly the vaccine doesn’t work, and as expected but not admitted to by the manufacturers, you are more susceptible to the problem you are vaccinated for once vaccinated. It is highly immoral that measles was even put on the schedule. A mild childhood disease that once had confers lifelong immunity. The official govt stats. in 1955, 3 deaths per 10,000,000. Vaccine was introduced in 1963 and so far has recorded over 100 deaths from the vaccine. If you add up that you are 33.33 times more likely to die from the vaccine than by catching the measles and! that obviously the vaccine doesn’t work anyway so why have it in the first place if you are being placed on or nears deaths door by having it, not to mention all of the suspect ingredients that are injected along with it. Save your children, save yourself some grief, study what Andrew Wakefield discovered about the vaccine and do yourself a favour. Keep well away from your doctor when he/she pulls out the innocent little needle.

  3. There is no conventional medical treatment for measles. But there is highly effective treatment available via homeopathy. And I thought the article says, correctly, that measles is not normally a serious disease earlier the article.

  4. I can read this article, yet as a statistician I cannot help to be suspicious that it has not been fully explained. With any group of anything or anyone (the relevant population to the matter) there will always be a minority portion that fall out of the range expected. Standard deviations are usual and expected. The question here, is how many vaccinated compared to outbreaks there were. Probability due to chance has always to be accepted as reflective, and as far as I am aware all research allows a small probability factor. What were the figures in this case and are all over external variables also listed which may be relevant? I am NOT saying that the vaccines are foolproof and was told this when choosing whether to inoculate, or not, my children. Things are determined on a case of probability. As with everything, it’s up to each of what we decide to do regarding vaccinating our children, but do it with ALL the information, not just bits. The raw figures are often rather more helpful than written articles (which by human nature will always contain a bias).

    [ED: Congratulations. You win two prizes. The Golden Foil Hat for missing the point and the Albert Nein Stein prize for a grand effort at pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo. Health Officials blamed parents of unvaccinated Welsh children for a measles outbreak in Wales supposedly threatening the whole of the UK and kept quiet about large outbreaks in the North of England in highly vaccinated populations which had already happened and predated the Welsh “outbreaks”.]

  5. Excellent article once again, telling it how it is.
    I have been collecting parents voices of vaccine injury,you can add your voice or read their stories at When will this madness end and the authorities wake up to the fact that hundred of thousands of our children are all brain injured in some way.

  6. I was always very suspicious about those overhyped Welsh so called measles cases, ( notified >1500; actual lab confirmed Jan-August 2013, around 250). A peep at the lab confirmed measles and mumps cases , shows mumps cases actually EXCEED measles cases in both 2012 & 2013. This is significant because mumps is now officially ‘endemic’ in young adults in our UK colleges and universities. It seems both the mumps and measles MMR components lose efficacy, just at a time when both diseases can be more serious; young males can be rendered sterile.
    It’s significant Welsh Health Spokesperson Sara Hayes claimed unvaccinated teenagers, whose parents had been put off MMR vaccine by Dr Wakefield , were responsible for the Welsh measles cases-they weren’t. In fact one of the largest ‘spikes’ was 1-4 years, a cohort claimed to be > 95% MMR vaccinated. The Welsh Health Dept had previously received a complaint from Cardiff University about the high numbers of students contracting MUMPS!

    All laboratory confirmed cases of measles, mumps and rubella: England and Wales (England only).

    Year Measles Mumps Rubella
    2012 2030 (1912) 2564 (2476) 65 (65)
    2013*1843 (1413) 4035 (3524) 12 (12)

  7. The mumps situation is the same in the US, with many cases linked to fully MMR vaccinated young adults in University campuses. Paul Offit, famed for castigating parents who question vaccine safety and efficacy, here admits the mumps MMR component may not last into adulthood. On another TV panel, Offit also admitted his own Rotavirus vaccine can cause dangerous bowel twists in infants. With all the present hype and hysteria about a few Disney linked measles cases -many of them vaccinated, why no media coverage about MMR mumps vaccine failures, and the dangers of Offit’s Rotateq vaccine?
    “Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, says the mumps portion of the vaccine also becomes less effective after about 10 years.

    “We’ve never eliminated mumps,” he says. “It doesn’t induce as long-lasting of a response as measles and rubella.”

    Meanwhile, mumps cases in the U.S. can range from roughly a couple hundred to a couple thousand, varying from year to year. In 2010, there were 2,612 cases, and in 2012, there were 229, according to the CDC.

    Such cases primarily have emerged in close, crowded communities where people have had prolonged contact with each other. Some small outbreaks have occurred at college campuses, and a larger outbreak occurred among Orthodox Jewish communities in the New York City area.”

  8. Great work as always, CHS. I was curious about what you pointed out as overreporting of measles cases, so I found these:

    In this study, only 1/5 of the reported cases were confirmed to have measles, although the majority were tested.

    “During the outbreak 226 (98.3%) cases had their serum samples tested for measles specific IgM. Of these, 48 (21.2%) were positive for IgM antibodies against measles virus, 154 (68.1%) negative, 5 (2.2%) indeterminate, while in 19 (8.4%) cases, results were not received.

    “Some rash and fever illnesses may have been misclassified as measles, and there may be over diagnosis of measles during the outbreak period. ”

    “Parvovirus and human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infections are often clinically misdiagnosed as measles or rubella.

    “Inaccuracy of clinical diagnoses was soon realized to be a problem in Finland, because after introduction of the MMR program, most suspected cases were not confirmed serologically as an MMR disease.

    “Between 1982 and 1995, serum samples from 2,299 vaccinated Finnish children with clinical illnesses resembling measles or rubella were obtained. Measles or rubella was diagnosed in 135 (5.9%).

    “Furthermore, the selection of viruses for testing in this study did not cover all of the viruses known to cause a rash with fever, which may have caused the disease in some of these children. Therefore, in all likelihood, the current figures probably underestimate the extent to which other viruses were responsible for the etiology of measles- or rubella-like diseases in a vaccinated population.”

    Cited in the above study – but these were done in England:

    “In notified cases of measles, Brown et al. [4] showed, by laboratory tests, that only 15% of vaccinees and 47% of non-vaccinees really had measles, whereas Shirley et al. [5] confirmed rubella in only 36% of clinically suspected cases among unvaccinated persons.

    “Anderson et al. [6] found rubella in 24% and parvovirus infection in 8% of patients suspected of rubella, and Tait et al. [7] found acute HHV-6 infection in 87% of children with clinical diagnoses of measles or rubella.”



    6. abstract available here:


  9. There is an effective treatment — Vitamin A. WHO state is can cut mortaily from measles in third world malnourished children.

  10. […] Cover-up of MMR failure in Britain […]

  11. […] withheld the evidence.  Parents not warned.   Children unprotected.  BBC directly implicated. Feb 8, […]

  12. […] withheld the evidence.  Parents not warned.   Children unprotected.  BBC directly implicated. Feb 8, […]

  13. […] withheld the evidence.  Parents not warned.   Children unprotected.  BBC directly implicated. Feb 8, […]

  14. […] withheld the evidence. Parents not warned.   Children unprotected. BBC directly implicated. Feb. 8, […]

  15. […] Cover-up of MMR failure in Britain […]

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