GSK to Pay Out US$ Millions As Hundreds of Children In EU Get Narcolepsy and Cataplexy From GSK Vaccine

Some 800 children across Europe are so far known to have become seriously ill from the swine flu vaccine.

Narcolepsy is a chronic condition that causes people to fall asleep suddenly and without warning, while cataplexy causes people to lose consciousness when they are experiencing heightened emotion, including when they are laughing.  The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication. The majority of the cases involve children, but in the UK 6 healthcare workers are also seeking compensation.

GSK will not lose a cent.  It is protected from the UK claims by an indemnity clause in its contract with the UK government.  CHS previous reports include this: Vaccine Maker GlaxoSmithKline To Gain US$480,000,000 From Causing Narcolepsy in 800 Children With Its Flu Vaccine

Other recent reports include this from Norway:

European children suffer narcolepsy after swine-flu vaccinations

Report from a vaccine industry newsletter:

Report: U.K. facing $100M compensation payout relating to GSK’s swine flu vaccine  March 4, 2014 | By Nick Paul Taylor, Fierce Vaccines

Other reports:

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One Response

  1. […] ملايين الدولارات تدفع لما يقارب 800 طفل أوروبي أصيبوا بأضرار دائمة جراء تلقيهم #مطعوم انفلونزا الخنازير المصنع من عملاق صناعة #اللقاحات  جلاكسوسميث كلين GSK. رابط الخبر. […]

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