Health Officials, Press & Police – Caught Covering Up Vaccine Death of Child Aged 2 – Officials Continued Vaccinations Harming Many More Children With Dangerous Known Useless Flu Vaccine

Regular CHS readers know one too many health officials lie about the dangers for children of vaccines, but in this case the cover-up was documented and copies of the documents were obtained and published. 

If you do not understand how zealotic one too many health officials are about promoting vaccines and covering up the hazards for your children, maybe this might help you. Greg Beattie of the renamed Australian Vaccination Network [‘AVN’] reports the case: Apparently “…there’s nothing to debate” May 20, 2014.

Whilst the documents have only recently been obtained, this relates to the Australian flu vaccination campaign in 2010 when the vaccine had to be withdrawn, but not before large numbers of Australian infants were harmed by a vaccine which is pointless for them.

After the body count mounted up Australian health officials eventually withdrew the vaccine but they did not admit to deaths:  Australia Bans Flu Vaccine – Child In Coma – Many Hospitalised with the Chief Medical Officer Jim Bishop claiming the concerns were:

about a spike in the number of West Australian youngsters experiencing fever and convulsions after getting the shot”: “Don’t give children flu jab: chief medical officer“  Syndey Morning Herald April 23, 2010

Despite a death giving Australian health officials plenty of reason to take precautions after the deaths, they carried on vaccinating until forced by the numbers of injured children to stop, with Bishop disingenuously saying:

This is a precautionary measure while the matter is being urgently investigated by health experts and the Therapeutic Goods Administration.”

This may be the first well-documented case of journalists being responsible for children’s injuries and deaths from vaccines for not reporting the news and covering it up instead.

To promote vaccines you can see an example of health officials faking the figures: UK Fakes Flu Death Numbers and then will claim children will die from flu when that is a bizarre shroud-wavingly false claim: “Children to Die” – Latest Flu Scaremongering.

Whilst flu is highly unlikely to kill, it seems the flu vaccine is much more likely to kill a child but parents will not know because, as can be seen, vaccine deaths and injuries are covered up as AVN’s Greg Beattie’s report records:

Brisbane two-year-old, Ashley Jade Epapara, died shortly after a flu vaccination on April 9, 2010, just two weeks before the vaccine was withdrawn nationally in a blaze of publicity due to severe reactions. Police attending the scene of the death told reporters there were no suspicious circumstances apart from the vaccine. But Queensland Health staff acted quickly to quash that suggestion, instructing police to “ensure no further statements of the nature were made”, and securing agreement from media outlets to not pursue the story.”

“With the story suppressed, the vaccine continued on a path of destruction, particularly in Western Australia where an aggressive campaign was underway to vaccinate every child in the state.”

If you read the full report from Greg Beattie you can see direct quotes from official documents of messages passing between officials covering up the death. The official cover-up meant parents were not warned that health officials were making sure their children were about to receive a dangerous vaccine which had already killed.

The Fluoride Action Network Australia obtained the documents under Australia’s Freedom of Information laws.  The messages passing between officials are remarkable and show what a hazard to your child’s health one too many government health officials are.  These AVN published official documents revealing the cover-up of the death can be found here: part 1 and this link for part 2.

But Australian taxpayers need not worry about these sorts of occurrences costing them any extra in taxes.  When this kind of thing happens one too many health and other government officials bend over backwards to deny vaccines cause the problem and deny compensation, leaving you, the parents, to care for what can be a child seriously injured for life and no justice for you or your child and no steps taken to ensure vaccines are not dangerous. And there is no extra cost for running prisons as no health officials will ever be going to gaol for killing children with vaccines.  The chances of the Australian police investigating health officials for criminal culpability is also likely to be zero.

If you want to get poor real quick – have a child suffering a vaccine injury like classic childhood autism needing lifelong 24/7 care so you have to give up your job and then worry about who will care for your child when you are dead.  Some parents in despair have killed their children and then themselves.

And the problem is of course that this was the flu vaccine which is one of the most useless and pointless vaccines there is especially for children: Can You Trust Known-to-be Corrupt Governments When They Also Push Useless Flu Vaccines.

So if you vaccinate your children, do bear these kinds of issues in mind.

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3 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for covering this issue! It is shocking that government officials can lie and possibly be responsible for hundreds of injuries and deaths which might have, had they simply taken their duty of care seriously, been prevented. I do have to correct you. The AVN did not actually apply for the freedom of information claim – that was done by Merilyn Haines from the Fluoride Action Network Australia. She had done wonderful work and has seen 17 or 18 councils in QLD stop mass medication in the water. Credit where credit is due 🙂 This story (about the flu vaccine cover-up) should be front page news but knowing the mass media and how they almost never report fairly, I doubt it will ever see the light of day except for in the alternative media. More power to you, CHS!

  2. […] Health Safety has an alarming post up of not only health officials covering up vaccine injury and death, but the police and media going […]

  3. [ED: This comment deleted.

    Trolling and internet stalking by a clearly compulsive obsessive member of a forum whose members block discussion but some of whose members for sport in their spare time disrupt other fora on the internet and attack, bully, abuse and harass ordinary people and parents of very sick children wanting to share information. These kinds of groups are organised for just such a purpose on the internet. To quote Dr Ben Goldacre himself commenting on his own BadScience Forum: “The time for talking has passed. I draw the line at kidnapping, incidentally.“. This is on a site owned and operated by Dr Ben Goldacre as a high profile opinion former in the mainstream medical professions].

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